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Days of Our Lives: September 2023 Discussion Thread

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Haha no such luck. Sarah was so determined to make sure Xander didn't find out he was the father, she practically didn't let the kid go until the end lol then she finally let Xander hold her

This is speculation, but I suspect that either the baby's first or middle name is going to be Victoria. 

Yeah... it's getting to the point that every time I hear one of Jamey's stupid ass excuses, I start to think that maybe I'm a little too hard on Ron and might owe him an apology 

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Edited by AbcNbc247
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I don't really get what Days has to do with Jamey Giddens failed show.  Unless I am missing something Days wouldn't have to build new sets for Victor's funeral.  They would have to add a few chairs.  I get there might be a limit to how many people can be on a set, but I don't see why they couldn't have filmed Nicole, John, Marlena etc with a few people and rotate the cast in and out for scenes.  

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DAYS had time to plan  a funeral that didn't look like a Costco special.

It was classy to have that coffin and the chairs THISCLOSE to the shrubbery??? When Phillip touched Victor's framed portrait, the entire easel almost fell over.

Even worse? The remembrances were nothing special. I actually thought Zach Tinker did the best job in bringing emotion to the dialogue, but overall, nothing about that memorial was all that sad. Really disappointing.




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Why Victoria?

I vacillated between thinking that Jamey was being petulant & thinking he was just being a bitch. I mean he considered fans wanting Henderson to have been there some sort of final straw! GMAB! In my head Nicole, Henderson, John & Marlena were sitting on the last row just out of sight. That's not even complaining NO BO! 

But I thought it was a good day. Falls into that either/or category where DAYS cannot have medium rare days. They're either nearly perfect or burnt to a crisp!

I am picking only one bone with the show at the moment. They should have immediately done cheek swabs. Not to confirm with DNS is unthinkable! 2 actions & maybe 24 lines of dialogue. Dot the i, cross the t. 

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It's weird because I did like a lot of the episode in the fact that the sentiments spoken were sweet but delivered by the wrong people.  A lot of the scenes were a bit clunky especially with Chelsea.  I think it could have been a lot worse.  I just think Jamey's excuses are very lame and I don't find them very believable.  Days has so many vets on its cast and just didn't use them for another long-time vet's funeral but made sure Xander and Alex were front and center.  Theresea had less business being there than half of the main cast.

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I am befuddled why Jamey even bothers to engage the fans on social media.  Going back to his podcast days, he was always complaining about listener reactions in the comments section.  Now that he's achieved his dream and written for multiple shows, why does he continue to insight drama?  He is just making himself unhappy, which is a shame given that regardless of the fans' acceptance, it is still remarkable that a podcaster from a small southern town has been able to achieve so much.

If I could advise Mr. Giddens, I would say, taste is subjective.  He's never going to please most people. So, give it a rest.  Do the job you were hired to do.  And stop trying to chase clout based on inside information.

Edited by j swift
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I think he genuinely enjoys hanging with fans. But if he's going to be so thin-skinned that he strongly objects to rather routine fan criticisms, then he probably needs to take a step back. Your advice to him would seem to be on point. As to inciting drama, well, he's probably always going to do that but usually he seems to get a kick out of it. Not so today. 

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Writers Strike FAQ

Quoting the Writers Strike FAQ:
My company wants me to give an interview on TV, on a podcast, on radio, or in print to promote a film or show I wrote on. Can I do that?

"No. You should let the company know you are prohibited from making promotional appearances at their request until the strike concludes."
End quote.

Quoting the Writers Strike FAQ:
Can I promote my project on social media?

"You must refuse promoting a project at a struck company’s request. However, it is not a violation to talk about your projects on your own accord on your own social media."
End quote.


In contrast, the *actors* strike rules allow the actors to promote the soaps however they want, because SAG-AFTRA is not striking against soaps.
(Soaps are part of a actors union agreement reached last year.)


Editing to clarify:
Guild writers on strike .. are allowed to comment on the show on their personal social media, as long as the show/corporation isn't asking them to do so.

BUT ... I personally dislike Jamey complaining when viewers make comments.
He's allowed to say whatever he wants on his twitter, but I dislike it when he defends poor decisions.

Edited by janea4old
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@janea4old  Thank you for that thorough "soapsplainin"!! I found it a good reminder & clarity from it. 

So here & there people are talking about and/or polling should John or will John change his last name. My first thought was uh-oh, "Robicheaux Patch is on the case." just does not scan! Most people seem to be saying stay John Black! 

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My problem with Jamey Giddens is that he's not honest.

Everything he says about DAYS is a CYA moment or a chance to point the finger away from ANYONE at the show. I think Giddens is smart, and I don't think he believes these lame excuses he feeds us. He's doing it to protect himself, worried about connections and future employment and biting the hand that feeds you.

I understand that. I don't think he needs to spill the tea with us  because we somehow deserve it regardless of how it affects his career. But please don't feed me garbage and call it the truth. Don't treat me like I'm stupid. THAT'S why I complain about JG's comments.

Any fan of Arleen Sorkin (Calliope Jones) should read this Variety piece written by her husband. It's beautiful.



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