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Days: May 2021 Discussion Thread

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Yeah, I am not sure about that.  I thought that would go somewhere, but it didn't at all.  Maybe it still will? I think they are still married? The pacing of the show is awful.  Nicole/Xander hooking up was super random too.  They haven't had scenes for months. 

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Well, the Kristen plot seems to get all the airtime.  Are we ever gonna solve Charlie's murder lol?  And Nicole could have been a normal human being and just called Eric back.  Or went to visit him.  Or anything other than what she did.  Clearly the show has no idea what to do with Xander without Sarah.  Same with Ben.  

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And the Kristen story is aimless too. As she tries to cover her tracks, she impersonates or imprisons someone new seemingly every other day, and the story gets further and further away from her initial plan to keep tabs on Brady and Chloe.

It almost feels like RC puts a bunch of scenarios in a hat, pulls a few of them out each week at random, and calls it a show.

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It does feel like that.  And some stories are interesting.  Charlie's murder, Jan, Allie/Chanel, Paulina, Sami/Lucas, etc but they are dropped for long periods at a time.   I just don't even know why Kristen is wasting all this effort on Chloe.  Just trust freakin Brady.  He has shown to be dumb loyal to Kristen.  He's not John panting after Marlena like in 1997. That was a "legit" reason to scheme.  John would have left Kristen for Marlena. Brady has been bending over backwards for Kristen and turned Chloe down. Anyway...whatever.   The show is very disjointed and the masks are awful.   Like why is Kristen in her Kate mask today with Xander?  Is it a guarantee thing for Lk?

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I’m just happy everyone knows about Kristen now. Hopefully the dangling Sarah plot gets taken care of as well. Still not sure why Rex hasn’t told ANYONE that Sarah never left with him. I guess his parents never call him.

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What's with the Sami fat jokes today?  I love Lucas and Sami, but Idk, she might be sensitive about her weight since she had an eating disorder back in the day?  Also, maybe Sami and Lucas could have used one of those many wine crates to get out....

I am also really confused why Xander is so poor.  I know living at a hotel and drinking their entire mini bar is not cheap, but he had a job for a long time.  He could also take Sarah's ring to a jeweler or the pawn shop to make money instead of trying to sell it to random people he interacts with. 

Dear God, can Lani turn Kristen in please?

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Heck, AS is very outspoken about her own struggles with her weight. And I love BD/Lucas and I totally "would" but it is not like he has not also visibly been having the same "struggle" these past few years (I can say it; I have been too!).
Not a fan of using the topic as a punchline not just in context of the show and no matter the character but in general.

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Lucas was lifting Sami up in the Secret Room to get out through the ceiling and he made several references to her being heavy and hurting his spine.  He called her a "baby hippo".  It was in "jest", but it felt very awkward, especially knowing how fans used to make fun of AS's weight.

Yeah, I am not usually that sensitive but Sami/Ali both have struggled with weight issues, and it was in "fun", but it was uncomfortable.  I know they are fictional and the actors seemed okay with it, but the show didn't need to go there.   I usually love everything Lumi but that stuff made me cringe.

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I don't doubt for a second that AS has enough pull on the show that if she was bothered, she would have had it nixed. Heck, they wouldn't have even tried to insert it in the script.

But still, I think you are right that it is not something that is in character for either of them and it is cheap and not particularly funny and therefore not worth going there.

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I am sure AS was fine with it. It was said in an obviously joking manner and Lucas did say he was out of shape.   I just felt like it was unnecessary to say to any character, especially a character like Sami who has had body image issues.  It's just not a very Lucas thing to say.


I had to laugh at Nicole saying sleeping with Xander was the worst thing she ever done.  I can literally think of like 10 things off the top of my head Nicole has done that were worse.


Allie/Trip are really boring.  I think I am rooting for Allie/Chanel.   And is Chanel going to get the hots for Eli?  The show really has no idea what to do with Chanel lol.  But I like her.   I think someone said on another board the actress is 30.  If she is she looks super young.

Edited by carolineg
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