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Y&R June 2023 Discussion Thread

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The same with Mitch Lawrence and Alison Perkins on OLTL!

The writers pulled a Michael Baldwin and a JT by having Cameron dig a tunnel to get into the Newman house.  Back in the day however, we would have seen Cameron's methodical process in building the tunnel.  Example, the 90s we saw Michael chipping through the wall over days, we saw Sheila putting together the puzzle pieces,  we even saw Marge testing a forged signature at the bank before replacing Katherine.  Today, villains  say they did XYZ and we don't see any process that goes into their plot.

Please God no. It would be one thing to do a twin story if Cameron was killed off back in the day (like Matt Clark, or Cassie were ). It would be stupid to immediately bring his twin to town just after killing this relatively legacy character.

Overall, I like the story, but it was rushed. The Golden Era writers would've been able to stretch Cameron's return over a year or two and not have it be boring.

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Were they serious when Sharon was teasing about the twin? I thought she was proposing the idea and Linden sort of went along with it. I took it as more tongue in cheek than anything else. I didn’t take them seriously.

I still think that Sharon Case was so thrilled to have gotten a story that she wanted to extend it or revive it in some way.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Great interview, but one thing that stood out is Linden liking the rushed storyline pace. He also enjoyed that Cameron came to town fully crazy not methodical or playing mind games.

There in lies the problem. As he acknowledged, for a medium that airs five episodes weekly, burning through material quickly isn't in their best interest. They're rushing through this storyline to return to a state of stasis. Very B&B of them.

I don't mind that Cameron returned ready for action, but the plot didn't have to get resolved so rapidly, especially because this is the most excitement they've had in years.

Edited by Planet Soap
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So why bother? Soaps are supposed to be more than 3 week stories and I can't see any major ramifications coming from this unless Sharon and Nick get together for the umpteenth time.

Sharon investigating her family history and finding a half sibling would be much more satisfying.

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Agree with everyone, the Cameron story wrapping up so quick is disappointing.  As pointed out, it seems LA was available for only a short time.  Sharon Case got a story, and she shined, is what I will take away from this.

On another note, I get Adam is the father of Sally's baby, does that give him rights to make medical decisions for Sally?

Edited by Jeff
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It also makes no sense that Sally wouldn’t have discussed some advanced medical directive and even appointed someone to ensure that her wishes were followed, considering the fact that she and her OB-GYN both knew her pregnancy was high risk. 

Even though Sally was admitted to the clinic, Elena would have called the office of Sally’s OB-GYN and found out what her advanced directives were. I am having a hard time believing this turn of events. 

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Does Sally really think that Adam should have let her die?  The baby would have had the least chance of survival as she couldn't have been more than 20 weeks into her pregnancy, but I'm sure the writer's didn't bother with that fact.  

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I don't believe for a second that Cameron is gone. Chance, Sharon, Nick were all distracted with the explosives on Faith, allowing Cameron, who is alive, to escape with help from "Jimmy" or someone else, and the missing cop that escorted Faith to the airport was put in Cameron's place to look like him. Think back to the original story line when Cameron had Gabe put Frank Barritt in Cameron's tuxedo to make Sharon think it was Cameron.

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