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B&B: January 2024 Discussion Thread


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WOW. You seem to know something, we all don't. Please do share. What makes you believe all this about Krista, but you are so quick to think Brad is right on this one? I just want one person who is on the opposite side to say something insightful and not just state you don't like Krista and that's why. Please explain, if you can. 

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I just find the whole thing so patronizing. It makes me cringe to hear Carter say "I feel like family" or for someone to say it to him. It all comes off like groveling for acceptance to me. It's the writers saying "Look at how we treat Black characters! Like family!"

It makes me sick.


"Obviously more"? Really?

-- How is Krista Allen "no angel"?

-- How does Krista "know how to do PR and make herself the victim"?

-- What are the "2 sides to every story"?

-- Why -- exactly -- are you "#TeamBrad"?

Please fill us in when you get a chance.


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I haven't watched it at all but I agree with all of this.  During the Eric story when I tuned in for 5 minutes then read here, I was lost, but not lost.  Eric had a disease that Finn had an experimental treatment he's heard of (huh?), but involved very experimental blood cleansing + organ transplants (which one?  All?), anyway, etc. etc.  Then he was ready to be removed from a ventilator, and they pull an oxygen mask from his face, lolllll.  It had no tube attached, but whatever.  It's cartoon.  And toss in a day with Finn being angry that Thomas disrespected Steffy.  ??? Disrespected how?  He said himself "I'm a grown ass man", and Steffy said YOU ARE, YOU ARE a grown ass man!   

So - what was the problem?  With Thomas saying - mind your own business.  And - before Hope even BANGED Thomas the BIG TIME....she SAID TO HIM, CAN YOU HANDLE THIS. ? Me not knowing what I want, but I want THIS.  So?  They both wanted a piece.  So now if it drives him crazy that Hope is now done with "the piece", and it causes him to go crazy because he will lust for her piece, then - that's on HIM.  If it makes him nuts, then it makes him nuts.    

I stopped wondering, and stopped watching that day.  I don't know what's happened since.  KA as Taylor (I have to admit, and I think I secretly hate this show because I so loved GL and ATWT, but over the years they had the BEST recasts at times, never to be topped)....but even I have to admit, this may actually be a case of a recast I like better than the original.  HT pales in comparison to KA.  I mean, to me is just IS.  That sucks for her and for DB for a one day show to explain his departure?  Over Taylor?  I don't think I want to catch up.

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I agree that it feels like there's more to this story than we know. I know that Brad Bell has a history of dropping stories and characters seemingly on a whim, but Taylor is not just any character. She's been a major part of the show for a majority of its existence, and a very popular one at that, with both actresses. So it seems odd, even for someone like Brad to just drop her like this out of the blue.

Or maybe I'm giving Brad Bell too much credit.... Maybe he really is that stupid. 

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I totally agree. It's gotten to the point that it's downright awkward every time they keep telling Carter he's "like family." 

There's a long history of characters of color not being fully utilized on the show. Carter hasn't had a storyline since the Quinn pairing (which I liked a lot). I guess he's supposed to be with Katie....who the hell knows? This is despite LSV being perhaps the most gorgeous actor on the show and full of charisma. 

After a year of being backburnered, Zende, another gorgeous actor, has had some sort of screentime recently, but I don't trust the writers to fully develop it. He should break away from the family business because he doesn't feel appreciated and start his own small scrappy company to provide contrast to FC (like Spectra was back in the day). Right now, everyone is super successful. We don't have any characters trying to claw their way up from their circumstances, and that's BORING.

Paris, who is oddly still on contract, averaged less than one appearance a month last year. The only reason I can guess they've kept her on contract is to say they have one female black character...that they do zero with. Black female character? Check the box with Paris. Give her an actual story? Oh, hell no!

The Avants (Maya, Nicole, Sasha), who had SOOO much potential, were basically tossed aside in the blink of an eye. Marcus, who wasn't even mentioned during Eric's "dying" despite being Eric and Donna's "son", Daisy, etc...

Luna is an attempt to add more diversity, but the writers are not making her a complex, well-rounded character. She's just "perfect." Because of that, what's the long-term chances she'll stick around?

Don't get me started that the show takes place in the fashion industry, but there are zero gay characters, and it's set in Los Angeles, but there are no Latino characters...despite LA being over 50% Latino.

I realize it's a half-hour show, but you could still easily make the cast way more diverse than it is...and actually utilize these characters. How much money do the characters of Sheila, Liam, Katie, etc. cost the show but no longer add anything? You could probably add six (or more) early in their career actors for the salary that it takes to pay just Sheila, Liam, and Katie. I think British soaps, such as Hollyoaks, are much better at cutting dead weight characters and bringing in fresh blood when needed.

It sort of feels like all the creative spark is gone, and the show is just limping along until it ends without evolving at all to stay current and relevant. It's such a shame.

And, I always keep waiting for Finn to try to sell the other characters insurance. But, hey, at least Finn and Steffy think each other are "amazing" as they keep repeating to each other over and over.



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Well, that was a pretty good cliffhanger to end on with Thomas telling the whole truth to Hope. I guess it says something for his love that what he didn't tell Finn, he told Hope. I even gasped.


All the RJ/Luna/Zende stuff...well...movement at least. 

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If this is true... which sounds true... It will be the end soon. My country in Europe stopped airing nearly 10 years ago... it had a rating of like 2000 people watching or something like that. It was veeery low. Shamefully low. Back in 1994 to 2000 it was the NUMBER ONE show on TV. And while the first couple of seasons were airing, the streets would be empty while the show was on. It was so iconic, really changed how my country perceived American people. There would be women crying outside when Caroline died.

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It's a country in Europe, where I am not living anymore... but I will not disclose on the internet, since the board has couple of questionable individuals that give me the creeps. I am famous in my home country a bit... and my liking of the show is also kinda famous. So I don't want to reveal my identity. I am sorry. But yeah... it's bad if it's 8 countries left. Why - it's obvious, to me at least. The show has become boring and the writing is bad and the ratings have dropped. Nobody wants to see the same things over and over. Actually the show now is perceived as a complete joke in my country. People think only stupid people would like it. It's a shame, since everyone seems to have forgotten how great and famous it once was.

Bradley Bell did it.

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Oh, no, don't worry about it. I completely understand. 

That's very interesting. For a long while it has been suggested that he is doing what he does by intent, that the show is the easiest show to watch. It only takes 18 minutes, so the time investment is small. And, it has been said that the repetition made it easy to very quickly grasp what the story is. But, the downside is if it equates to dumbing down which is always undesirable & in effect is insulting to your audience. 

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I've been ridiculed for being such a fan of the show many times in my home country, but I don't care. People have only watched the last couple of years before it was cancelled and they don't know about the amazing first years. My own father would forbid me to watch the show, calling it a show for stupid housewives to watch. I would wake up at 5 in the morning to secretly record it on vhs, so I can watch it freely on my own. People in my home country mock Bold a lot and there have been a lot of comedy sketches made with characters from the show. It's become a joke.

Back in the day, the show was professionally dubbed by some of the most amazing actors and it was number one in ratings. I want to turn back time and re-live these moments... especially with my grandmother WHO WAS OBSESSED WITH THE SHOW... and probably made me love it to begin with. She sadly passed away and didn't see her favorite character Stephanie's end. This makes me sad sometimes, since my grandma would quote Stephanie on daily basis and would style her hair like her.

Sad that now only 8 countries have left. End of an era. Bold once was THE MOST famous soap opera in the world.  

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