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2023 Daytime Emmys Live Discussion Thread


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But that's the way the Younger Performer category was set up, so it IS fair.

If one of the "kids" won, the other "kid" would cry. You can't give awards away with the idea that "you can't hurt little kids."


The song used for the In Memoriam was completely underwhelming. No emotional impact at all.


We really did. And while I appreciated the Tyler Christopher tribute and the multiple references to Sonya Eddy, I wanted others -- like Billy Miller and Jaclyn Zeman -- to be given the same respect. That didn't happen.


Agree. Another ridiculous award (after giving Hat Daddy the Supporting Actor Emmy).

Thorsten Kaye??? Really??? This is his 3rd nomination for Lead Actor since 2020. WTF.


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THREE Lead Actress awards for JMW already? I'm sorry, but that is overload, and not deserved. Even though the Chelsea character is worthless 98% of the time, MCE was superb in that "I want to die" storyline. She deserved that Emmy.

And I GAGGED when JMW thanked Kimberlin Brown. OF COURSE the right wing MAGA woman would thank the other most MAGA person in the cast.


So the Chelsea story was a stunt but lighting Holly on fire wasn't?  LOL


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I thought the in memory section should include anyone who passed since the last Daytime Emmy show so it should include anyone who died after late June 2022.. (June 24 or so was the last ceremony) so it should have been nearly 18 months of people shown…

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I'm crying HERE -- the same as you.

Regardless, IN MY OPINION, 3 Lead Actress Emmys for a 36-year old is ridiculous. And if you're calling MCE "pure Emmy bait," then what the hell was JMW's 2-day addiction problem where she wailed at the camera?

JMW got called out years ago for her right wing LIKES on social media. I guess she' learned her lesson, because she doesn't do it any more. Now it's more subtle, as in "Shout out to Kimberlin Brown!"


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I watched the In Memoriam and Susan's Lifetime Achievement segments on YouTube, and that's it lolol

Susan's segment was fantastic outside of Shemar thinking we're in 2012.

The In Memoriam...ugh. What exactly is the rationale for focusing so much attention on the live singer during the segment? Why is there a live singer? And did I see correctly - when we see the bits with the live singer, there's literally a random logo on the screen in the venue? No one has any business claiming that there's "only so much time" for the segment when so much of that time is wasted. I also don't understand how they could put "& The Bay" for people who were on real daytime soaps and also on The Bay but couldn't be bothered to say that Elizabeth Hubbard was on The Doctors "& As the World Turns" or that Quinn Redeker was on Days "& Y&R" or the fact that they just called John Aniston a Lifetime Achievement honoree but couldn't be bothered to say that he was popular on three long-running soaps.

And as a fan of both Olivia Newton-John and Suzanne Somers, neither one had any business being included in this. Daytime is its own community and lost so many of its own people, there's nothing gained from trying to co-opt stars who belong to other areas of entertainment, especially when there were plenty of true daytimers who were left out. Olivia Newton-John as "songwriter, As the World Turns" but not a peep for Nancy Frangione, who played two of daytime's most pivotal roles, is a joke, and whomever made those decisions should be ashamed of themselves.

Edited by All My Shadows
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I'm not crying sweetie, but you sure are, pressed over a  "36 year old" and now you're ageist as well? So I guess Heather Tom doesn't deserve hers, nor Erika Slezak?

Bullshit, there was no lesson to learn and you do know Krista Allen adores Kimberlin and considers her a good friend as do most of the cast right? 

MCE was pure emmy bait, deal with it. 

I won't stand by and let someone disparage someone who doesn't deserve it, you don't like it too damn bad

So I guess Henry Samiri a CHILD is a "MAGA" too cause Kimberlin mentor's him? You do know how stupid you are coming across right?

@Errol please take out the trash with this one, it should have been done awhile back, he/she has doing this crap for far too long


Edited by dragonflies
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I notice each year, JMW has thanked her co-stars in the stories she was involved with, that earned her the Emmy.  In the past it was Scott Clifton or Don Diamont.  This year she thanked Kimberlin, and Tanner Novlan.  The idea being she shares the award with her peers involved in the story that earned her the Emmy.  I think it is classy.

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Other Emmy thoughts:

--ANOTHER disappointing Daytime Emmys ceremony. The stars were dressed to the nines and there to shine, but given very little in return.

-- Get real fans back into the room. They'll show more excitement when they hear from the people who love them.

-- The hosts were fine but not needed. Soap viewers want to see SOAP stars, not ET anchors. That skit in the open was dumb. It made no sense and took up valuable time.

-- The banter written for soap stars giving awards was CRINGE and took too long. Dump it. Get more soap stars on that stage.

-- Doing an In Memoriam with a song that's not well-known is just stupid, as is labeling the deceased with egregiously incomplete information.

-- Clips. Actor reels. That's all we ask for -- EVERY YEAR -- and yet no one listens to us. "They" all think they know better, and they don't. This isn't difficult. Just talk to real soap fans and ask what we want, then give it to us. I never get the sense that anyone in production is in love with the soaps.


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Lead Actress winners w/ multiple wins who were in their 30s at the time of at least one of their wins.

Susan Flannery: 1975 at age 35

Judith Light: 1980 at age 31, 1981 at age 32

Erika Slezak: 1984 at age 37, 1986 at age 39

Kim Zimmer: 1985 at age 30, 1987 at age 32, 1990 at age 35

Maura West: 2007 at age 35, 2010 at age 38

Heather Tom: 2012 at age 36, 2013 at age 37

Jacqueline MacInnes Wood: 2019 at age 32, 2021 at age 34, 2023 at age 36

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Sorry if I'm offending anyone with my opinions. But they're just that -- opinions.

Asking Errol to "take out the trash" because I disagree with others is just ridiculous. IRONY IS DEAD.

Please note that while I criticized the show and Emmy wins and winners, posters here have criticized ME. Look, I can take it and I don't really care, but acting as if I'm some devil and they're applying for sainthood is kind of hysterical.


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