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General Hospital: October 2023 Discussion Thread

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If anything, the Montaghue will have a trail, and Gladys will be back to testify and then be gone, again.

You continue to like [most] things everyone complains about. 

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Cyrus has semi-run their course, however, Cyrus is still ten-times the mobster Sonny ever has been. Hell, even Carly was more effective, haha. I'm more so over seeing characters IN prison. From my POV, prison should be an exit for a character with their actor.

Edited by Liberty City
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My objection, as a feminist, is that Sonny got to make the final judgement on what happened to Gladys, and he even had the balls to make Sam leave the room.

Sam solved the case, she got Cody into the hospital, and arguably Sasha wouldn't have been saved without her.  She's also wealthy and powerful enough to threaten Gladys and make it stick.

I mean, if ever there was a case for character favoritism, it is this.  Sonny gets the totally unearned triumphant monologue about Gladys using Mike and shaming Brando.  Whereas, the one time that Sasha gets the upper hand, she immediately is portrayed as a victim once again. 

Edited by j swift
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Gladys was terrified. She thought Sonny was going to kill her. GOOD. Going back to her old life with no resources, literally the clothes on her back is going to be hell for her. GOOD. 

But, a week ago Miz Wu gave Gladys 24 hours to pay up. What's gonna happen there?

Sasha is finally free of torment & tormentors. Will she still be the Face of Deception? How bad is it going to be when she has a forensic accountant go over her assets? 

Cody Bell has redeemed himself. Will he let Mac know he's his son? 

Sam did GREAT! 

Dante did well, too, and he had to take off his black/white thinking cap. 

Montague will be charged & found guilty & do time & never be a doc again. 

I thought Sonny showed immense insight into Gladys as a user. 

Watching #GH on Hulu just a minute ago & Blaze just dropped into the bar & said, "Hey, Kristina!" with as much honey in her voice as anything could without being a bee! Be Still My Heart! 

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For anyone wondering what reruns aired this past week ...
As is typical for GH, when they air a rerun, it's from past few years,
containing characters/storylines that somewhat relate to what's currently airing.

Oct.  3rd and 4th 2023 aired reruns from May 2022:

What aired for GH on Tuesday October 3, 2023
(for anywhere that wasn't seeing the baseball game)
-- a repeat of Wednesday, May 4, 2022, episode #14969
Dustin's recap:

What aired for GH on Wednesday October 4, 2023
(for anywhere that wasn't seeing the baseball game)
-- a repeat of Friday, May 6, 2022, episode #14971
Dustin's recap:

Edited by janea4old
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I get the point of view and I agree, however, I don't think Sam nor Sasha could have instilled the fear into Gladys like Sonny did, knowing what Sonny does for a living. He just put that fear into Gladys to try him. So, I see the why of including Sonny. Do I wish it'd be more Sam/Sasha? Yes. I do.

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Yeah, it could've been as simple as having Sam tell Sonny what the appropriate punishment should be, that would have given her more agency in the episode.

That's easier than questioning why female characters on GH aren't created to be able to instill fear unless they are romantically undesirable, like Heather or Selina.

Edited by j swift
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