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GH: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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And more reason of why I loved the development of Stefan during said time I mentioned above that appears to have snowballed. 


But it was not the first time a show casted a couple that were love interests on one show and hoped for lightning in a bottle twice. Definitely was not the last, either. 


I simply loved that I knew SN as Stefan before I knew him as Patch. And the night and day was just such an awesome example of how well an actor can be. I see no Patch in Stefan and I never saw Stefan in Patch. Well done, SN. 



Thank you. Bullseye!!!


Also love the other info you spilled. I vaguely remember it so it was nice to be refreshed. 

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I find it weird that SB is looking like a whole snack body wise. lol. That said...watching Jason with Diane and now Carly, I can't help, but feel they seem to be giving Jason the story that Drew had when he was Jason. The disconnection from Sonny, the mob (?), and that kind of life. To have a new life that is...legal. Cuz Jason wanting to use his half of Sonny's coffee business to make COFFEE??? Okay...so I expect a connection with the Quartermaines again soon. And the more they do this...it simply makes Drew look more and more irrelevant...proving Drew right about his place in Carly's life, but still...LOL.


Okay so they are not going to reveal the Drew/Nina hate sex yet. Hmmmm...interesting. Something to explode in May Sweeps? Speaking of...are we setting up for Wagger/Carly? Because it does not feel like they are going to do Jason/Carly as lovers this time around, but you can feel their connection for sure. 


I have been loving Alexis's storyline. With new writers coming in...usually the new writers would just immediately come in, give Alexis her job back, and then DONE!!! I like that we are seeing Alexis long for it, debate it, see that headaches *cough*NinaGossipGuy*cough* aside she loves her new job, and just the soulsearching of it. And NLG is doing it sooo well. The ending is going to feel earned and it's been a minute to see a complete(?) character based story. It has a nice push/pull, too. Most of me is for Alexis becoming a lawyer again. Then there will be a moment where you see how good she is at the Intruder. And then alas. 


But speaking of push/pull...I've been feeling that way about the writing. This past week, there was so much talking going. The audience getting into the characters' lifes. What comes to mind is Tracy teaching BLQ about money and a man's pride, Sasha in the stables, Alexis period, Curtis's progress. It feels like a little bit too much talk at times, but there's also a feeling of momentum going on. And I become curious about where it is going to go. 


Speaking of...Ava with the pills. I admit I was wondering if it was going to go to some Sonny/Ava thing or a reveal that perhaps she's in cahoots with Val, but it does not seem like she's done anything with the med tempering and might now figure out someone is tempering with Sonny's meds...right as Jason, Carly, and Drew are questioning her presence in Sonny's life...is inspired. 


Speaking of Val...Anna's mind is starting to click. And I love seeing Anna in Boss Bitca mode. And the fact she's slowly starting to figure out Pikeman. A cat and mouse game between her and Val who are both still smarting from their breakup...I'm down. 



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Lol. That has crossed my mind, too, watching. I won't be surprised if that beat gets played, too. I might even fangirl giggle.

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Lol. I know the running joke here has always been that I take forevvver with this show and keeping up...with the watching if not the board...but I admit that I've been consistent since PM...which was as I expected. Only a week behind come Tuesday. lol.


Even a slow week for me has a spoil of riches. So much for my eyes and mind. 

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I know people think the Sonny stuff came out of nowhere and Laura and Anna have shaky justifications for their change of heart. I think I would have gone with the Cyrus beating and also beat Dex nearly to death.

But I am okay with the turn because the show seeded this when Guza was still there with Jason/Carly and the beloved end of relationship convo between Sonny and Brenda. He told her he would always choose power.

Then it was lightly seeded again when Sonny came back from Nixon Falls and his two besties were married.

To me this is a thread finally being picked up and I am thrilled, even if the current show wasn’t completely ready for it. 

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Those of you who don't like it when I talk about things I've heard are going to be pleased because that is over. Those of you who mistakenly think I seek attention are going to have to entertain reverse pleasure. You, jerk, who always thinks I am making things up, take that. Something I said was too accurate & got back to Frank with my name attached to it & I now have more attention than I ever have had & I effin hate it. I have no idea what. But now there is a studio-wide crackdown on leaks. Severe. Think Threat Level High. I figure it was from here because this is the only place I become stupid & say too much. OH! Those of you who don't like me, well y'all get to have a party. That is all. 

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I caught up on a bunch of episodes this weekend, including the tail end of Lucy's abject humiliation on the home shopping show, and I have to echo what others have said about how horrible that was.  Lucy is so much smarter than that, and that scene makes me resent Sasha as much as many on this board who've been watching for a while seem to, when up until now I was just indifferent to what I'd seen of the character.

I can't believe I'm trying to find any logic in those godawful scenes, but has it actually been established in recent years that the Nurses Ball is broadcast in Port Charles (or more widely)?  I have no recollection of that being an aspect of the original concept for the Nurses Ball in the '90s, but that seemed to be what Morgan Fairchild was suggesting?  I was even further confused about (fictional) TV programming when Lois mentioned something about her mother watching MF's show - so are we to believe that it tapes in PC and is broadcast statewide, or even throughout the tristate area/nationwide?

Beyond my deep disappointment in what is being done with Lucy, I don't know what to think about the show's new direction.  It's definitely improved.  At times the writing seems intelligent and I even feel like stories are building toward some kind of long-term payoff.  But it doesn't help when one of the few characters I actually recognize and still care about is the butt of everyone's joke, and I'm still struggling to know or frankly care who many of the newer characters who pop up every so often are.  In fact, having watched every episode since the new writing team has been credited, I swear I'm still seeing characters that are actively involved in (what on another soap would seem like) major stories for the first time every week: like the guy who hired the thugs to beat up Jagger for Sonny, who's also apparently dating the deputy mayor?  WTF?

Some have praised Anna's scenes on Friday, but I actually felt something was off with the directing or something.  Wasn't the whole point of having Dex join the police department so that Sonny wouldn't dare have him killed?  That seemed like a calculated risk, at best, but I thought we were meant to believe Anna knew what she was doing.  Yet all it took was a college student (who apparently didn't know Sonny could have people killed a few weeks ago) accusing Anna of putting Dex in danger to make her second-guess herself?  And then when Molly told Anna it would be a conflict of interest for her to prosecute Sonny, and why, I swear I got the sense that Anna had completely forgotten about/was unaware of the surrogacy story.  Not that I could blame Anna, when the major players vanish for week(s) on end (see above).

PS: I don't know why I care, but did I read correctly above that Cody really is Dominique's son?  From some scenes when I first tuned back in earlier this year for Bobbie's send-off, I thought Cody was pretending to be Dom's son for the money, and he was hiding the fact that Mac was his father because that would blow his cover.  I forgot/never realized Mac and Dominique had been an item once.  Then again, I've been confused that Cody is working in the Quartermaines' stable if he currently has Dom's inheritance.  I also thought Sasha was his accomplice and more of an ethically gray character given that she switched the paternity test.  So clearly I missed a lot...

Edited by DeliaIrisFan
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Cody has pretty much always stated he was Dominique's son.  He pretended to be Dominique and her husband Leopold Taub's child for inheritance.  He wanted to inherit a necklace and I actually don't know how that ended.  I think Holly/Robert did something with said necklace, so I don't think there is any inheritance.  Anyhow, Cody found out Mac was his father but didn't want to burden him or something.  The Dominique/Mac timeline does not support this at all, but I believe Cody's endgame is to re-buy the Bell's mansion/estate in the end.  As far as Sasha I don't think she's ethically grey and mostly boring, but Cody did a hell of a lot to protect her from Gladys and her evil shrink so I think she felt she just owed him one.

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I feel the same as you, @DeliaIrisFan.  I'm a big Douglas Marland fan, as most everyone here knows, so I should be used to a storytelling style on a soap that involves a large number of characters.  Yet, there are so many characters and storylines right now on GH that I'm struggling to keep up with. 

As much as I think EK/PM are doing fantastic jobs as Co-HW's, I still believe the time is now to start pruning this cast - and yes, that includes the recurring and off-contract players - and start zeroing in on those who are grabbing the most attention.

Edited by Khan
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@DeliaIrisFan Oddly the show has since Frank came in painted the Nurses Ball as a huge PC-wide, or even national, event. 

I know Lucy can be frustrating, but similar to when the character was trashed on PC to try to prop up others like Eve, I just can't sit through any of that. 

I do think, from the clips I've seen, PM is improving some elements of GH, but the core is just too rotten to be worked on, and we see the inevitable result of that.

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I just did a poll in my forum on the new writing. These things are automatically of limited value because the votes self-select & the group size is not large enough but I find the proportions interesting. People were to vote for anything they felt was accurate, true or that they agreed with.

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Honestly, I feel in my gut that EK/PM have already decided who is leaving and the writing we are seeing now is the buildup to it. Instead of 6 months per the Rules...it's going to be May Sweeps at earliest or end of Summer at the latest. And when it happens, we are going to realize they were planning it out all along.


But...that's just my gut. 

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