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DAYS: July 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone is always getting shot in the stomach area? I was about to say spleen, but the spleen is located on the left side of the body. Yeah, so everyone is either planning a marriage or they're getting shot in that one area. Where did EJ get shot? Stefan? Jake? Eli? Wasn't Abigail sliced and diced by a $2 steak knife in that area too? C'mon, man. We have to get some inventive ideas here and be creative. I'm not saying this to be a smartass (okay, that's a lie), but c'mon man. What's up with all of this?

I did like the tattoos on the meth-head thug, so I'm trying to be positive as much as I can. I liked Tamara Braun's acrylic nails too. That's all I can say in order to be positive.

There's no story development and everything is so force-fed. If the audience likes that kind of thing and if it works out for them, then okay. That's great I suppose. I just miss soaps the way they were written. The days when the writers took the time to write a storyline exceptionally well. Instead, these stories feel contrived as if they have an expiration date or a due date of some sort. To me, that's sloppy. 

Edited by Noel
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They really should've gone with the decapitation route for Abigail - but maybe they can do that for when they finally kill off Will? Of course, in a nefarious DiMera plotline, his head would be kept alive and kept by Leo, which would allow for them to work around Smirky McSmirkface's schedule (when he's not available, they can just draw a smirk on ball), while also freeing up Sonny for hot sex with Chad!


Why haven't I been scouted by them as a writer? Obviously, I'm writing GOLD.

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