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B&B April 2023 Discussion Thread

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Are you Bradley Bell? 

Grow a sense of humour. My grandmother died of dementia and I was not using it to insult anyone. The whole comment was just my sense of humor and me being honest. But.

I am not going to write in this forum ever again. Every time I try to speak my mind people like that come and make it something it isn't. 

I was complaining about a god damn soap opera. Are you kidding me...

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So Brooke is doing this all over again. But this time she is not 35... it's so sad seeing the same old thing repeated till you are sick. How many times will that woman be made to act a scene like this...

And here I was dreaming of a story with that hot young waiter. Brooke could have been on fire with him.

No... it's destiny for the 102000 time.

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Well...you all did say that more than likely Hope was going to trip and fall on Thomas. lol.


I think it's a decent week so far. My favorite moment being Li's 'who's smiling now?' to Sheila. Ooooh how I like for their rivalry. All I want is one more catfight. Just one!!

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So given how Monday ended...are we going to get Carter/Katie/Bill or are they just back together like that?


I'm glad the Brooke/Taylor friendship held strong now that Ridge is back. At least for now. I thought it was interesting to have them in a scene together with Ridge and...bonding?


I was sad that the Thomas vs Ridge scene were so underwhelming. I was looking forward to seeing Ridge's reaction to Thomas being back. And I guess I thought it would be a bigger reaction. Oh, well.




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The Braylor friendship doesn't hit the same because it's not KKL/HT - that's where the 30 years of bad blood lies.

I like KA she's done a great job in breathing new life to the character, but it's just not the seismic shift it's made out to be.

If HT/KKL were hugging it out, having a girls night, etc. that *would* be mindblowing along the lines of the Brooke/Stephanie evolution, but somehow bigger. Brooke/Stephanie always felt like a mother/daughter relationship - they were never peers. 

Skip the girlfriend's aspect, keep them friendly, but both should move to different stories - preferably Brooke flinging with Hollis and Taylor with Deacon.

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I did laugh though because Ridge reminded me of someone I knew in real life, but I couldn't figure it out. No, I don't date slobs, but when Brooke came down the stairs in her lingerie and told Ridge that she forgot to blow out the candles, Ridge said something like, "I told you I would take care of it as I would be downstairs." OMG. Who do I know who acts like that? Anyways, I found it funny as it reminds me of a grumpy couple who've been together for so long, but they still love other in their own way. 

Even though I'm mad at this show, I still try to find a way to laugh. But no, if anything, I feel the writers are pushing for Brooke and Taylor to have a taste if you know what I'm saying. Mmmm-hmmm

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I don’t watch this show enough to understand the stories. But, I have to say this show still looks classic Bell. The sets, the lighting, the unique camera angles, even the roaring fire place fire… it feels like what Y&R once was. Gosh, I guess Ed Scott can still wield his magic somewhere. 

I loved the innovative thinking of having Ridge and Brooke eating their dinner on the floor at the coffee table. I’m sure the reason behind it is the lack of a dinning room set for Brooke, but it was a natural and realistic thing to do. The fire burning behind them, the close-ups, classic soap. 

Can this production team come over and teach their Studio City neighbours how it is done? I get better filmography from Lauralee Bell’s reels than the show!

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Soccer may disrupt B&B and Y&R 
Tues. April 11, Wed. April 12,
Tues. April 18, and Wed. April 19.
This affects the CBS broadcast only in western timezones.
You might need to watch on different time/channel, overnight, or online.
Does not impact the Canadian broadcast.

If you watch CBS soaps in Arizona or Hawaii, the disruption will be different than it was in Feb & March., because the live match in Europe is on "summer time" (Daylight Savings).

Details here:


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Fully agree. Brooke had fire chem with that waiter, an d watching her salivate in front of Ridge was so pathetic.


For me, the Braylor friendship not only doesn't hit the same, it's completely absurd. Both women have apparently had lobotomies to have a friendship like this.

Seeing them longingly look at each other like there's some deep, cosmic connection is just LAUGHABLE.

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