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General Hospital: July 2023 Discussion Thread

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I am watching yesterday's episode and I have a few thoughts-

Sonny is again just hanging around the hospital for no reason.  Does he even know Curtis well?  He might, but I clearly have never paid attention.  He's really into finding the shooter by..........standing around the hospital being useless?

I think it's very weird that Kristina and Alexis are talking about Molly's surrogacy so seriously when Molly isn't onboard at all.  I appreciate Alexis is clearly laying out the cons, but they are really getting ahead of themselves here.  And, oh Maxie, that outfit.......the grandma purse really pulled the look together. 

My hatred of Gladys and every scene she is in is well known, but I did have to chuckle that she had Michael in her phone as "Sonny's Kid" and she had no idea who Scout was either because, obviously, same with me.

Sasha going off the rails is the best kind of Sasha.  It's truly faint praise from me, but it is amusing at least.

I can genuinely say I DID NOT need Curtis's near death 'dream' with his mother in my life.  


Edited by carolineg
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Fri., 7-14-23. Molly & TJ are being insufferable to Kristina! Has anyone ever been more defensive than Whiny Molly? After all the worst thing that ever happened to her isn't about her. Calls Kristina a narcissist. 

I'm not particularly keen on Sonny & Anna scenes.

I'm impatient for Spence & Trina to "get it on". At their age, first consummation should be devoutly wished for. It's time someone caught Esme remembering something.

I cannot stand them putting Sasha through more hell. Especially with people tricking her into drugging again. At this point Gladys can do no right by me!

Frank, get Dan & Chris to do better!

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These histrionics around Curtis being shot are atrocious for all of the characters reacting to it.  Trina & her whole extended family need to be phased out with their bland, boring superficiality.  Bring back the Wards with Keesha as the foundation, for goodness sakes!  If they can't get the beautiful Senait Ashenafi back, then recast with Erika Alexander or have Frank find another Renee Elise Goldsberry-caliber actress, please, like he did on One Life to Live.

As funny as it is to have Cody go up against Gladys for Sasha, Cody really should be rocking Elizabeth's world instead.  It's revolting seeing her fall back into that dead-end flopdom coupling with Flynn again.

Why is Sam wearing long-sleeved attire in the middle of July?

It was so lovely seeing Felicia & Lucy go to Pine Valley and find Jack!  I wish/hope we have more AMC, OLTL, Loving/The City and Ryan's Hope cameos woven through for as long as GH stays on the air.  That boring nail salon set should really be rebranded as Foxy Roxy's Beauty Salon with Ilene Kristen back doing comedic cameos.

TJ & Molly snapping at Kristina is so cringe.  The new Molly actress being supermodel tall and looking like Erica Kane's daughter is too distracting for me.  Doing frontburner story with 2 recent recasts of long-running characters is always a bad move.



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I appreciate GH having the beats of Curtis's family holding vigil for him unlike Days where everything happens off screen like Abe's funeral lol, but they are so boring.  I honestly didn't care or feel for any of them.

I mean, Gladys was buying a fur coat in July that needed to be delivered immediately, so maybe it's cold in PC?

The TJ/Molly/Kristina stuff is just weird.  Kristina is so insistent on being their surrogate without even talking to them and TJ/Molly are so over the top angry about it.  Nothing has happened and everyone is so upset and offended.  We all know how this is going to end, but TJ/Molly are acting like they are so hurt when they have all the control in the situation and could just tell Kristina to take a hike.  Kristina is a bit of a narcissist and has horrible timing, but she's not out to harm anyone.  FauxMolly is acting like this is a horrible personal attack and I don't think it is.  All Molly has to say is I am not ready to make any decisions now but thanks for the offer instead of pulling the histrionics she was yesterday.

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Why am I not surprised that Curtis is the one shot? I thought it was interesting that there were so many doctors/nurses there when it happened though. Only on a soap...LOL!!!


I have to give where credit is due. Sorry @AbcNbc247 but at least Joss at least a little (very little) bit owned that she messed up big time with the whole Dex/Cameron thing. Before now, she has been playing too much victim for me. Meanwhile, yeah meh at the writers trying to make Spencer/Esme a thing. That just screams ewwww.


I continue to have mixed feelings about the writing for Kristina. And I still agree they should wait for the recasts to really gel. Kristina is not and should not be treated like an A. J. and that's just how she comes across. Is she passionate? Yes. Defiant? Sometimes. But she does go after what she wants...for better or for worse. And she definitely FINISHES what she starts. Also for better or for worse.





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Nina comes first to Sonny as Carly, Michael, and Joss have been saying for a year and half. He wanted to be there for her cause she is worried about her BFF Curtis. They came together at the hospital so it made sense for him to be there. There was a little small talk with Marshall about the shooter. Alexis sent him a text that she needs to see him about Kristina. Nina told him to go even though Sonny offered to stay until they got a update. 

Edited by Vince79
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I obviously watched the episode so I know what happened lol.  I saw all this, but Sonny hanging around the hospital to hold Nina's purse or whatever is not a reason to be there.  I don't think he needed to be there, but I hate Nina and hate Sonny/Nina.  Sonny has been consistently hanging around town following Nina around for 2 years.  If I am going to have to watch Mo 5 days a week I want him to do something.  I don't buy Sonny/Nina's great big love and I think she's just a run of the mill Sonny love interest.  Which is fine, but I am about to buy Sonny a one way ticket to Rome so I can see him with an actual love interest he has chemistry with.  

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This Pine Valley jaunt for Lucy & Felicia is the best thing this show has done in months.  It would have been so fun if they had run into Opal or Brooke and caught us up on more town gossip!

I had no idea Ava was Delia Ryan's daughter.  Definitely makes me like the character more.  So cool that she's half-sisters with Olivia Jerome, too.  This is how you root characters into a long-running soap universe!

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