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General Hospital: January 2023 Discussion Thread

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True. I do actually think that GH unwittingly has the least messed up timeline, partly due to not retaining many of its vets and not using certain legacy characters and partly because of a lack of what I like to call compound SORASing - i.e SORASed characters on GH tend not to have kids straight away, meaning the generational gaps are at least for the most part still plausible (for example, AJ, Michael and Wiley are all roughly two decades apart, meaning Monica is still plausible as Wiley's great-grandmother).

Where GH does seem to fall down though is in not taking account of events in relativity to one another, like the situation we have now with Willow and Nelle being twins makes Willow older than Michael because of all the things previously established with Nelle and Carly.

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The number of kids who have aged almost in real time is nice. There aren't any 5 year olds who are suddenly 20. Cameron has aged completely in real time, mostly because Becky looks so young and Liz had him so early.

The SORAs-ing on the show hasn't been so bad thankfully. I always think soaps can get away with aging kids a bit more when the parents are older. So Kristina going from 8 to 16 or Josslyn going from 4 to 9 was nothing to me. The other soaps have much messier timelines. 

My powers of deduction prove me right once more!

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I enjoyed Friday's episode and Monday's episode was okay. Still trying to figure out who's who, but I had no idea that Laura was the mayor of Port Charles. Genie Francis glowed yesterday. Is the show hiding her pregnancy? I noticed that Laura and Esme didn't really seem to talk about each other's pregnancies. Rather, it was just Esme. I think Esme is trying to pull a Sami Brady with her amnesia, but that's just me.

I wanted more Nina and Carly drama and felt a little deprived. What would make this storyline more explosive is Willow dying. I swear, I'd laugh and laugh. Nina being so horrified at the death of her daughter and the fact that Carly kept if from her all this time would be even more explosive. Instead, it's going to be the same ol' storyline. Maybe Willow will die. I dunno. I'd like it if she did. I want to see Cynthia channel her inner Annie Dutton and have a faceoff with Carly. Get her, Annie! Get her! Sic her!

I mean, get her, Nina! Get her! Rip her face off!

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