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The Black Lives Matter Thread

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The Karlos Dillard controversy makes me wonder just how many times people will jump into the current climate for clout and profit before many sour on the movement. The statue removals that now give us images like Madison anarchists just pulling down any statue also makes me wonder how close we are to that tipping point. 


I just hope the smarter activists in the movement can salvage things before we fully go haywire.

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The Wisconsin melee last night apparently not only involved tearing down statues and smashing windows - a gay, progressive state senator was also assaulted. I'm aware many on the hard left would just say "he's white so he's no better" but the lt. governor, Mandela Barnes, spoke out.



There's more as well.


There are many who just want to break things and force a "revolution" that will never go the way they want. They're going to overshadow the years and decades of work many have put in on these topics. And it's hard to even know what to do about it. 

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Amid the reflection on America’s racist history sparked by the police murders of black citizens, a few country music artists have been taking controversial Southern cultural references out of their names. Lady Antebellum became “Lady A” and now this:



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There was already a singer with the name "Lady A" so there was some type of dispute that was recently settled--I don't know what the resolution is though.



I've witnessed my share of disappointing decisions from NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio but this is NOT one of them.


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Sick people cheering the method of running down protesters. Why they would want this type of ugliness normalized when it can so easily be turned around on them, I don't know. They are as stupid as they are vile. 

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This is one of the reasons I really wish activists would do away with the tactic of blocking roads, even though in this case the police closed the road. I say this as someone who has done it. I took part in a roadblock over the killing of Tamir Rice. It's a bad tactic that puts people at needless risk. Not just the protesters but innocent others if an ambulance or fire truck can't get through. If that happens the whole cause loses moral authority.

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