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ALL: Most Memorable, Iconic Lines from Soaps

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"The microphones can't pick up any voices & soon the picture will fade. If, on occasion you think of us, we hope your memory will be a pleasant one." - last line, last episode of the soap THE BRIGHTER DAY 1954-1962
"All's well that ends well." - AW, last line, June 25, 1999
"I'm searching for tomorrow and I can't wait for it." - Jo, SFT, last line
The final scene was a bittersweet, final toast, "To Texas!" - last line

"Oh, my darling, I won't be coming here anymore. I won't be going anywhere in Llanview." - Carla, OLTL, the character's last show

"Your mom's married to Ned, right? So, you speak Quartermaine?" GH 5-12-23
"Okay, Scorsese, it is not necessary to begin every sentence with, 'As a filmmaker, ...'"  - Wendy DAYS
When she saw Bonnie, met her for the first time, "So, Justin really has a type, huh? Doesn't he!" - Susan, DAYS
"God, it is so ordinary. You have reduced us to a ridiculous suburban joke & I will never forgive you!" - Maureen Bauer to her good friend Lillian who slept with her husband, GL 

"From these roots grow branch, leaf and flower, children of the sheltering earth, ripening into the tumult of the seasons--generation unto generation." - From These Roots epigram
The most successful thing Irna Phillips ever wrote: "Like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of my life."

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One I always remember because it cracked me up was TSJ’s Todd asking Tea “Would you like some coffee ambulance chaser?”

I cracked up at this. It was so rude and unnecessary

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You win . This was a rare day that I was actually watching Bold and I got to see this live.

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Erica, AMC:

"Saint Maria of Wildwind, tending to the sick in her push up bra"

"Tone deaf little girls with eye glasses like coke bottles and ankles the size of logs" 

"What's the matter Brooke, can't take it? well, I know it hurts being third rate, but aren't you a custom to it yet?"

"....who have contributed to my undoing" 


"trapped inside the shell of an aging whore". Viki OLTL.

"you'll go after anything in pants so long as it gets you what you want. Just like when you were a little girl, Reeva, remember, you like that man touch you?"~ Josh GL

"Since that fabric you haven't produced very much...except for procreating which you do so well. But as far as producing something other than an unwanted pregnancy..." ~ Stephanie (to Brooke) B&B.

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GL - I remember Alan frantically looking for Annie....rushes into the room (at the Spaulding Mansion?).  Amanda and Roger sitting on the couch....I don't remember whether Annie had escaped from (mental institution, jail? which?), but Alan "Has anyone seen Annie?!  Have you seen Annie?"

Amanda, raising a bowl of cashews: "Nuts?"

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This scene is gold:

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Especially when Lucinda asks Craig whether he plans to marry Iva Snyder and says “…Also, find out how many other stallions were there ahead of you…” , then blows a kiss before walking out the door. Just savage, lol.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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One Life to Live:

Tina, interrupting Cord’s wedding to Kate, baby Al in hand:

”Stop! Am I too late? Cord, I’ve come so far. This is your son!” *faints*

Tina, at her wedding to Max:

”I Tina, take thee Cord…oh, what I meant was, look what I meant to say was I take thee Max!” 

Edited by soapfave06
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Josh really said that to Reva? Didn't the guy molest her when she was 6? At the 1990 emmys, they showed the clip of her confronting the guy when she won the emmy. Had I known he said that I would've never wanted her to get back together with him 

Guiding Light 1994, Alexandra sees Roger looking kind of lost, "Roger, you look like you've lost something. What are you looking for, your soul?" 

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