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B&B August 2023 Discussion Thread

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The Friday spoiler SINN profess their love was a bit exaggerated.  Steffy was still conflicted, only at the end did they kiss...But I'll take it.

Makes me nervous when Sheila makes cryptic comments like things would be different if Steffy wasn't in Finn's life.

Edited by Jeff
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I'm kind of curious to see how this Eric/Ridge story plays out. Hell, it's nice to see ANYTHING that doesn't revolve around Liam/Steffy/Hope. 

I still can't believe they let Rena Sofer go without even ending her story properly. She and LSV were the hottest couple the show had had in YEARS and were like a breath of fresh air. But, now we're back to wash, rinse, and repeat! Since Bradley Bell is supposedly part of the WGA strike, I wonder if the Micheal Minnis, who took fi-core status to keep working, has much leeway on what he can even write for the show. It sort of feels like the show isn't really moving ahead in terms of plot at all.

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I have never in the history of the show have seen more boring period than 2019 to 2023. The last 5 seasons have been unbearably slow and if you just skip from 2019 to 2023 it would be like you missed 10 episodes. Thats the sad part. It seems that the effort to write something new is 0. Isnt it time for Bradley Bell to realize he is more out of touch than ever. If his infantile storylines from 1994 to 2012 were somewhat okay for the viewers with lower IQ or hate watching viewers... the quality now has been so consistenly low that even they dont like it anymore. Why cant he give someone else the control... someone that has a youngerIsh view... A writer that is 35-50 years old that has fresh ideas. 

The show has MILLIONS in it still... because it is a universal type of show and the actors are great. You can have a great season anytime if you WRITE IT.

In this era... why not make a storyline about domestic abuse... about systematic psychological abuse. Make it start slow and get hardcore months later. We need a damsel in distress... and if Bradley wants it could even be Brooke. I would make her CEO of Forrester and have her with a new man. This new man should start being abuse to her in small ways and in the end I would make Brooke as Nicole Kidman in Big little lies... she can even kill him in self defense and that could be YEARS of storyline.

I would make Taylor and Ridge a happy couple... Then Taylor will get a sick stalker a patient of her.

I would make Sheila part of Forrester again. She should get another chance and stop being evil for a moment. We need Sheila to get in new clothes and new storyline. Then she can go psycho in couple of years again. But GIVE THAT WOMAN a break.

Hope needs to become the new slut from the valley. I said it. She needs to start making more and more mistakes. Its in her blood.

I would just shake things up and move it towards more dramatic and dark places.

Why do we need the same old... I kissed someone CRY CRY CRY scenes... or how many times WILL we see Brooke and Ridge plan to have a future together. I mean... if you cant have a sucessful marriage for for 40 years... just move ON.

Brooke could be saved from her abusive husband by some hot sexy waiter. Brooke needs to feel desired and sexy again. Thats when this character works. And KKL still got it.


But no... we will never see anything interesting. We will see Brooke cry for Ridge in 2035 and Hope and Liam being boring in 2045.

Bradley Bell has lost the little talent that he had. 

Edited by divinemotion
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I think they had a chance with new possibilities with Sally / Courtney Hope and her new entourage.  It was hokey but it had a chance.  Instead they squandered a great young talent by putting her in the Liam/Hope/Steffy/Wyatt suck hole of death. 

I saw a tad at the end on Friday where it looked like they’ll likely have Eric be a failing business man or Alzheimer’s or something and B&B is the last show that should try something serious.  

My idea would be that Eric employs an outside designer on contract to help him with his designs - and as the months go by we all want to know how his designs are so good.  Let it build.  The industry including Spencer publications loves Eric’s new designs.  At the showstopper - he announces the mystery designer has helped him - is Sally Spectra. The family is destraught and more sure than ever he is Suffering from dementia - to trust and employ Sally. 

Do flashback scenes or structure the story so that this happens first - although I’m inclined to have this done as a flashback. Charlie goes to Eric after finding a new AI freeware that scans folders and files from Forrester history and there’s a weird tag on a file from Bill Spencer.  You don’t need to go into specifics - god knows more unrealistic things happen daily on this show. He reviews the file and sees - wow that’s lousy. In his silly Charlie way - am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?  He goes to Eric.  Can you believe that Bill Spencer lied and called that design competition equal all those years ago - where were we - Monaco? It looks like Bill lied about the phone and Internet voting.  Sally won that competition and was an exciting new talent after all. It wasn’t a tie.  Look at all the money she coulda made, ya know?  And Eric feels badly. That’s why Eric chose her as his new secret designer - now all of you posers and losers can sit down - this old man still has a head on his shoulders.  

And Eric feels guilty because he feels like he wasn’t paying enough attention because at the time he was so worried about the family finding out about his relationship with Quinn.  Quinn flashbacks.  Bring her back as a foil again for Taylor, Brooke, and Sheila. That would be my start. 

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Oh I knew that set looked familiar.  And no.  I think the show finally realized Thomas, a lead fashion designer, can afford more than his dreary old place, and used "Katie's house" as his new digs.  So Katie doesn't have a place, unless she moved in with Carter off-screen.  LOL.

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