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B&B/Y&R: March 2024 Spoilers

Message added by Errol,

Effective April 2024, B&B Spoilers and Y&R Spoilers will become separate threads within the Discuss Previews and Spoilers forum as some posters are interested in reading spoilers for one show but not the other.

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It's sickening how Bradley Bell thinks telling this story in this current environment is okay.  I mean, something is wrong when I'm siding with Brooke on anything.

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I was flipping the channels today and Poppy was was freaking out because Luna wanted to tell RJ about her and Zende. Poppy was telling her that RJ would leave her. Why would he? She was wasted and Zende took advantage and raped her. 

I just shook my head and continued flipping the channel.

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Seriously, what is wrong with Bradley Bell and his choice to tell stories like the ones with Thomas/Hope and with Poppy/RJ/Zende?  I'm starting to wonder if the man has issues.

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I have long thought that maybe something is happening with him... something that is beyond lack of talent. But I can't dare to speculate about... I hope he is okay... but how does nobody else TELL him... HOW BAD and OUT OF touch of the REALITY of 2024.... this is .

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Hope worries about Deacon’s emotional well-being, while Thomas is focused on Steffy’s.
Finn freaks out when he cannot stop seeing his dead mother, Sheila.

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But is it a ghost really? 


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They haven’t known how to write story for Lily and Daniel since they aged out of their teens. Maybe these writers find Daniel too uncomfortably close to Lily’s age? They seem to prefer writing Lily in relationships with much older men.

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I'll bet she'll look fabulous in it when he flips out/shows his true colors, abducts her and stashes her away someplace.

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