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Days: February 2023 Discussion Thread

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Oh, wow, you just gave me chills! I wonder how many examples of lightning in a bottle we could think of. 

We know that when Linda Gottlieb & Michael Malone & Joss Griffith gathered at OLTL *the first time* it was there. Marland & Monty saw Genie & Tony & it was there (GH). Betty Rea interviewed Lisa Brown & had no job for her but knew she was lightning in a bottle & simply told the shows they'd have to write something for her (ATWT & GL). When Agnes Nixon created Rachel & Steve & Alice it was there (AW). As we've just said, Reilly 1.0 at DOOL



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Oh who can forget that tumble down the steps?  To be fair, I think Marlena was only about 55 because she celebrated her 50th birthday in 1999 or 2000.  I am sure she had a very viable womb in 2005

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  I remember the bed spread stuff because the show used in for Steve/Kayla and some J&M fans paid like serious money to send a bedspread to Days.  I. Don't. Even. Know.  However, I don't remember this cabin they moved into.  I admit I went in and out with Days back then.  John was in a coma forever and Marlena was doing silly things like feeling John's presence on her penthouse balcony Lol!

Sami's wishy washy hate for John annoys me so much.  They get over it and then it reappears for no rhyme or reason.  I know it was quite traumatic to see your faux dad banging your mom on a conference table, but it was 30 years ago Sami!

Aremid is probably my favorite JER story.  It's really perfect.

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It's hard to choose between Aremid, Maison Blanche, possession or Kristen vs. Marlena. It was all so good.

I remember that comforter mess.

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I didn't see Griffith/Malone 1.0 but I loved the first bit of their second OLTL run.

I always thought Malone would make an interesting co-HW for Carlivati.

Edited by KLN
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You're the first person I've ever seen say anything good about Griffith/Malone 2.0. Good A variety of perspectives is good. 

He was at AW for 6 months & it was appalling. Mostly he took the 13 BOURBON STREET bible & tried to make it fit onto Bay City. 

Poor guy. [!@#$%^&*] Cancer. If only he were alive maybe he could help out JG at Y&R! Personally I suspect that Gottlieb was a really important part of that lightning in a bottle & she rarely gets her due. Have you seen YouTube clips of the Ryan Phillipe story & the AIDS Quilt? 

@ErrolJust an FYI, Lindsay Arnold was on #SoapTwitter yesterday looking for fan input on "Allie possessed" scenes for a reel she's putting together. She said she's auditioning. 

Edited by Tonksadora
Lindsay Arnold
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I can't imagine spending my hard earned money to buy fictional characters bedding, but I may be persuaded to buy a comforter for Sonny and Brenda if FV would hire Vanessa back

Anyhow, if I had to rank JER stories it would be

1. Aremid

2. Maison Blanche

3. Paris

4. Kristen/Susan/Marlena/John

5. The Possession

I'd put the Affair at 2 personally, but I know that wasn't all JER.


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If I had to rank my favorite JER Days stories it would be:

1. Maison Blanche

2. Carly buried alive

3. Aremid

4. The Secret Room

5. Grand Theft Embryo

6. Bo/Hope Avalanche(I never see anyone talk about this lol.)

7. Austin/Carrie/Lucas/Sami


I did like the initial first few months of the Possession when it was gothic and creepy but by April 1995 it completely lost that feel. Entertaining though. Had the same feelings about Paris. 

LOL. I think the most memorable moment in that “cabin” I remember was a rare Kate/Marlena confrontation in the aftermath of EJ’s shooting when Kate was the prime suspect but Marlena was a suspect too and Kate tore both Roman and Marlena a new one over unfair/preferential treatment , leaving Marlena to allow Roman to handcuff her for questioning down at the station. 

But yeah Langan and Brash/Cwikly had made John & Sami cordial but then Reilly reset her to 1993 lol. Milstein and then Sheffer fixed their relationship and of course Sami named Johnny after him lol but when McPherson/Thomas took over Sami hated him again. In fact the last couple times Sami has returned  I kind of hated how Sami’s pretty much considered fallen out of favor with her family specially with Brady and Belle because of their past closeness. 

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I liked that Bo/Hope story.  It was quite good.  I think Bo/Hope stuff in the JER era gets overshadowed because the John/Marlena stuff was just so much more of the focus.

It's weird Belle/Sami hate each other now (and I don't mind it) because they historically always got along.  I actually don't mind John/Sami being slightly antagonistic because John is one of the only people that calls Sami out on her sh*t.  Roman/Marlena just coddle her.  I just want the show to pick a lane on this.  Sami looks completely unreasonable for hating him for the affair still but if she was mad because he actually tells her she's being ridiculous that's fine.

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Thank I always thought that avalanche story was a complete renewal for Bo and Hope, something I don’t think JER & CO anticipated success at all so he had no idea what to do other than try to throw up a lot obnoxious obstacles (Billie 2.0, Jill Stevens, Franko, drugs etc). The last piece of egg on JER’s face was when Hope assisted Chelsea put up Zack’s ornament on the Christmas tree, I had heard JER later felt he went too far with Zack’s death but time wasn’t on JER’s side at all. 

The MM Belle/Sami relationship 2005-2008 was actually nice to have because both sisters were written to resent Carrie lol and MM Belle considered Sami to be a good confident and vice versa. I still hate that EM Brady’s surrogate big bro to Sami got lost after 2011.

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The Townhouse was before the Fraud, right? Cause when they left town in 2009, Sami moved in there and that’s were she made Nicole confess the truth about Sydney. 

One thing I loved about Reilly’s first run was he apparently had a love for Kimberly Brady-Donovan-Collier-Donovan cause she was always in town between 1996-1998. 

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You are correct.  Marlena was in the townhouse bedroom after John "died" looking at his coffee mug and crying, so it was around before.  I honestly don't remember Sami living there at all, but I am sure you are right about that too.  I think I just associate the townhouse with J/M's return even though it existed previously.  It had quite a large bedroom in 2011 as well.  I don't think the living room set changed much except for some redecorating, but it seemed to make more logistical sense back then just based on how they walked in and out of rooms.

I always liked Kim's pop ins.  I liked her and Eric's relationship.  I wish they could have found something more permanent for PP/Kim.

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Once again, this show rushes through something that it should have taken it’s time on. They got it right when Marlena was “dying”, but they couldn’t get it right here. Chanel and Allie’s confrontation should have lasted a lot longer. 

It sucks because I like a lot of the ideas, but the execution is often terrible 

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