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General Hospital: April 2023 Discussion Thread

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I said it before and I'll say it again: Robert and Anna forever. I know the actors weren't fans and that Duke and Holly are the preferred partners for most people. Those actors and a nation of fans are all wrong! I would pair the Scorpios back up tomorrow.

I liked that too, and would want to see more of it played out. But I would still put Robert and Anna back together for good. The idea of Scorpio stuck with Diane makes me dry heave.

Edited by Vee
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I knew I knew that young woman shredding guitar Wendy & Lisa-style during Chase and Blaze's otherwise uninteresting song - Kate Grahn, Nancy's daughter. She's appeared before on and off over the years IIRC and I had a feeling it was her. The cast going nuts when she took center stage was the final giveaway. She did great.

Edited by Vee
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Nathan Parsons is handsome and not untalented but he's not exactly Jonathan Jackson, and Ethan is no Lucky. I'll give this cute dude a chance.

The show still has many issues but keeping Felicia in such heavy story rotation is something I never thought I’d see again. I love it.

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I can't stand Diane in general, so I hate the idea of her getting a high-profile romance.  I was fine with her dating dayplayer Max for years.   There is something so self-righteous and smug about Diane and her disdain for the mob while dating a mobster and making her living off of defending them.  UGH!  I don't know what Robert likes about her and her ugly Talbots suits.  

I do think Anna/Robert is the way to go.  Even if it's not TR and FH's favorite, the pairing seems to make the most sense for the characters.  Plus, they have had lovely moments together.  I adored the material they got on Nightshift (season 2?) when Robert thought he was dying.

Lol!  I should probably clarify that I don't care if Ethan is recast as he is actually important for this story.  I just think Ethan is an overall ill-defined character and Nathan Parsons was the best part about Ethan.   I always really wanted a Kristina/Ethan friendship that turned to romance once Lexi looked a little older.  

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I tolerate and sometimes even enjoy Diane in doses. She was great when she first came on, but they overexposed her quickly and the romance with Max was unbearable IMO. Less is more with Diane for me. She's only being put with Robert because she's in the age range, it just seems sad. Finola and Tristan would probably raise a fuss but I think Scorpio + Scorpio is the spiky and appropriate pairing for them, period (with a stopover in the Olivia thing). They don't need to stop bickering or clashing to stay hot together. And LOL at poor Diane's Talbot's suits.

Kristina and Ethan was a missed opportunity. My only real interest in Ethan though is in finally making him Robert's.

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Because they hate us. The idea that Alexis would even speak to this man again after the way he treated her for showing simple concern is absurd. He yelled at her and called her awful things because his ego is bruised or whatever. I hate him. Looking like a Founding Father thinking he can get away with this shît.

A terminally boring episode today minus Felicia and Holly.

Blaze entering the hearing all "I've got something to say!" and everyone listening to her was comical.

Brook Lynn's constant wistfulness when it comes to Chase is exhausting. If you want him, GO GET HIM. She's being a real pick-me right now and it's not a good look.

I still can't get over some of the writing. Scenes built around suspense where there needn't be any drive me batty. Willow and Michael invited Carly and Josslyn over to tell them they moved up the wedding. WHY was that dragged out over multiple segments? It's insane. The first scene ended with Willow saying something like "I need you" to them. The next had Michael asking Carly "Do you approve us getting married?". The next probably had some variation of that but I wouldn't know because I skipped it. It's so stupid. It's a 2 minute scene dragged out over the entire hour.

I get that soaps need filler but give it some life, some vitality, some humor, some personality. It all feels very "We need to complete this script with just enough info to get us through to next week". 

He looks very Australian.

I've had the same thought during their scenes. The actress is coming across real thirsty. I know you're happy to have screentime and probably excited to work with Tristan but simmer down. And he seems like he could take it or leave it.

They should do it now that Lexi Ainsworth looks like an adult. Friends to lovers.

Edited by Darn
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It also varies by the day. Some scripts or blocks of scenes, especially the veteran corps dealing with their past issues like Ryan and such, or scenes with Ava scheming away, often have real heart or depth. Many others are purely and simply functional and filling space. But Frank's shows have had that kind of filler forever. All soaps do now. It's not like '90s GH where scenes would go ramble along and tell a story between the characters in vignettes.

This has been her resting behavior for what? 15 years.

I just can't get excited about giving Kristina story, lol. I feel like they missed the boat with those Davis girls and I can't get worked up about it, even though I think Molly as ADA has decent potential. I'd sooner see most of the young women (except Trina, BLQ, and Joss who would get recast) ushered out and new ones brought on. But I suppose you could try it with the others gone in the meantime.

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I would say the vet scenes where they let them shine and rely on these 30+ year old friendships to drive the scene are some of the best. And I think the day to day writing for some characters is consistently good, like Spencer, Ava, Laura. Even when the scene is functional I get a good sense of who they are.

I can't say the same for others, as good as Laura Wright is for example, Carly vacillates between Bull in a China Shop and Mother Earth depending on the day.

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Yeah, Diane has always come off oversexed and thirsty.  She was always bragging about her hot nights with Max.  I am sure CH is happy to get a chance at romance with someone that's not a D player on the show though.  And TR does give the vibe that he could care less lol

I would be all for Ethan/Kristina now.   I always thought it was cute the way Kristina knew one day they would get together, but then Ethan left and they moved Kristina in a different direction and then basically off screen.

I thought the Sonny/Nina scenes were almost worse than the Willow/Michael/Carly/Joss scenes.  Sonny has had this exact conversation with his woman of the moment approx 1000 times. 

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We've talked about it before but there is a lot to play in the relationships with Spencer and Laura or Trina and Ava. They are unique, particularly IMO the Trina relationship with Ava where you have a purely heroic young character with a dark horse, like Robin with Jason or Sonny back in the day. There's also the art connection between the two, with Trina becoming a modern artist.

LW is capable of better material. I think they showed some of it briefly, in the Bobbie montage at the Ball; I could swear they showed the scenes from early in her run where she apologized to Bobbie at Tony's grave.

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Has Ava had a scene with Austin since the day after Nikolas died?

It feels like that relationship was the focus of February sweeps, but now it has been forgotten.  It totally neuters the potential evil of Austin's cousin if he's only a threat every two months.  I get that Victor's story is the central drama, but there are a lot of loose threads.  Including why/where Blaze stayed in town after the ball, but nobody checked in on her.

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