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DAYS: August 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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Yeah, I get the concept of the Younger Actor category-it was just weird when young teenagers like Kimberly J. Brown were against Martha Byrne in that category.  I think the very noticeable age disparity made that category a joke more than the concept or actual performers.  I know they've changed it a lot since then and that wasn't the actual point you were making, but I was just thinking about an Emmy award for kids after your comment.  Then imagining multi-year victories for Dylan Cash as Michael on GH or Kristen Alderson as Starr if there was a kids category only lol

Anyway, I was thinking about Days in general and they have never been a show to use their kid actors very well.  Outside of Christie Clark, I actually can't think of a memorable child actor the show has ever had.  The little girl that played Ciara maybe?   Even when Days had a budget they've always had little interest in their child actors unlike some soaps that would churn out numerous young future stars.  I wonder if that was a conscious decision to make major SORASing changes less jarring.

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Kids on DAYS either seem relentlessly SORAS'd or they're sent off screen like Arianna (who should be on screen).

Hopefully, in wanting to keep Chad in the younger group they might not want to rapidly age up his and Abby's children, then again, I could also just see them sending them off screen for the next couple of years.

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I thought he needed a good smack in the face. The little weasel brat. I'm not a parent thank goodness, and if I did have kids, I'd have someone from social services riding all over my ass. 

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 No, I'm just kidding. Don't get me wrong because I would smack him in the face if I were like 5 or 6-years old, but I wouldn't smack him as an adult although it is tempting. I did find it weird how Chad told Gwyneth (Gwen) to stay away from his kids. I wouldn't go near those nosey rugrats.

I'm glad the Nickelodeon love story "mini-series" starring Allie, Chanel, and Johnny is done and over with. I was so intrigued and praying to God and Jesus near my windowsill that they would guide Chanel along the way. As quick as these true love storylines go, Johnny will find someone instantly. Hey, look at Jake and Ava. Their love truly sparkled over a plate of eggs next to the bathroom. 

How was Dr. Rolf able to find out that Jake was dead, but EJ and Stacy had no clue? Hmm, maybe he has a way to get into the Salem Hospital's intranet portal system. So, Jake is still dead and Dr. Rolf has a conniving way of turning Jake into Stefan? I'm trying to remember how Stefan died. Was he too shot in the stomach area? My mind is hazy because all I remember is Gabby. No, wait. Stefan was shot in the brain. At that time, it was all about Gabby. Oh, yeah! She had one of those monitoring devices that controlled Julie's brain. Hahahaha! Yes! Going back to this Jake/Stefan mumbo-jumbo story, it will more than likely go through one ear and out the other with me. In other words, I'll watch but I'm not going to pay much attention unless there's something really stupid and far-fetched. You know, kind of like Belle and Shawn having private conversations for months with each other and viewers don't even know it. However, something will more than likely be far-fetched and I'll end up being vocal about it, lol! 

Speaking of Shawn Brady, I don't get bullsh*t paternity tests on this show. How was the paternity test done when Shawn questioned if he was magically the father of Jan's baby? So Shawn got a DNA swab from Jan and Shawn gave the police his own DNA swab? Who was Shawn talking to on the phone at that time? Because to me, it seemed like these tests were going to be done but observed by the Salem police to ensure the accuracy without any shenanigans or foolery. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't get how these DNA tests are done and are believed to be held true at face value. I don't care about this storyline at all, but one would think that as many times (NUMEROUS TIMES) as paternity tests have been switched at Salem Hospital, they would be cautious and go somewhere else like Kansas City considering the poor reputation that hospital upholds on Angie's List.


Edited by Noel
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Arianna being gone is like Sami/Eric being in Colorado for years at a time.  At least Will is there with her.  I just don't know why Gabby doesn't at least have joint custody of her.  

I think they will keep Chad/Abby's kids young like Will or Abby herself.  Unless Days wants to SORAS Arianna, Thomas, Charlotte, Rachel etc. The show would be better off just SORASing Holly, Tate, and Parker first I think.


At least she can act.  I can only imagine Nicholas Betchel cleaning up child emmys with his 'precociousness' lol

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I've said it before, but I don't like the rapid SORASing and prefer it when they do it like they did with Will or Shawn D - slight SORASing, but nothing too drastic. Belle and Brady comes to mind; earlier than that Mike Horton and David Banning. It becomes a bit odd since they also like to keep characters vaguely in their 20s/30s/40s for so long in order to keep them "viable" for the canvas (which is how you end up with Kristen giving birth to her step son's baby in her late 50s).

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I think there would conceivably be a place for Thomas or a Thomas a few years older to play a Carrie/RoJohn or Shawn D/Bo like role to Chad.  Christie/Colin O'Donnel weren't on a ton, but they were important and showed RoJohn/Bo's lives as a single dads with their own little side stories that weren't very airtime consuming.  I doubt the show has time or money to do that these days, but I thought it worked well at the time for both kids.  Plus, it gave the show some familial grounding as they weren't just talking about their kids.  You saw them.   I think it's ridiculous when mothers like Gaby and Chloe don't raise their kids at all.  Tate is more understandable for Brady because it makes sense his mother would have him the majority of the time.

Obviously SORASing is a huge problem, but I have said my opinions on Belle/Brady's aging so many times all I will say is it was AWFUL.

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Lol!  I repeat myself way too often.  No one wants to hear how I feel about how stupid it was to age Belle/Brady so much that now they appear older than Sami for the 500th time-even if I think it's one of the more major mistakes Days has actually made in this century.  Unfortunately, the show is so lackluster these days there is not much to add.

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Exactly.  Ron has no real long game on any story.  Any plot or storyline that starts decent (Sami's kidnapping, Johnny/Allie/Chanel, the Devil Possession, Charlie's murder and so on....)tends to fall horribly flat.  Gwen would be anti-climatic as the killer, but I can't even think of a twist or character killing her that would make this story worth killing off Abby.

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For me, what's missing is the Slesar way of inter cutting stories.  A story ends, characters flounder, and then something else happens to them.  I yearn for stories that have consequences, but when even death is not forever in Salem, there's no sense of people who have grown and changed based on experience.

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