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Days: April 2023 Discussion Thread

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It took me a minute to remember Hattie, lol! Umm, yeah. Whenever I see Brady and Marlena together, I just remember Brady when Kyle Lowder played him. And it's hard for me to see Brady and Eric together because they both look the same age, ya know?

I haven't seen yesterday's episode yet. I was going to, but I felt a little urge to watch Chicago P.D. instead after my workout. I recently stepped on a scale and I weighed 179 lbs and I'm 6'. So, no. I'm losing four pounds as I'm not having it.

I guess the thing that's a little far-fetched for me is Bo. Did he even have cancer? Or, did Dr. Rolf find a way to cure that? Was this even mentioned? Maybe it was mentioned while I applied my face creams in the bathroom. 

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Today had to have been a Jamey episode. There were tons of cringey, campy bitchfights and everything was written like a big joke. 

I don’t know how Ron doesn’t see what a  lousy writer Jamey is and fire him. I know asskissing feels good but come on. 

Chloe was so out of character today. There has to be a better way for them to push Chloe and Xander together then this. And yeah, Rachel still needs a beating. A smart beat to play would be for Brady not to be upset at Chloe, but feel like he’s failing as a parent, which he is. 

As for Paulina/Sloan, not to get political or anything, but I find it kind of funny that on the day a certain rich douche who thought he was above the law faces charges for his crimes, on Days we have to support another rich douche that clearly thought she was above the law, just sayin… 

Today’s mistakes were definitely choices

Edited by AbcNbc247
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The episode was campy bad!

The Paulina story should have a serious tone to it. Instead we have campy written material. The Paulina and Sloan scenes were bad.  Wasn't Chanel the original target? She was so unconcerned about it. 

Brady, Rachel and Chloe scenes were absurd. Gave me nightmares of the young Spencer brat from GH.

Brady is a horrible father and Eric Martsolf can't act.

Kidnapper murderer vs neck tie serial killer round 2 .....Who's interested in that sh!t??

Leo....enough said.....

Edited by Soapsuds
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Agreed, I suggested earlier that it would be nice for Brady and Marlena to bond over how to raise a rebellious girl and have the story center on Brady becoming a better caregiver, rather than just using the kid as a romantic obstacle. 

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I wish they would do something like that.

That would be a good way to use Marlena, instead of her just being kidnapped or held hostage 

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Or maybe even have Brady give Rachel a beating and it forces him to fall off the wagon 

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No one on here mentioned there was John/Marlena sexy time on today's show which makes it an automatic win of an episode for me

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The Eric/Sloan scenes were muffled today. 

Otherwise everything was awful.  Chloe screaming at a child was so odd.  Even if that child is demon seed Rachel.   I often forget Chanel was married to Xander, but I like them together as friends.   I don't like Xander much at all, but Paul Telfer does have decent chemistry with most of the ladies he interacts with. 

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I really thought the "Peacock episodes" would be better than this. I'm not seeing the "changes" or "improvements" that other people are.

The lighting and sets are better? Uh....ok....if you say so. The writing is more streamer than network? Uh.... ok...if you say so.

Meanwhile, the pacing is NO different. Characters get strong story for a week and then disappear in the middle of that strong story. And Bo and Hope? Sorry, but in my opinion Ron botched their return, which should have been epic and magical.

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I don't really see a difference in the non Beyond Salem shows.  Obviously, it's all the same show, but the episodes featuring that side of the cast seem to be a little better done.  

I really haven't loved the Bo/Hope stuff, but I am willing to wait it out before calling it an entire loss.  They haven't even seen one another yet. 

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I don’t have a problem with the Beyond Salem storyline or the pacing of it. There’s been much worse on Days in the last two years. 

I don’t get why so many people on Twitter are complaining about the pacing. It’s a soap. It’s supposed to be slow moving. I read those tweets and say to myself, “These people never would have made it in the 90s”, where it took John and Marlena four years to get back together and then another two to get married

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I barely made it through the 90's with John/Marlena lol. The two years it took them to get married after they reunited almost did me in-and then he slept with Hope/Gina on his honeymoon---but that's another topic  The pacing is weird right now though.  You will see some stories disappear for long periods.  JER's pacing was much more formulaic.  You would see certain stories M,W, F and the b stories T, TH unless the story was reaching it's climax.  I actually don't think the Bo/Hope story is moving too slowly either.  I just don't like it or get it yet, but I am sure it will unfold eventually.  

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