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BOLD Promo: "Liam lays down the law"

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Yeah, I bet Hope trips and falls onto Thomas, and Liam walks in, and the viewers will be plagued with a stupid nothingburger misunderstanding storyline.

This is the spoiler pic - I bet they shift positions later for more measurements and discussion and then she trips and falls.

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Edited by janea4old
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We posted at the same time janea4old, yep Hope will lose her balance and fall.  The dress looks more blue in the spoiler pic.

MA looks sharp in that shirt, oh and are those leather pants 

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Wednesday, April 5
Liam receives a shock when paying an unexpected visit to Hope.

Thursday, April 6
Hope worries about her marriage when Liam explodes in anger.

Friday, April 7
Hope creates a romantic night to set things right with Liam.

Week of April 10
Hope finds herself in a serious quandary.
Brooke questions Hope's feelings.

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Yeah, I think I've come to terms that soap storylines are just too fast-paced and sloppy. Well, no I haven't come to terms with it because it's stupid. However, I have come to terms that I'm powerless over it, and I can still watch soaps and make fun of it. I always do. Currently, I'm enjoying the hell out of General Hospital. I'm sure there are fans who don't like it as much as they used to, but for me, I watch DAYS and B&B. And then here I come stepping into Port Charles and I swear it's like I'm actually watching a good filthy soap-opera. Filthy! Slather me with some of that filth! Smack it on my butt cheeks too. 

Going back to B&B (as I don't want to get off-topic of this thread), I don't quite know the bad history of Thomas and Hope besides a Hope doll. But if the history is really that bad, I'm sorry, but no. Hope doing a whole 180 degree turn in that short amount of time is just absolute nonsense. That's not how it works in this world. Forgiveness is wonderful, but being able to wholly and completely forget about one's wrong doings and have them quickly vanish is another thing too. Because it doesn't happen like that, that's why.

Oh, and I loved Douglas finally makes his choice of who he wants to live with after his mom and dad have agreed to work together and blah, blah, blah. And he's only been living with Aunt Steffy for like 3 weeks after he tells a judge he wants to live with Aunt Steffy. What is the point of telling these storylines in that crazy pace? It's insane.

Am I angry? No. It's fictional, but for love of God, put some pride into your work.


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But the Shelia story was pure nonsense. Sheila dying could've happened during the cartoon car chase. Instead they dragged it on with pure nonsense. There was no story to tell.

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Once it was revealed that $B and BunHead were part of a ruse, they could've spaced out Sheila's downfall by featuring new stories. For example,

1. Katie and Carter get engaged, which would, of course, get derailed when Katie finds out $B is a hero.

2. Brooke casually dates Hollis. Taylor starts hanging with Deacon again. Ridge, shut out, turns to Li.

3. Donna worked her honey magic one too many times and gives Eric a heart attack.

4. Douglas stays with Steffy putting a real strain on her marriage and work. Even Finn finding out that Steffy cheated on Liam was dropped. How could he not be bother by that? And the fact that Taylor shot a man in cold blood, killed Darla and was involved with Dr. Buckingham. Finn starts to realize his mother-in-law is very flawed.

There was plenty of potential drama that could've been interspersed while wrapping the *big* story. 

The LopeAs story is even more illogical than the Sheila nonsense. Perhaps, Brad's ultimate goal is to have Liam hook up with Brooke and Thomas is the route.

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