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B&B September 2021 Discussion Thread

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We need an older woman... Stephanie... type or even Jackie... just very older... who is obsessive and villianish-like, but not the Sheila type. We need a strong female conflict... and not Hope and Steffy. Maybe Brooke and someone else, because Brooke THRIVES when she is being abused. Donna and Katie need to dissapear for a while. Liam has to die. Bill needs to sleep with Hope. And thats when the show will be watchable again.

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I feel Brooke is too old now to be the victim, i want a equal rivarly. Honestly, if they had revamped Katie after brill I think her Vs Brooke coulda been good 

I think they need to stop playing and but Thomas with Hope. They have chemistry, the best in the set.

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I never said VICTIM. Brooke needs to be constantly embarassed and harrassed, because of her BAD actions. She needs to be causing drama and conflict, because KKL knows how to play this. I don't think she is that OLD, that she can't be exciting messy character. Right now, Brooke is BORING. For the past couple of years the character has been sleeping and not acting like herself. The Slut From The Valley needs to re-awaken, because this is the staple of the show, like it or now. I don't like matriarch Brooke, it just doesn't work.

And again I will repeat myself, the biggest problem is LIAM. He sucks the air out of the show. He is not a Bold and Beautiful character. 

Hope, needs a re-vamp. She needs to become the new ultimate slut, after some kind of horrible drama. I would so watch a show about a mother and daughter, both trainwrecks... wrecking everyone. Bridget couldn't do that. So... why not Hope.I know Hope isn't meant to be like that, but Brooke didn't start like that either.  This is a soap opera. I don't want to see proper behaviour... Sorry. I am here for Real Housewives type of drama.

But what I want will never happen.

The show will repeat and repeat, till the material is so stale, 5 people are watching in the whole world. 

The last time I had a... OMG, what is going to happen moment... sadly was... 2010.


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I agree Hope needs some type of revamp, but I feel like she js needs more she and substance, I don’t rly need them to like done complete 180 though. But I think her and Thomas would be a good messy dynamic. Also I get what you’re saying about Brooke, I don’t rly like this matriarch nonsense either. Ummm I woukdnt mind her being messy but not doing the same mistakes she did in her 30s, I think she need to evolve while staying interesting.

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I agree that Brooke needs a viable anti-Brooke. She is really at her best when she is in a rivalry with another woman (that has always been the most captivating part of her relationships with men - how she relates to the woman she competes with). Brooke is a character who really needs conflict to thrive.

Stephanie was, of course, Brooke's best rival by far. Caroline/Brooke was also an interesting dynamic because they started out as friends (and ultimately ended up as friends as well). Taylor/Brooke had its moments but in the end I think it was overplayed and became repetitive so I really wouldn't want to see that rivalry revisited (in part because I feel the Taylor character has been so poorly written for so long that she can hardly be salvaged at this point). Out of Brooke's rivalries, the one I think had the most unused potential left was Macy/Brooke. It took a decade for the show to pit them against each other (or even put them in the same scene), but when they did, it was pretty explosive. They seemed to have almost as much raw hatred between them as Brooke and Stephanie and they truly brought out the absolute worst in each other. Too bad they kept killing Macy off as soon as the conflict with Brooke escalated. If she weren't dead (if she is dead), that is one rivalry I could see really reviving the Brooke character.

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I concur with what everyone said. And I do agree it is for the best that they moved Brooke out of the romantic leading lady role that might come off as silly now that she is a bit older (still beautiful and all but the stuff she used to do that was already immature would look ridiculous on a woman in her 40s/50s),

I personally think they are not leaning on the Steffy/Brooke dynamic enough. There are enough good reasons for them to eye each other warily, enough ties between them that they can't walk away, and enough resemblance between them that the animosity could make a lot of sense - and it would mirror the show dynamic where Bell is clearly writing Steffy as the lead the way he used to with Brooke.
They are only exploring it in the context of Hope and, Brooke as marital counselor, setting aside the (dis)merits of her advice, is not really compelling material.
I really wish they would find ways to pit Steffy and Brooke against each other in ways that cut deeper and that have nothing to do with Hope or Ridge (although they'd get dragged into it) the way the Stephanie/Brooke dislike ended up being driven by many things other than Ridge and Eric over the years.
That would be my vote for the "counter-Brooke".

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What I really don't understand is, the other month they had this scene where Brooke made a sudden PR move to declare herself and Ridge co-CEOs of FC. Whatever happened to that idea? Did they just drop it? Because a FC power struggle would have pitted Steffy and Brooke against each other in a major way (even though it was introduced in a way that made no sense whatsoever).

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