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Days: April 2023 Discussion Thread

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Talk about overthinking it, I was speculating for the last month that Bo was everyone from Thomas to a de-aged Victor.  But, as it turns out, Peter Reckell is just a stiff, out of practice, actor. And, Hope can deprogram any man with the mere suggestion of the opportunity to see Ciara in a maternity dress. 

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Also, if they're going to use CGI, at least green screen in an image from Greece.  That cliff looked suspiciously like the Pacific Coast Highway.

Here, I fixed it (using this to apply for Peacock's special effects department).

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Edited by j swift
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It was great seeing Angela again. I love that she’s become Bo’s guardian angel. The Heaven scenes were the weakest part of BS2, but the two of them were good together. 

I thought Brandon Beemer did well today too, but I also think we should have gotten more of his reaction over the fact that he shot Bo. His scenes seemed a little rushed.

And once again, poor Tripp. That guy cannot catch a break. I am still enjoying this storyline and I hope it isn’t rushed. I’m just curious as to how bad that fall was that it messed Tripp’s hair too

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Btw, did anyone else notice those sweat pits on Harris in those scenes in the lab?

Edited by AbcNbc247
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The episode was not good at all.

Why repeat the ending again today? No reason to do so.

Bo "dies again" and Hope faints. Her collapse was so poorly done.

Once again Bo and Hope are somewhere in Hope dreams/imagination. The reunion that everyone was waiting for is told again like it was in BS2. What garbage is this?

Hope wakes up and the annoying Angela character is back. Miraculously after being told he was dead by the doctor......Bo came back to life!!! Yeah right!!  He's in surgery. Ron truly is one horrible writer. That can't be stated enough.

Brandon Beemer was awful. He can't act. That's why he's never had a major storyline. His fake tears were so bad.

Tainted biscuits and Leo..... Seriously why is Leo still on this show? Greg Rikaart needs to be shown the door. He can take Chanel with him. I am sick and tired of her too. How many times has she said Sloan Petterson?

Nice to see hot Tripp but his scenes with Wendy were so boring and lame. Frozen bag of peas and lets loosen up the shirt.

The sets...just horrible. Were they back in Salem? The waiting room was actually the church set which was previously the Dimera room.  The hospital room was familiar. Oh wait Salem hospital.

The apartment at Tripps was so tiny and dark. Is Tripp living in a closet? Should he come out?

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Did Peacock run out of money? Where is my $4.99 going to?

After all that Bo is in a coma.....

What a waste of two big returns.

The story was so poorly executed, produced and acted.


Edited by Soapsuds
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I watch on and off from both being busy and the same plots being retold over and over.

I’ll admit I will take the bad CGI over the same damn set over and over again lol

I watched only a few scenes but I guess they simply retold BS2 where Hope was shot but Bo is now shot? Just like Bo was “programmed” the same way every single character has been programmed to the point of exhaustion on this show? 

I love camp/fantasy but after the absolute waste of time that was Marlena, Kate and Kayla in Purgatory/Fantasy Land (I was excited for this until it amounted to nothing) on top of them all dying multiple times and Megan will be Kristin 2.0 before we know it. 

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I would include Hope as Gina, Steve as Stefano, Marlena as the Devil (they get a pass on this one), Abby as her alters, the list goes on rather it’s brain washing or plot contrivance for them to get through an episode. Did Jack have amnesia or was he brainwashed when he returned?

The only time they didn’t use it for plot was Ben but he was treated as a hero instead of as “The Beast” to Ciara’s “The Beauty”, would have made them much more interesting IMO.

At least they did stop with the Return from the Dead every New Years Eve. 

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Can't see a single thing I disagree with -- you nailed it all. With all my complaints about Josh Griffith's writing at Y&R, this is 10x worse. Griffith is like Dickens next to Carlivati, who has a very small bag of tricks that he repeatedly and ENDLESSLY returns to. I cannot believe how bad it all is.

I cannot remember DAYS being worse than this.


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Is there one more episode for Bo&Hope to sew things up?  It seems odd to end the story on a Tuesday.

I am not a SeBu fan so the only good news is that we are already 1/12th of the way through his contract.  I don't see much of a future for Harris.  I assume from today's dialogue that he will redeem himself by finding Kate, but I am officially the worst prognosticator in soap fandom history. 

The real highlight for me is Kayla.  All of the discussions about MBE's time on GH as Katherine reminded me that she's a compelling actor.  Her look of disgust at Harris, when he admitted to lying about Bo, was fun to watch.  She also had a tough assignment in the letter episode because it was mostly told through her reactions.  I hope DAYS will remember that some of their best ratings were when Patch and Kayla were the leading actors and throw them something else to do than fret about their children's romantic entanglements. 

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Leo is an embarrassment, written embarrassingly.

Carson Boatman is probably THE most improved actor in the DAYS cast. I don't know what you're watching.

I love PR and KA, too, but I will not miss Bo & Hope after this total debacle of a return. This is not what ANY Bo & Hope fan wanted to see -- not even close.


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They need to stop with the CGI stuff until they have actual money to pour into graphics that don't look like a Super Mario Bros. land. The sea and those islands in the background.... lawd... 

I used to consider Passions a soap opera parody, but they knew they were a joke.  DAYS is trying to sell this as actual good stuff, which actually makes it worse. 

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