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DAYS: October 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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It looked like a little old lady rain bonnet but it was actually a frosting or highlights cap. You put the chemicals on the hair & then you enclose the hair in plastic to let it heat up & then you can wash & rinse. But, why would you go some place with that on your head?!! You wouldn't. You'd stay home till it was done!

So you mean you just normalize them by having them sin, or make mistakes. They're just human, after all. Is that the M.O.? So, don't we need a larger pool of gay guys?

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Or heteroflexible characters. Chanel was a groundbreaking character for DAYS. Adding more pan characters is the way to go. Nothing says that Sonny or Will can't connect with a woman either. Perhaps the Peacock move will allow DAYS to be more adventurous with couplings.

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I would hope that along the way they would try to provide more understanding. Lots of people maintain that they simply do not understand pan, omni or bi, even. However, I also think that at times that "I don't understand." really sounds like "I do not approve of people who will not make a simple decision: Penis or Vagina." I know that when RonC used that line with Paulina & Chanel that he said he had to fight to keep the line in. Maybe Peacock will not need to have so many fights!

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Yeah... any bit of sympathy I had for Gwen yesterday is gone. Too bad Jen didn't finish her off. She was so horrible to Jen in the first half of the episode, then in the second half, she was nice. Does she have D.I.D or something? Kristen gets written the same way sometimes too and I don't get it. It's tough to support someone when they go from normal to psychotic and back again at the drop of a hat. And Leo just has to go. The less said about him, the better.

I did really enjoy Craig and Nancy's scenes though. It was an almost perfect kind of closure for the two of them. A scene like that is what needed to be done for them months ago, not all this character assassinating, mean spirited, misogynistic bullshit that we were forced to endure. But yeah, there was still no point to having that stupid thing on her head. It looked like the thing that Stefan had on his head when he was on ice 

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Chad and Stephanie do have chemistry and I would be on board with this pairing. The only complaint I have is that it's just too fast. If anything, Chad should at first push Stephanie away after anything that may happen between them. Then, have Stephanie start to pursue him, but eventually realize she's becoming just like Alex. 

And welcome back, Mike. It's been a long time. I wonder if anything's going to happen between him and Nancy. It was nice to see him visit Laura's grave as well. But Laura was born in 1950? What?? Apparently, she was an established, well-known psychiatrist at the age of 16 

I didn't want to say it, but yes. Agreed.

Why would Sonny bring in hamburger when he's already got steak on the table?  

If they went there, they would have to do something where Sonny develops feelings for Chad, but he (obviously) doesn't return them, which causes conflict for Will and Sonny. I think that could work.

I don't think RC would ever go there. With female characters, yeah. But male characters, no chance.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I really like Greg R. I really have no interest in Leo. And, as a lesbian I don't always immediately tumble to what y'all are getting at, but this, about the relative appeal of Will & his portrayer, Chandler, is dead on, absolutely the fly in the ointment. Finding someone to be better in any way than Will is gonna be a tall order.

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Everyone pretty much covered what I had to say today.  I logically get the reason Nancy was in that cap getting her highlights done (and she wasn't walking around town with it-she was staying with Bonnie at the K mansion).  You just would never see Marlena, Kate, or Kayla in a highlight cap at home.   Is RC just doing a cameo?  Or is he sticking around?  Are they setting up him and Nancy if so?

Anyhow, this might seem blasphemous, but I don't get what SSH's is going for with her acting choices most days.  Her scenes with Leo were cringey.  Is it supposed to be funny?  Is Julie just a loud, cranky, campy old lady?  She is fine in quieter scenes like the first half of the episode, but Leo/Julie is not a fun combo.  To be fair, Leo and anyone is not a fun combo, but those two are particularly annoying.

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Got it.  They way Nancy/Mike met up at the end after that whole closure scene with Craig had me wondering lol.

I don't......really enjoy Julie at all and that's probably the nicest way to put it.  It wasn't always like that.  I never had a problem with her until about the last half a decade or so.  I just generally don't know what to think of her character.  

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RC really has done SSH/Julie a disservice.  I think he writes Doug much better.  I am not a Julie historian, but from what I have seen and what I have read Julie was much more sophisticated and glamourous.  I loved what I saw of her solo return in the early 90's bedding younger men with her fabulous 90's fashion and hair.  I can see Julie as being stuck up or snobby, but racist, bigoted, and a loud shrew?  Pass.  She is actually the butt of tons of old lady jokes too.  Again, Marlena or Maggie would never be spoken about that way.  I never thought SSH was an amazing thespian, but I have seen her capably handle material.  The Hayes seem happy and that's fantastic, but Julie has become a caricature and it's really a mockery of what Julie should be (or at least what I imagine Julie should be at this age).

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You're so right about ALL of this. Today's show annoyed the hell out of me.

Leo is beyond annoying. BEYOND. No one would put up with his bullsh#t. When I see how focused Ron C is on his character, I know he doesn't care what anyone says online. If Sonny gets involved with him....I mean, kill me now. WHY hire a hot guy like Zach Tinker as Sonny just to pair him with LEO? And yes, I'm shallow. Leo is NOT hot enough, and there's nothing sexual about him.

The Jennifer and Gwen stuff today was absurd -- and so typical of the way Carlivati saves a character. Just ridiculous even BEFORE we get the gosh-gee-open-mouth response from Cady McClain, who gets worse as Jennifer every day.

Nancy? The character CANNOT be salvaged....which means Ron C will save her and make her look even dumber and even less worthy of respect. Getting back with Craig? In what universe except one in which she's so self-loathing it's pathetic?

The Mike scenes with Julie and Doug were fine, but I was struck by the scene where Mike first appears. The blocking and direction are horrendous. Mike's face cannot be seen, and there's no reason to film it that way. Clearly, to save $5, they didn't shoot the scene again.

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Ron has been doing this with the 'good' characters being painted as holier than thou and judgmental to the antiheroes since OLTL; he puts the thumb on the scale, slants the writing, drags them down with some whatever behavior that's designed to paint them as hypocrites and then tries to pretend there is a false equivalence. It's gotten far worse since those days. (Like on GH, when he pretended Anna Devane illegally imprisoning Faison was equally as wrong as when he left her with brain damage for a decade, destroyed her family and then faked her daughter's death. Oy, I'll never get past that.)

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