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We're down to three soaps on TV Broadcast!!

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Oy! Is it selfish for me to wish that Guiding Light and As the World Turns had that option to move to Paramount +? Shoot, I'm still on Season 1 of The Bold and the Beautiful. It's not fair! Then again, if watching Guiding Light on Paramount + meant that I had to see characters having a conversation in front of a port-o-potty again, I'd have to take a real hard pass on that one. 

God, I sound like I have no empathy. I do. Ever since the cancellation of Guidng Light and As the World Turns, I immediately went numb as nothing shocks me anymore. I'm not being dramatic or anything. It's just the way things are I guess. I'm glad that DAYS has got another option and I do sincerely hope that it will be better for the cast and crew. Overall, the handeling of this was a really sh*tty thing to do.

As far as General Hospital, I wouldn't be that surprised. 

Edited by Noel
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This issue, is it better to get a new venue & put your head down & push through & see how much you can make of the new digs or is it better to just be shut down, have a big send-off & count the years since it's been gone is an issue that fans are absolutely split on, if you ask me. There are fans that do not want any hard times, or have had enough of hard times & just want it to be over with if they can't have the show in their memory. There are fans that would always choose to try to do that thing where soaps reinvent themselves one more time. That's been a point of disagreement I would wager on every canceled soap & it came up with DOOL fans in the past month.

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The way Days went to Peacock gives me little hope. There was no planning. Now Peacock gets six-months of the same dreck before any changes even begin? People will be "over it" by then and lose interest. NBC/Peacock should have planned ahead and left some kind of cliffhanger/twist into a new storyline direction. They should have had cast returns/additions to interest people. Unfortunately, they needed to go all-out to launch this successfully and they lost the opportunity. It's going to be too late to play catch up six months, or more, from now.  

OLTL tried with the reveal of Victor being alive at the end of broadcast...but we know how that turned out for Prospect Park. 



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The only good thing about the launch on Peacock is that it went immidiately there without a break and that they at least have a year of episodes to evaluate its performance. But that's pretty much it - as you said, this decision should've been made months ago (or preferably, NBC/Peacock should've been clear that they were going to move it from the start) and the show probably should've been put on production hiatus (which would've been no issue since they're filming so far ahead) for them to re-group with the move. 

Ideally, I would've gone with them doing a soft reboot - tie up most stories for the broadcast viewers but leave with a cliffhanger to follow it on Peacock. Tighten up the cast so that potential curiosity viewers can catch up quickly and cut it to 20-30 minutes (which is always the ideal format for a daytime soap).The time jump move would've been perfect for this. 

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