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Days of Our Lives: November 2023 Discussion Thread

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Dimitri went to the hospital first with the baby, as Leo directed him to do... but then as he arrived he saw Rafe there and was afraid of being arrested so he quickly left without being seen. 

I have no idea why Dimitri brought the baby to Sloan's place.  Maybe Dimitri knows that Sloan is Leo's lawyer?  Maybe that's why he brings her the baby?  He probably knows that Sloan can handle shady situations.

He might not even know that Sloan was planning to adopt, unless he heard Nicole and EJ discussing things at the DiMansion before he was kicked out.  Clearly Dimitri just wants a way out of Salem and doesn't care about the health of the premature baby.

Edited by janea4old
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I sure hope so!!! 


I mean, was the character rehab blatant or what's more obvious than blatant?!!! Wow. If they think they can change fans minds with suddenly crafting a kind, responsible adult in one days' show they do not know soap fans at all! 

Ari & Serfaty were both excellent today. Good for them. 

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My quibble of the day is - what has Sloan done to turn every perspective adoptive parent in Salem against her?  She's got a good job, she married an ex-priest, and she may be one of the few citizens of Salem to have never been falsely accused of murder. 

Sure, her brother's a creep, but she hadn't seen him for so long that they had different accents.

Is it her dislike of chowder?  Are there folks still holding it against her that she put her feet on the coffee table that one time at the Victor's mansion?  Does everyone really like Paulina that much after she tried to teardown the square?  Why are we supposed to take it for granted that Sloan would have difficulty adopting, when in our universe it wouldn't be an issue?

On a serious note, I hate that Sloan has become such a symp for Eric, when he was the one who pushed for a commitment.  Gurl, if you are worried your man loves someone else, don't ruin your career, kick him back to his daddy's boarding house, there's plenty of fish in the sea (including Chad).

Edited by j swift
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Just about! I still have no idea why they did that Jada/Eric pregnancy, although I appreciated that a female character chose to have an abortion and hasn't been made to suffer for it. (One could argue that being paired with Rafe is the ultimate suffering, but you know what I mean.)

Edited by Michael
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Seriously, I will give this show money if they agree to kill off Leo. So sick of this POS and the prop writing for him. 

Dimitri’s explanation for giving the baby to Sloan makes sense but Melinda’s still really doesn’t. Why is she so obsessed with this? I get that they’re friends, but come on. They really needed to give us a better explanation as to why she’s so determined for Sloan to have a life with Eric and the baby. Maybe tie it to Li and her feelings for him, perhaps. 

Again, it’s not really the idea, (though I do have mixed feelings about Nicole having to suffer the loss of a 3rd child) it’s the execution. This all just seems so lazy. 

I did like Tate and Holly today though. They’re good together and I like how the show is going through the motions of them slowly becoming a couple. Tying it to Johnny/Chanel could be really good too. 

Btw, shut up Stefan

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I'm shocked, I tell you, that you didn't mention that the Script Writer of the Day was Jamey Giddens! Yesterday it was Brkdn Writer Chris Dunn & today Brkdn Writer Jamey Giddens. Well, the Writing team is down 8 writers & up 2 nepotism hires, for a net loss of 6 writers, so they are putting these people to work - is it double duty, you think? 

But, about the show, did Melinda seem diabolical to anyone else? 

And, was I the only one who felt like "shades of Rosemary's Baby"? 



Edited by Donna L. Bridges
just had a thought
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