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Days: February 2023 Discussion Thread

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Finally found the article with RSW claiming Days as the #1 streaming show on peacock.

In a chat with TvLine, actor Robert Scott Wilson shared that Days of Our Lives has emerged as Peacock’s number-one streaming show. With the success that the soap has garnered post it’s move has ensured that the head honchos of Peacock will remain invested in DOOL. In the beginning, when the former NBC soap started streaming online, the only thing that was different was the soap’s address. The whole story and vibe of the sudser remained unchanged. This was largely due to the fact that the episodes are filmed months in advance. Thus, they were NBC episodes that were streaming on Peacock.

Several stars of Days of Our Lives spoke to Soaps.com about their experience regarding the shift. Additionally, they also hinted at what the future holds for the iconic soap. Actor Stephen Nichols (Steve) shares that Peacock wants to keep the association going as the numbers are great. Thus, the cast and crew of the soap is not worried about their future on the project anymore. The soap is on Peacock to stay. He also pointed that the episodes that were originally filmed for NBC have already been streamed and a new round of filming will start.

Actress Tina Huang jumped in and exclaimed that it’s a fantastic thing. Now that Days of Our Lives is streaming online, it has opened the doors to so many things they couldn’t previously do. The new episodes will be filmed according to online streaming perspective. However, this does not necessarily mean it will be all crass and sex and drugs. The soap can now touch upon sensitive topics that they didn’t earlier. Honestly, even for NBC, the soap already discussed abortion and showed a threesome. That’s pretty bold on its own. So we genuinely can’t wait to find out what could come next.

Actress Stacy Haiduk pointed out that the upcoming storylines would be a little edgier on Days of Our Lives. However, the changes won’t be overnight. It will be a slow and smooth transition. Dan Feuerriegel (EJ) jumped in with a joke that in two years’ time, the soap would be like Euphoria. But thankfully, Camila Banus (Gabi) quickly cleared the air that Dan was just joking and that would never happen. Dan got all serious and shared that the changes would be small and subtle. For instance, he used to swear words in one of the episodes that he wouldn’t on NBC.

Despite the move to online streaming platform Peacock, the stars of the soap believe Days of Our Lives will retain its essence and not turn into something unrecognizable. However, Kyle Lowder (Rex) pointed that online shows are full of swearing and sex scenes, so we can expect to see Days of Our Lives get a little more racier than before! But other than that all remains the same. Family values, love stories and everything. They don’t want to alienate the fanbase. Well these little changes sound really exciting and we are eagerly waiting to see them play out on screen! Are you excited for the changes too? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Days Of Our Lives, streaming exclusively on Peacock


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LOL! I clicked on the link and then I moved my mouse and clicked on their Home Tab. Yowzas. Oh, sweet Jesus.

I do media bias checks all the time. In grad school, I've written so many papers it made me sick. Looking at this, I immediately question credibility.

Edited by Noel
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Why are you quoting tvseasonsspoilers.com ?
Their article claims they were citing RSW in TVLine and also mentioned something from soaps.com. 

But no.  I looked it up.  They were mentioning something RSW said on TVInsider (not TVLine).
As far as I can tell, TVLine hasn't interviewed RSW since before the switch to Peacock.

I found the TV Insider interview on youtube.  It's from Jan. 23.
It's one of the many interviews Deidre and RSW gave at the TCAs.
They were at the TCAs representing Peacock and DAYS.
RSW said "We're number one on Peacock, someone just sent me that". 
RSW didn't say who sent it to him.
This is the TV Insider interview, from Jan. 23. He says it in the first minute:

The tvseasonsspoilers.com article also mentioned a soaps.com interview with several cast about the switch to Peacock. but that interview was from Sept 6, 2022.

(edit to correct myself, it was Sept. 9, not Sept. 6).

Edited by janea4old
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Oops, I made typo. It was from Sept. 9, not Sept. 6. 

Edit to add:

It was a Sept. 9 soaps.com article that was restating things 
from Tony Moore doing a Soapcentral interview.
(Tony was working for soapcentral for a special thing that day).

This is the the Sept 7 interview by Tony Moore for soapcentral:

That was restated by soaps.com in their Sept 9 article.

And a restating of that Sept. 9 soaps.com article was inserted into the mess of the tvseasonspoilers.com item.

Edited by janea4old
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Huh? For me, I'm not discrediting the original poster who posted it, but for me, I'm not a Q-Anon member or anything, but umm ... yeah. Woof at that site. Goes to show how anyone can buy their own website from a web host like Bluehost, GoDaddy, or Wix for that matter. You know what I'm sayin'? Woo-wee! Lord, it smells worse than a cum rag. Kind of like Abigail Deveraux. Now, now, now, before you start judging me, you know deep down you're thinking it because we all know she nor Chad showered after sex, okay? So, get off your little high horses, because it's all about 'Time and Space'

We should start a hashtag revolution because now it seems to be the excuse for this show. 'Time and Space'.

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OMG! I knew it was bad. Thnx. But, listen, I just realized I should've put this in the BTS DOOL thread. I'm going to move it. Sorry, folks. 

On second thought it would be more mess by duping it to move it. Maybe it will die with this epic Nicole moment!!

Edited by Tonksadora
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This was at the TCA event where Deidre and RSW gave a ton of press interviews. They were there to promote DAYS for Peacock.  It was their job to hype the show. 

I wonder who had "just sent" RSW the info?  Was it from a Peacock exec or DAYS producer? or was it from twitter or a fan?

Deidre and RSW did a lot of interviews that day (you can recognize them because Deidre is wearing the same outfit in them all).  They did interviews in person at the TCA event, and also Deidre did some interviews via video chat on various TV stations, etc.  I don't have the time/energy/inclination to look them all up.  I would be curious what they say in them all about how Days is faring on Peacock.

I'm going to follow up with this on Toups' ratings thread. I'll ask there if @Toups  or @Errol knows how it's determined how DAYS is doing on Peacock.

Edited by janea4old
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