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Look into the past - 1975

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Bryna Laub was the woman behind the Daytime Serial newsletter. Before Soap Opera Digest there was nowhere that soap watchers could keep up with their shows (pre VCR) so Ms Laub began her newsletter of summaries that you could subsribe to.

Once SOD came along she was put out of business.

Does anyone know how long the newsletter continued?

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Unfortunately no. I looked for some for years. I bought some issues online through eBay. We have some sporadic issues from Dec 72 to late 74 (will sent some more too in this thread). I have all the issues from Dec 74 to Dec 78 which was the last one published. I am in the process of putting it online for you. Would love to create a website but I am not good enough for this I think ...

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Before I start posting 1976, here are my views about the 1975 year. So much stuff I didn't know about.


All My Children :


The triangle between Phil / Tara and Chuck was really what dominated the year. I don’t think Stephanie Braxton (ex-Laurie Stevens Reddin, SS) was very popular in the role compared to original Karen Lynn Gorney (who would return in 1976). I really enjoyed it when Erica was involved in it. By the end of the year, I find a bit boring. I wish we could see Phoebe’s involvement in the storyline. Ruth Warrick was not used enough when you read the summaries. The other big story of the year was Anne Tyler’s emotional issues. Traditional melodrama but it seems more interesting that what we could see these days. Two characters I wish we could see more of were Margo and her daughter Claudette. Both were good vixens and Claudette seemed the more devious. At the year was closing, I became more interested in Ruth’s marital problems and her slow acquaintance with mysterious David Thornton. I was sure Paul Gleason had joined later. Kitty’s storyline was also becoming more interesting at the end of the year with her involvement in the drug storyline.


Another World :


The beginning of the year seems too much focus on Mac / Rachel and Iris. The three performers were terrific and I am sure they were awesome but when I read the summaries, it seemed a bit unbalanced. George Reinholt (Steve) and Jacqueline Courtney (Alice)’s departures must have been a huge blow for the show but I like this storyline of Alice adopting little Sally and all the custody mess with Beatrice and Raymond beginning. I also enjoyed the Marianne Randolph’s pregnancy as it brought much needed conflict for Pat and John and would lead to much more story in 1976. Willis and Carol are two very intriguing vilains. I only thought the Lenore departure storyline was a bit poor : she was very easily afraid to flee Bay City. BTW, Aunt Liz was such a noisy busybody.


As The World Turns :


The Joyce / Grant / Lisa triangle was very good because Grant didn’t love Joyce but she always found a way to be involved in their lives and I am sure Barbara Roddell against Eileen Fulton must have been terrific to watch. I thought Jennifer’s death was a bit surprising and didn’t have much consequences. I wonder if Gillian Spencer wanted to leave before the show was moved to the hour format just as Susan Flannery did on DAYS. Carol seems to be a little too Mary Sue for my taste but Jay is intriguing. I would have loved to see the John and Kim storyline. Larry Bryggman must have rocked it. Poor Patricia Bruder was not considered enough, she was written out during Spring and would only brought back in January 1976 with no explanation. The writers won’t know what to do with Ellen for 20 years… I would have like to see the Sandy / Norman / Bob storyline as the year and was surprised to learn it was Toni Bua (Tess Prentiss, LOL) who played Tina, Norman’s lover.


Days of our Lives :


Julie’s love life is such a mess 

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I am sure Susan Seaforth played all the melodrama perfectly. I don’t like the David SORAS mid-year. I guess it created good conflict especially with Brooke and then the Grants involved but it made Julie mother of an adult 10 years after the show began and she was a young teen. When Brooke was pregnant, I cringed that Tom and Alice could have be great-great grandparents ! Such a mess. Amanda was clearly the other suffering heroine. I think Mary Frann and Joseph Gallison were brought in early 1974 after RTPP was cancelled as they were probably popular and many storyline was given to them. The very long Mickey’s amnesia storyline was finally coming to the end around Christmas. John Clarke must have been such a powerful player in it. It’s a shame Mickey was clearly reduced to a day player later in the show run. And when will Laura finally give birth to Jennifer ? She was already pregnant for Christmas 1974 !


The Doctors :


I like the Mike / Toni / Alan triangle at the beginning of the year. It was classic but sounded good on paper. It kind of fizzled too quickly for my taste. I didn’t enjoy how quickly Althea became involved with Scott Conrad at the end of the year. They barely met that they were involved and his crazy wife was on the way. It lacked some build-up. The Aldriches always seem to be in some kind of conflict : Ann or Karen or both. Didn’t like that much. It was also a shame how Lauri was quickly written out with no explanation. Hank and Lauri seemed happy and they were the only black couple on the show. Very stupid. The young girls : Penny, Stacy and M.J. interested me a bit at the end of the year. They sounded promising on paper.


The Edge of Night :


From one mystery to another : as soon as Martha Marceau was acquitted (and shipped off the show. Bye bye Teri Keane), Serena Faraday appeared. The mysteries were fascinating and I liked how conflicted Adam and Brandy (I loved Dixie Carter, she was probably terrific !) were. Nicole’s return in November was so good. Was it the last scene before the show moved to ABC ? It would have been a good cliffangher. I loved most the Whitney family drama. Geraldine spent too many months incapacited but the drama around Kevin/Phoebe, Noel/Tiffany/Tracy felt like some B storylines which could be a great balance to the grand mystery of the time.


General Hospital :


The show was going through a big transition. I loved the first half when the Dobsons were still writing : the Phil Brewer’s murder mystery was a big umbrella story involving much of the cast and probably the last time poor Jessie was considered an heroine. After it concluded, the show last many performers (Augusta, Henry, Jane, Kira, Joel…) and Lesley became the whole focus with her search for Laura. The Chandler family was too much forced : they were newcomers and eating the airtime. Interesting characters like Peter and Diana seemed a bit on the background at the end of the year and the whole Jim/Audrey storyline tended to feel a bit too long for my taste.


Guiding Light :


Despite the change of head writers, I feel like the show was well constructed. Ed/Holly/Janet/Ken moved to Ed/Holly/Roger/Peggy quite smoothly and naturally. Pam and Tim were slowly backburnered at the end of the year but I think Rita’s arrival during fall will shake it up in 1976. Sara and Joe wanting to adopt T.J. seemed great and I enjoyed Ann as T.J.’s mother was only a false lead – opposed to Beatrice being Sally’s grandmother on AW -. I thought the Chad Richards storyline would evolve to some more drama as Leslie and Hope could have been both interested in the same man and it could have create good drama but as someone said, the Dobsons clearly got rid of Chad or Andy Norris they had created when they joined the show.






How To Survive a Marriage :


The show only aired for 4 months before being cancelled. I don’t know if it was because I was not familiar with the characters but I didn’t enjoy that much what I read. The soap wanted to depart a bit from the traditional storytelling of the time : Larry/Chris relationship was supposed to be a take on feminism at first but I found it very boring. The McGhees involved with some mob sounded a bit lame.


Love of Life :


I really liked reading about this. Ben the bigamist was a classic storyline and I like that many characters are grey and with layers even the heroines like Cal or Betsy to a lesser extend. I am fascinated with Meg as a villainess and David Hart was a character I didn’t know much about but which seemed to deserve to be known. The Diana « late in life » pregnancy was great because it will closely involve Arlene’s blackmail and accentuate Jamie’s hatred for Ben. Felicia seemed to be a very weird character, totally psychotic but her being stalked sounded creepy. I wish there was more available of John Aniston playing Eddie Aleata.


One Life to Live :


I was surprised at how well rounded the show seemed to be. Everything seemed to fall into pieces from Megan’s birth to her death, the Mark Toland storyline was a great umbrella story as I like them with many suspects. Dorian was already such a schemer. So sad that nearly nothing was left of Nancy Pinkleton in the role. Some characters were clearly forgotten in the background : Vinnie and Wanda Wolek after their marriage, Jim and Anna Craig, Ed and Carla Hall (was Sadie even on the show at the time ? She was not mentionned even once). I think getting Reinholt and Courtney to join the show was a great coup as they were hugely popular as Steve and Alice but I don’t think that Tony and Pat would be as great. Does anyone know more about the Michiko character accompanying Tony to town ? It seemed a bit weird.


Ryan’s Hope :


Always interesting to see how a show began even if « Ryan’s Hope » was never my taste. I am more a traditional melodrama fan. Delia seems the most interesting character from what I could read. How Frank was trapped into this loveless marriage at the end of the year seems good conflict and drama for 1976. I didn’t like much the Ken/Faith stalking storyline which seemed totally out of the blue with no building up. I am intrigued with Nell/Seneca. They seemed a bit isolated at first but the storyline was kicking off at the end of the year. Mary sounds like a good heroine with energy. Seeing Kate Mulgrew, Ilene Kristen, Nancy Addison and Helen Gallagher as lead actresses was probably a blast.

Search For Tomorrow :


From my point of view, this is the most disjointed soap of the year (with GH maybe). It had great promises with the end of the Stephanie/Tony/Jo/Dave drama at the beginning of the year and the Scott/Kathy/Jennifer triangle but once it ended, itw as like the show didn’t know which direction had to be taken. Bizarre stuff around Tony’s death with Kathy involved with crook DA Sam Hunter and prostitute Robin’s death and then the Collins brothers feud. It was interesting but Clay was killed way too soon and his murderer revealed too. I thought Liza and Steve had much of a lovely start before his leukemia story began.



Somerset :


This forgotten soap seems more interesting that it seemed even after the famour Henry Slesar stint. I would have loved to see Tina Sloan as Kate as I never saw her as a scheming vixen. I am sure she would be great. A bit disappointed about how Jerry turned out to be a jerk at the end of the year after all the drama surrounding the attempts on Heather’s wife. The Vicky character seemed to me one of the most interesting as a free spirit and modern woman. I also enjoy the premise of the Ellen/Dale may-december romance but I am afraid it would turn out short.


The Young & The Restless :


Reading about 1975 was fascinating as so little is available about early Y&R. I particularity enjoyed all the details from Kay/Jill/Phillip : from Jill and Phillip assuming their love, the messy divorce, Phillip’s death and now Kay wanting to buy the baby. How riveting it would be to see this ! The Brooks drama about Stuart/Jennifer/Bruce was a bit less interesting for me except for how much featured Peggy was. She is too often the forgotten Brooks child. I loved Lorie and Mark’s budding relationship and how it fell apart because of the incest maybe a bit too soon. I think Mark should have been kept around a bit longer. Lance Prentiss appeared and I think Leslie needs a bit boost. Her constant concert and married life with Brad seem quite boring.

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All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


A dinner given at the Chateau by Dr. Frank Grant was abruptly terminated when Claudette Montgomery O.D.'s on cocaine - Claudette retrieved a drug laden box of soap from a trash can behind the Boutique after watching through a window as Kitty Shea Tyler deposited it there in a last effort to keep Hal Short from picking up this latest syndicate shipment. – In the subsequent investigation Lt. Purser discovered the Espada box and the tie between Hal Short and Kitty was uncovered in-luding the fact that Kitty's divorce from Hal - Al Shea - was not final when she and wealthy Linc Tyler were married - a fact unknown to Kitty till it was used, along with threats against her and Hal's lives to pressure her after she discovered the drug operation -.


Kitty’s explanation of the circumstances and her vindication were dependent for confirmation on Hal, who was a fugitive, and Kitty, after being visited at the jail by Phoebe Tyler who urged her to spare Phoebe's son Lincoln and the Tyler name further disgrace, had refused to see Linc and retained Paul Martin as her attorney.


Margo Martin, Paul’s wife was questioned about the six thousand dollar check written to a Mr. John Avery on her return to the Boutique. When Anne Tyler, the Boutique's owner, insisted upon knowing what the money bought - having just received a call from Mr. Avery who insisted that he was not in the clothing business but refused to talk any further saying he would call again to speak to Mrs. Martin - Margo exited hurriedly saying that she was too upset over Claudette and finding Paul and Anne together once again - Anne and Paul were previously married and unknown to Margo, Anne was pregnant with Paul's child - to talk business.


Paul had been told by Nick Davis that contrary to what he had believed Nick was not going to marry Anne and that the child Anne was expecting was Paul's. When he returned to his apartment he was determined to tell Margo that he was leaving her. The phone rang and from his at first puzzling conversation with John Avery, he realized that Margo had been planning to pass off a baby to be obtained on the "grey market" as the child she had led him to believe she was carrying. He dismissed Avery with a warning that he would see him in court, "Counselor," if he did not receive a refund of the deposit Margo had sent in full in the next few days despite Avery's reference to compensation for his "services" rendered so far, and turned to confront Margo. After Margo's tearful insistence that she kept up the deception because Paul's child was real "in my heart" Paul insisted that she pack and leave and went to tell Anne. Margo spent the night with Mona Kane and the following day Paul, reminded by Anne of Margo's trouble over Claudette and their own happiness, asked Margo for a divorce to be obtained quietly. Margo agreed. When she mentioned Anne, Paul told her that Anne had nothing to do with the fact that their marriage was a mistake, Margo replied that he had loved Anne all along but she – Margo - couldn't accept the fact and Paul wouldn't admit it.


Dr. Chuck Tyler suggested to Tara that since he couldn’t get away - he was still an out-patient on dialysis - she should go to Costa Rica to obtain their divorce as soon as possible. She replied that she can leave any time, telling her small son Little Philip "Maybe I'll find a funny island and just go and take a vacation there." - Though Chuck was Little Philip's legal father and the only man he knew as such, his biological father was his "Uncle Phil" Philip Brent who exchanged vows with Tara in a self-performed wedding ceremony on the eve of his assignment to Vietnam. Philip was reported missing and presumed dead when Tara married Chuck. - Chuck told Tara that Jim Perry, Linc's partner would handle the divorce and asked if Tara would let him have the home movies made of Little Philip so that he could have some prints made. He had come to give Little Philip a present of a sleeping bag which he had exchanged for a previous present, a pup tent that turned out to be a duplicate of a present Philip had brought back from New York for the boy. However Chuck was unable to see Little Philip when Phil returned from an outing without him, having dropped him off for a visit to Kate Martin, his grandmother. When Chuck left, Tara told Philip, "I wish you hadn't come in like that without ringing the bell as if you'd taken over the whole house." Philip assured her that the meetings with Chuck were sure to become easier.


Joe Martin, Tara’s father and his wife Ruth have become more and more estranged from one another to the point where Kate Martin, noticing, asked Ruth if there was anything she could do to help but Ruth had told her that their differences seem to have slipped over to something quite apart from their troubles with the children - Joe, in fact had told Ruth that he didn't know what he felt for her. That he was in an "emotional void." - At first convinced that they could work out their troubles if they were patient with one another, Ruth angry at being hurt so often and accusing Joe of making her a scapegoat for everything wrong in the family told him that when he started acting like the man she married she would come back to his bed and not before.


Paul convinced Kitty that she should see Linc who told her that they could clear up the legal aspects of her marriage to Hal in no time and be together again. Kitty replied: "The only thing that makes sense is to break it off." She insisted that they were not suited to each other and never had been. When Lincoln said that in the eyes of God they were husband and wife, Kitty told him that in the eyes of the law she was a bigamist and that she had made a fool of him. She went on to say that she didn’t have what it took to be his wife and that it was "unfair of you to ask me to do something I'm not suited for." When Linc told her that he couldn’t believe she really wanted to leave him and asked if there was someone else, she answered, "I can only be myself and I have to leave."


Margo went to the Boutique and asked Anne to forgive her, that her own failure as a parent with Claudette prompted her to want a second chance. She told Anne that she wanted to salvage their friendship. Margo reminded Anne that she was the one who brought her to Pine Valley. In a burst of sympathy and generosity Anne offered to sell Margo the Boutique - Margo would inherit the loss of the six thousand dollars -. Margo pushed Anne to go one step further and agreed to help out for a time as she couldn’t get a replacement for Kitty. When Paul learned of Anne's promise he told her he didn’t trust Margo's 'Act of Contrition' — "Margo would like nothing better than to see you miscarry." But Anne assured him that "Margo can't hurt us in any way."


When Linc went to Erica's house to tell Kitty that besides exonerating her - on her release from jail Kitty accepted Erica's appeal to have Kitty stay with her as she prefered not to be alone with Philip gone -, Hal Short had offered to proceed with the California divorce as soon as possible. Erica refused to waken Kitty but offered to give her the message and to "intercede" for him. Awake, Kitty told Erica that she wanted to make a clean break but that didn’t mean she wanted to isolate herself. She told Erica that she lovesd Linc and wanted to make things easier on him. When Nick Davis told Kitty that she had unique qualities born in her, she insisted that she had been "a stupid little kid playing in the wrong league." At that moment, Phoebe, pouring tea for a visiting Erica, said, "Frankly, my dear, if you can dissuade Kitty from any kind of reconciliation with my son, I would be forever in your debt." Erica replied that she wouldn't be a very good friend if she didn't try.


Tara, distraught over her latest confrontation with Phoebe, told Philip that she was questioning the wisdom of their decision to keep the truth of his parentage from little Philip. Philip maintained that they had promised Chuck to keep silent and that it was better not to divide little Philip's loyalties till he was old enough to accept it. When she voiced concern about Erica - who was aware of the truth of the matter - Philip insisted that Erica would be so busy trying to trap her next victim she wouldn’t have time for revenge.


Asked by Little Phillip if his name would change when Tara returned, Chuck told the boy he would always be "Philip Tyler — that's never gonna change." When the boy left to go to his grandmother Martin's house, Chuck apologized to Tara for his grandmother's behavior and felt compelled to tell her that despite both their objections Phoebe had set up a trust fund giving little Philip a share in the Tyler fortune.


Joe Martin was concerned that his mother Kate couldn’t help but he aware of the fact that he and his wife Ruth were not sleeping together but Ruth told him that, for the present, Kate seemed to have accepted Ruth's "cold" as the reason. When Joe asked: "How long will this 'cold' hang on"? Ruth answered, "until you stop treating me like a piece of furniture."


At the hospital, David Thornton met Ruth who had just said goodbye to Tara - reassuring her that her ordeal would be over soon "and then you will be starting a new life" -. He told her that her sadness was because she was feeling guilty since what she wanted to happen, did happen. Trying to cheer her, David suggested that she join him in a picnic he planned to work into a trip to the country to view a cottage he was considering as a more permanent homesite. He warned her that he was seeking her approval so that if he should regret his choice in the future he could blame her "If she can stand a little more guilt." After some friendly banter, Ruth agreed to go along.


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Pat Randolph and Dave Gilchrist, fearful Pat's daughter Marianne was in New York to have an abortion, went there and located the hotel Marianne, her brother Mike, and Glenda Toland were staying at. Nobody was home, so Dave started calling doctors. The following morning, they found Marianne, but it was too late. Marianne was so ashamed she could barely face Pat. Pat was supportive, saying she didn’t blame Marianne. Pat told Marianne they had to tell John the whole thing when they got home. Marianne persuaded Pat to return immediately to forestall any more trouble between Pat and John.


John, meanwhile, lamented Pat's seeming lack of interest in him and wondered if Pat might not be seriously ill, since she had been seeing Dave Gilchrist regularly. Home, Pat felt too rattled to face John, so she went to see Lenore Delaney at Helen Moore's apartment. Pat told Lenore about the abortion and her fears of facing John. Lenore agreed Pat needed time to sort her feelings, so she went to John and persuaded him Pat needed to go to Washington with her because of a personal crisis. Reluctantly, John agreed.


Marianne told Mike that Barbara Weaver, John's law associate, knew she was pregnant. Marianne asked Mike to talk to her. Barbara promised to keep their secret, but urged Mike to have Marianne tell John the whole thing soon: "Don't make your parents pay the price for Marianne's mistake."


Since Pat was in Washington, and the kids wouldn’t accompany him, John took Barbara to a party at Alice's. Liz Matthews was livid, asking how John could compromise Pat in such a way. John told her to mind her own business. When Liz learned John had dinner at Barbara's apartment and took Barbara to dinner with the kids, she took her insinuations to Marianne, saying that Barbara was the reason Pat went to Washington. Marianne insisted Barbara was their friend.


Pat returned from Washington without telling John ahead of time. When she called the office to tell him, Barbara told her she knew all about the abortion and Barbara urged Pat to tell John everything soon. Liz took her insinuations to Pat, who told her she didn’t know what she was talking about and ordered her out. Determined to save Pat's marriage in spite of her, Liz went to Barbara to tell her to stay away from John. Barbara threw her out. At Mike's urging, Marianne went to the office to tell John the whole story, so John wouldn't blame Pat. As she and Barbara discussed it, Liz returned and eavesdropped at the door. Liz learned of the abortion and assumed Pat and John knew nothing about it, that Barbara arranged it, proof in her eyes that Barbara was trying to take Pat's place with John.


Liz returned to the office the following day to confront Barbara, but Barbara refused to see her. John was in the room with Barbara. He assumed Liz was still giving Barbara a hard time about Alice's party and left to have it out with Liz, once and for all. Liz, as proof that Barbara was using friendship with the kids to de-troy his marriage, told John that Barbara arranged for Marianne to have an abortion. John was devastated. He heaved from the apartment, and disappeared.


With Barbara’s help, Pat located him in a hotel. He asked why he wasn't told. Pat said Marianne threatened to run away. He said they could have handled that. John asked if he was such a terrible father that nobody could confide in him. He accused Pat and Marianne of not trusting him. Pat denied that, saying they loved him and only wanted to protect him. John mused that if Liz hadn't told him about the abortion, he would never have known. He refused to believe Pat and Marianne were waiting to tell him when he didn't come home. He said Pat had never really loved him, had only thought of him as the father of her children. Pat asked him to come home. John said, "I have no home." Beaten, Pat left. John cried. John refused to relent, even when Marianne tried to show him Pat was not to blame. He said there had always been something wrong with the marriage.


John disappeared again, but with Rachel Cory's help, he was located again. When none of his family could reach him, Barbara Weaver tried. John told Barbara that he was older when he married Pat, who was immature and in love with someone else. He said the marriage just hadn't worked. He told Barbara to leave before it was too late. They embraced. Pat needed someone to talk to and went to Barbara. Barbara finally convinced Pat she was not the person to talk to. John arrived later and Barbara told him that, although she loved him, there could be nothing further between them until he cleared things up with Pat.


Pat went to see John. He told her they had never had a marriage, that he expected love and loyalty and didn't get them. Pat told him she loved him and was loyal to him. She said she made a mistake and again asked his forgiveness. He told her he could never live with her again because she was unreliable.


Jim Matthews, aware John was gone, surmised Liz was behind it. He asked what she did or said to break up the Randolph marriage. Liz couldn't tell him. Liz went to apologize to Pat, saying everything would be all right. Pat, upon finding what Liz told John, told Liz that she knew about the abortion and had tried to stop it. Pat told Liz that her meddling had irreparably damaged her marriage. Pat told Liz she never wanted to see her again.


Rachel Cory was interested in sculpture, but was frustrated that she could’t always make the clay do what she wanted. Impressed with the horse sculpture Rachel did for him for Christmas, Mac set out to find her a teacher, settling on Ken Palmer, an instructor at Bay State. Ken, however, wasn't interested, until he saw some of Rachel's work and sensed a commitment. Iris Carrington, Mac's daughter, belittled the idea that Rachel could be an artist, but found Ken attractive. Iris contacted Ken to commission a piece for the Corys' anniversary the following month. Ken suggested a bust of Jamie, Rachel's son. Iris was skeptical, until Robert Delaney reminded Iris that Mac loved Jamie, too.


Mac had been putting off business trips because of Rachel's pregnancy, afraid she might do something foolish and hurt his child. He asked Iris to lend them her housekeeper Louise when their own housekeeper, Beatrice Gordon, went to visit her granddaughter, Sally Frame. Iris was reluctant. Iris wasted no time in telling Rachel Mac had been neglecting his business on account of the pregnancy. Rachel confronted Mac, who invited her along to Washington. Rachel didn’t want to leave Jamie. Iris reminded Mac of an old flame in Washington, Tracy DeWitt. Tracy, it seemed, eloped with DeWitt on the rebound from Mac, who obviously still had fond memories of her. Iris called Tracy and told her Mac was coming, that the only reason he was staying with Rachel was because "the creature's gone and got herself pregnant." Tracy promised to arrange to see Mac.


Neil Johnson offered Angie Perrini an engagement ring. Angie, still in love with Willis Frame, couldn’t accept. Neil warned that Willis would never be the man Angie wanted him to be. Unable to convince Angie to accept the ring as an engagement token, Neal asked her to keep it as a friendship ring and let things continue as they had been. Willis entered and saw their embrace. Neil leaft. Willis was stunned when he saw the ring on a file cabinet. He wished them well and left. Robert promoted Neil, who proposed to Angie again. She accepted. Angie told Ada she would make it work.


Jim Matthews and John Randolph were concerned by the large cost overruns on the shopping mall Carol Lamonte designed. Despite assurances Carol would cover them, John went to see Alice. Alice didn’t like it, and arranged a meeting with Carol. Carol assured Alice she could and would cover. Alice asked if Willis knew about all this. Scott Bradley, who accompanied Carol, said yes. Willis was furious that Alice had found out. He demanded Alice tell him how she knew. Alice refused. Willis decided it was probably Sharlene, his sister, who worked for Carol, while living with Alice. Sharlene, of course, was innocent, but Willis refused to believe her. Alice decided she had a responsibility to take a more active role in the business she owned. Willis did everything he could to discourage her, not wanting her to be able to watch over his shoulder. Willis asked Sharlene to change Alice's mind. Sharlene refused. Willis threatened to tell Russ Matthews, with whom Sharlene was very close, about her life after her husband was killed in Vietnam. Sharlene refused to be blackmailed.


Vic Hastings returned from Washington with a new project from Lowell Pendleton. Frame Enterprises would construct a new town, from the ground up. Alice sat in on the meeting to select the architect. Vic pointed out that Pendleton wanted Robert Delaney, based on Robert's design of the Cory complex. Willis said Carol Lamonte had as much to do with it as Robert. Alice suggested they interview both. Willis had already arranged for Carol to drop by. Carol refused the project, saying Robert had more experience in that line. Willis was flabbergasted - Willis and Carol had established an intimate relationship. Carol, at first, saw Willis as a step to power and ar-hitectural success, but was then in love with him. She gave him her grandfather's watch for Christmas, and later told Willis she would turn down any offer that might affect their relationship. Willis didn't believe her. - When Willis told Carol his objections to Alice's being in the office, Carol suggested he talk to Beatrice, who might be able to persuade Alice that Sally needed her more than the firm does.


Raymond Gordon, Beatrice’s son, returned to Bay City. His wife had left him and taken his sons to California with the intention of divorcing him. Ray had sold his insurance business to his partner and had his house up for sale. The McGowans persuaded him to board with them. Ray and Willis didn’t get along. Willis was wary of anyone who might mitigate his influence over Alice. Beatrice talked to Mac, who told her he was ready to set up an in-house personnel insurance division, and since Ray obviously had experience in insurance, he had a job. Willis observed that Ray wouldn't have had the job without Beatrice's help. Ray retorted that Willis wouldn't be in Frame Enterprises if Steve, his brother, hadn't owned it. Ray thought Alice’s working was a good idea because it would keep her from being overprotective of Sally like Beatrice was of Jenny. Beatrice, on the other hand, didn’t like the idea at all, afraid Alice would neglect Sally, even with the best intentions.


Robert Delaney began to seriously neglect mistress Clarice Hobson for Iris Carrington, especially after seeing ex-wife Lenore at Christmas. Robert and Iris decided they were good for each other because they couldn’t hurt each other. When Clarice confronted Robert, he told her it was all over. Clarice warned Robert Iris would destroy him. Clarice had been having dizzy spells, and finally went to see Dave Gilchrist. After describing her symptoms, she told Dave she was pregnant!


Clarice was determined to have her baby and handle it all alone, despite Dave's asking her to confide in someone. Inadvertently, Clarice let it drop to Ada, who promised her support. Robert was ecstatic when given the Washington assignment; however, Iris was unenthusiastic. She didn’t want him way off in Washington, which she considered a dreadful place. Iris asked Vic to find a way for Robert to stay in Bay City while doing the Washington project.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


Brian Ellison called Grant Colman asking him not to contact Teddy anymore because it was upsetting Teddy's mother, Mary. Grant explained to his wife Lisa that he sent a present to his son - Grant had recently found out that his ex-wife, Joyce, had a child and gave him up for adoption four years ago and was trying to take him from the Ellisons. - Lisa asked Grant if he wanted to get custody of Teddy himself, but Grant was confused. He told his law partner, Chris Hughes, that his consent was on the Ellisons' adoption form, but he didn't know about Teddy. He was sure that Joyce and the Ellisons didn’t know this and was afraid of what might be unleashed if he signed a decree of consent for the Ellisons revealing that the papers weren't in order.


Dick Martin told Joyce that she had a right to counsel, but her case against the Ellisons was very weak. Dick upset the Ellisons by paying them a visit in Laramie, trying to find out if there was anything to base a case on. Grant told Lisa about the papers and that he had a good chance of getting custody of Teddy, but he had to consider the others. Lisa was afraid to see Joyce for fear she would get mad and reveal some information, but Joyce was curious when Lisa had nothing to say because it was very out of character for Lisa to be quiet. Grant could leave things as they were, file a paper of consent without telling Dick, or tell Dick that it was wrong but he was going to correct it. Lisa begged Grant not to tell Dick, but Grant couldn’t decide what to do.


Mary Ellison finally broke down and told Brian that Grant didn't give his consent to the adoption. Dr. Palk said he didn't know where the father was and no one needed to know that he signed the papers himself. The only reason she didn't tell Brian at the time was she was afraid he wouldn't let her adopt Teddy. When the Ellisons' lawyer, Jerry Butler, was told, he called Grant to see if he was on the Ellisons' side.


Feeling obligated to take her case, Dick Martin asked Joyce to tell him her story. Joyce explains that Grant didn't know about Teddy until six months ago. She didn't tell him because their marriage was too far gone when she realized she was pregnant and she wouldn't use the baby to save her marriage. Dick remembered that Grant's consent was on the adoption papers and he told Grant that he knew. Since Grant had to petition the court for the change as he was the only injured party, the Ellisons and Joyce had to wait for Grant's decision. If Grant petitioned the court, Dick Martin would ask to have the adoption invalidated. Since he was the only one entitled to custody of Teddy, Grant filed a petition, but Chris remarked that to anyone not knowing he was supporting the Ellisons, it would appear he was petitioning for custody himself. When Joyce received her copy she takes it to Dick, saying that she feared Grant might try to double-cross the Ellisons after the adoption was set aside.


Joyce found Grant working late at his office and tried to bring out all the stored up longing for a child that Grant had locked away while trying to decide what was best for Teddy. When he asked why she came, Joyce replied that he would find out sometime. Grant called Mary to tell her that the judge might want to talk to Teddy. Mary was frightened that the judge might tell Teddy that he was adopted and dreaded the hearing when Brian told her that he couldn’t get off work to go along. Grant considered asking for a post-ponement when Chris told him that the judge assigned to the case favored natural mothers. Lisa was horrified to think that Grant would let this continue to ruin their lives when he could resolve it.


Lisa got Penny’s permission to make Sandy Garrison the manager of the bookstore. Lisa had too much to worry about and she felt Sandy was more responsible than Natalie, her new daughter-in-law. She couldn’t un-erstand why Sandy didn’t return to modeling, where she would make much more money.


Chris Hughes told Jay Stallings that his business had become so expansive that he could no longer handle it personally. Chris suggested that Tom Hughes, his grandson, or another law firm handle Jay's affairs. Chris asked Tom to consider taking Jay as a client. Tom considered Jay a challenge even though Jay resented him since he was once married to Jay's wife Carol. Tom and Jay both decided to try the association and felt that they could handle the situation.


Luke Porter came back to town to tell Natalie Porter Hughes, Tom's wife, that he had come to say goodbye for the last time and was going to concentrate on making his wife happy. Jay commented in passing to Natalie that he saw Luke Porter in town. Tom found that Jay was trying to pull some slightly illegal deals and told Jay that lawyers were to keep clients from making mistakes. Jay suggested that he and Carol have Tom and Natalie to dinner.


Dr. John Dixon indirectly pushed Dr. Prescot, the chief of staff of the hospital, into calling a hearing on Norman Garrison's death. The three floor nurses said that Dr. Bob Hughes went into Norman Garrison's room before an argument was heard from there and then Dr. Hughes summoned them when Mr. Garrison went into heart failure. Bob's report stated that he went to the door, but having forgotten his stethoscope, he returned to his office and upon entering Mr. Garrison's room, found him slumped over the bed. Bob had gone away for a few days, unconcerned about the discrepancies in the report. When Dr. David Stewart heard that there would be a hearing, he told him that he had to return. No one was able to talk Bob into fighting even though they insisted that John Dixon was trying to hurt his reputation because Bob advised Kim, his sister-in-law, not to let John move back in.


At the hearing, John questioned the three nurses about the argument, finding out that it was about Mrs. Sandy Garrison. Bob insisted that he had forgotten his stethoscope. Having heard from Natalie that someone probably had arguing with Norman, Sandy arrived at the hearing to testify that she, not Bob, was having a loud discussion with Norman. Bob refused to let Sandy perjure herself and John used this opportunity to bring up the rumor that Norman started about Bob having an affair with Sandy. This was the turning pointin the hearing.


After a week’s deliberation, the board gave Bob an official reprimand, which he refused to accept, feeling that it was an admission of guilt. Bob resigned and started rescheduling his patients with other doctors. Lisa tried to change his mind by asking him how Jennifer would feel and then asking if Tom and Frannie would be proud of him. Bob asked his father, Chris, and his son, Tom, to help him fight this. Dr. Prescot let him withdraw his resignation and Tom started questioning nurses Connaly and Holland again. In acting out what they did that day; Tom convinced Nurse Connaly that someone could have gone into Mr. Garrison's room while they were in the medication room, but Nurse Holland insisted that she was right. Tom theorized that if Norman was suing the Collanade Room he could have been arguing with his lawyer.


The upheaveal in Dan Stewart's life over Kim Dixon was finally taking its toll in the form of incipient duodenal ulcer. Dan visited his grand-father, Judge Lowell, asking him how he has maintained his serenity over the years. The Judge explained that Dan had always had to be totally involved in a project to let off steam. Dan considered transferring to St. Joseph's, the hospital across town, but Dr. Susan Stewart, Dan's ex-wife, told him that the hospital was so conservative that he wouldn’t fit in with his progressive ideas.


Dr. Larry Granger was to leave for Bolivia with a medical team, but was called home on a personal emergency. Dan decided to help himself and Larry by holding Larry's position open for him. David and Ellen, Dan's mother, agreed to keep Dan's children, Betsy and Emmy, for the few weeks that he would be gone.


Kim had a feeling that she didn’t like a certain dress, but couldn’t remember why. John remembered that it was the dress she was wearing on the night he raped her. Little fleeting thoughts returned to Kim, but she couldn’t quite grasp them yet. One day she found herself in the wrong wing of the hospital, but was sure that if Susan hadn't stopped her, she would have remembered something. One night a snow storm awoke Kim and the tinkling of a crystal candle holder brought back the memory of the clacking wind chime the day of the tornado. Her memory rushed back, filling her mind with visions. She remembered the letter to Dan saying that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She called his name and John feigned sleep when she opened the bedroom door. John realized that he only had to keep Kim from seeing Dan for a few hours and he would be on his way to Bolivia. When Kim told John that she was going to see Dan because she remembered loving him she wasn't moved by John's pleading. When a nurse told Kim that Dan was leaving for Bolivia that night, Kim left three messages on Dan's phone answering system, but Dan didn’t receive the message. Susan removed the tape when she heard Kim's message after picking up the girls' clothes at Dan's.


Kim went to Dan’s hoping to see him, but Susan told her that he got his messages and said that they weren't important before leaving for Bolivia. Kim told Lisa that Dan had ended their relationship and Lisa passed along to Ellen that Kim had her memory back and said the relationship was over without mentioning that Dan had ended it. Susan tried to finalize the split between Dan and Kim by suggesting that she write to officially end it. She also implied that Kim wasn't grateful enough to John for his steadfastness during her illness.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday


Neil Curtis, having just found out about Amanda Howard's brain tumor, demanded of Greg Peters why he wasn't told. Greg reminded Neil that he was married, and Amanda was none of his concern. Neil was appalled to discover Amanda refused treatment because she felt the tumor was malignant, like her mother's, and she would die, like her mother, regardless. Neil, hoping to give Amanda a reason to live, told her he was getting the urge to gamble again and he needed her help. Amanda told him to take his problem to his wife. Neil replied that he couldn’t let Phyllis know he was a failure. Amanda agreed to help him.


Neil and Phyllis had reservations for a Mexican honeymoon. Neil asked to postpone, it, telling Phyl he had a terminal patient. Phyl was shaken because her marriage to Bob Anderson ended at the time he cancelled a second-honeymoon trip to Mexico. Neil reassured her. Amanda had second thoughts about getting involved with Neil. He reminded her of her promise to always be there for him. Amanda told him she was glad she didn't marry him because she sawwawhat a rotten husband he is. Neil smugly rejoined, "But a good lover." Uneasy, still, about the postponed honeymoon, Phyl went to see psychiatrist Laura Horton. Laura reassured Phyl, saying Neil did have a terminal patient.


Amanda contacted Don Craig. She asked him to draw up a will leaving her late husband's estate to the Clinic for a surgical wing. Don asked why the urgency. Amanda told him. Don pointed out that the will could be contested because any woman who knew she was dying and made no effort to save herself couldn’t be in her right mind. Amanda broke down, crying she didn’t want to die. Don agreed to draw up the will.

Amanda decided not to wait to add the wing. She got Susan's permission - Susan built the clinic - and excitedly began planning the surgical wing. Amanda commented that finally her life seemed to have a purpose.


Mary Anderson reneged on her promise to move to the lake house with Phyl and Neil. Mary mistrusted Neil. Amanda called the house to tell Neil she would help him. Neil left, claiming the call was from the hospital. Embarrassed, Phyl launched into a glowing description of marital bliss with Neil. Mary told Phyl not to try so hard; she would see for herself, if she moved in. Still harboring doubts, alone in bed, Phyl called Neil's service. She was told he was at a patient's house and didn’t want to be disturbed. Phyl fantasized Neil with Elaine Forrest, a woman who had made obvious plays for Neil. When Neil returned, unable to make love, despite Phyl's advances, Phyl's insecurities creeped up. Neil got a legitimate call from the hospital. After he left, Elaine Forrest called Neil's service saying she had to see him on an emergency, then gave the number at Doug's Place. Service called house, trying to catch Neil, and gave Elaine's name and number to Phyl. Finding the number was for Doug's Place, Phyl headed for town. Neil, meanwhile, had received Elaine's message. He went to Doug's and told her her foolishness had lost her her chance with him. Phyl arrived later and told Elaine to get lost. Phyl then called Neil and asked him to meet her when he was done. He asked her what got into her. She admitted her insecurities and told him it was a test. He asked what happened to the trust.


Mary went to see Amanda to see if she was still seeing Neil. Following a hospital emergency — chemical factory explosion —Neil dropped in to check on Amanda. Mary's suspicions were confirmed. Later, Mary told Neil she thought he was a heel.


Smitty, a member of Gamblers' Anonymous, whom Neil bailed out of an embezzling situation, returned the money Neil loaned him. Neil, honestly, told Smitty he hadn't been near the table in months. Smitty puzzled Amanda with the news. Neil planned to give Phyl the money.


Susan Peters picked up her divorce papers at Don Craig's office. Don urged another try at reconciliation with Greg. Susan said Greg wasn't interested, couldn't wait to marry Amanda. Don told Susan that Greg's rush was to give Amanda a reason to live. Susan told Don to record the divorce immediately.


Susan told Eric Peters she and little Ann would return to California with him. But, she said, there would be no marriage because she couldn’t afford any more mistakes. Eric replied that she didn’t love him enough to marry him. Susan wanted time to work out emotional and sexual hang-ups. She said no strings. Eric agreed. Susan told him the reason for Greg's rush to marry Amanda. Susan then went to Greg to tell him the divorce was final and that she was taking Ann to California. Reluctantly, Greg agreed. In California, little Ann missed Greg, so Susan took the clinic addition as an excuse to return to Salem, upsetting Eric.


Brooke Hamilton was pregnant by David Banning. Tom Horton felts David should marry Brooke, but the rest of the family disagreed. Everyone backed off to let David make his own decision. David told Valerie Grant he was thinking of marrying Brooke, upsetting Val. Unaware of Brooke's pregnancy, Val refused to discuss it, saying if marrying Brooke would make David happy, go ahead, but she didn’t like Brooke. Val's father, Paul, aware of the pregnancy, told David that children who acted like adults had to accept responsibility for their actions. But, Paul said, a child needed love from both parents and a forced marriage was a bad atmosphere. David told Brooke if she still wanted to marry him, it was o.k.


David and Brooke went to Doug's Place to celebrate - Brooke would like a little more enthusiasm and romance to surround the proposal. - Doug made a big fuss. Brooke started talking about an apartment, money, and other practical things. Distracted by thoughts of Val, David told Brooke whatever she wanted was fine. Brooke was deeply hurt. They broke the news to Julie, who was there with Don. Stricken, Julie covered instantly, and offered a big wedding. Brooke's mother Adele was delighted, telling Brooke, "I'd rather die that have you turn out like me." Even Bob Anderson got into the mood of things and asked to be allowed to give the bride away. Brooke agreed - Bob didn't know he was Brooke's father, a fact Brooke had found out. Brooke was conceived during an idyllic summer Adele and Bob spent together after he finished Grad school. Adele didn't tell Bob after she learned he was engaged to Phyllis. –


Val accidentally learned of Brooke's pregnancy from Laura. Meanwhile, Brooke went to Helen Grant to ask her help in understanding David so she could make him happy - following an accident after a horrendous fight with Julie, David was taken in by the Grants. David had continued to live with them, attracted by the love the Grants offered him with no strings. - Helen told Brooke there couldn’t be any pressure and there had to be lots of love. Brooke went to Neil Curtis and asked him to arrange an abortion. She explained that marriage without love was a disaster and a baby without love was even worse. She asked Neil to help her take the first positive step of her life.


Neil asked Val, who worked for him, to arrange a D and C for Brooke at 2:00 in Doctor's Hospital. Val was dumbfounded. Home for lunch, Val castigated David for talking Brooke into the abortion. David denied it. He rushed out to stop her. Brooke told Adele her plans. Adele was unsuccessful in dissuading Brooke. When Brooke left for the hospital, Adele cried, "Don't take away my grandchild. Don't you know how much I need you?" Adele started drinking.


Brooke stopped at an adoption agency on the way to the hospital. While there, she realized she would never be able to do it and went on to the hospital. Adele went to work at the Boutique drunk. Phyl was forced to fire her. Phyl took her home and called Bob. David went to University Hospital to stop Brooke. Tom found there was no Brooke there. By the time they located Brooke at Doctor's, it was too late. Neil told Brooke she did the right thing, aside from letting David off the hook. There was a chance her fetus was damaged from the overdose of sleeping pills she took when she was sure David was dead after his accident.


David called Adele to report Brooke had had the abortion. Bob was stunned. He broke the news to Adele, telling her it was probably for the best because no man liked being trapped, and a loveless marriage was no good for anyone. Adele was pained at the memory of their summer. Brooke told Bob that Adele was never married, and there was a man out there who didn’t even know Adele was pregnant and had a daughter. Brooke told Julie that she wass the person she, Brooke, had loved the most — and hurt the most. Brooke wanted only honesty between them, so told Julie she was really 27. Brooke admitted to needing her mother. Julie got Brooke to the hospital, and they pledged to make a new start. Alice and Laura offered support. Brooke returned home to find Adele drunk.


Valerie accused David of not trying hard enough to stop Brooke. David told Val he had learned love carried responsibilities and there was more to love than sex. Needing company, Brooke located Helen Grant. She told Helen she had nobody, just a mother who loved her wine bottle more than her daughter. Helen promised support, then went to Adele and encouraged her to join a church group of alcoholics. Adele agreed. Brooke told Bob that Adele never stopped loving him. She told Bob she was 27. Bob assumed Adele had to have married following the summer they spent together. Bob offered Brooke his friendship and she accepted.


Trish Clayton was planning to go to Arizona to meet her father, whom she had never seen. She asked Brooke to go with her. Brooke agreed. In Arizona, Trish found James Stanhope, her father, was a loan officer in a bank. To speak to him, Trish applied for a loan, thus, also giving him hints to her identity. He didn’t recognize her mother's name. Trish told Brooke she was going to tell Stanhope because she needed to belong to someone.


Bob Anderson filed for divorce from Julie. He told her he had made a generous settlement. Julie told him she didn’t want to be paid for ruining his life and refused his money. He insisted. Julie was adamant. Julie planned to resume painting. She accepted a job as receptionist in Don's office to tide her over until she sold something. Julie was determined to stand on her own two feet. When Julie continued to refuse his settlement, Bob spirited a painting of Amanda to Phyl's shop, where she agreed to sell it, setting a price of $1500.


Johnny Collins, Rebecca North's fiance, returned from Paris, finally, having been cabled by Robert LeClair that Rebecca was pregnant. Rebecca was Doug Williams' housekeeper. Johnny didn't tell Rebecca he knew she was pregnant - Doug, wanting a sibl-ng for daughter Hope, agreed to artificial insemination. Unbeknownst to him, Rebecca was the host mother. Rebecca was desperate for a child to replace her daughter who was killed in an auto accident while Rebecca was driving. - Johnny tried to get Rebecca to tell him she was pregnant. When she didn’t, he told her he knew and asked if he was the father. Rebecca told him she hadn't slept with anyone else. He wante to know why she didn't tell him. She reminded him he didn't want children. He accused her of using him — as a stud. He demanded a meeting to discuss it. Johnny suggested Rebecca have an abortion and return to Paris with him.


Laura Horton was becoming concerned about the increasing closeness between her son Mike and Marty Hansen. Laura wondered which father Mike would choose - Marty had been sterile since early adulthood, a secret kept from him to protect his legal son, Mike, who was actually Bill Horton's son. Marty was also Mickey Horton, but suffered amnesia following open heart surgery. He took the name Marty Hansen, and subsequently married Maggie. Lately, Marty had been having memory flashes, which meant that the blocked passages were being cleared naturally. – As a surprise for wife Maggie at Christmas, Marty Hansen had arranged for an orphan, Janice, to spend the holidays with them. They fell in love with her immediately, but other families wanted Janice, too, and they had to wait for her to decide. Janice chose the Hansens! They were ecstatic. Maggie and Marty arranged to pick her up. To add to Marty's pleasure, Mike told him he wa's thinking of going into law.


Mike had to return to Salem, and as a parting gift, he fixed a hay wagon. He and Hank loaded it with hay, then discovered it had a flat tire. They jacked it up, but the wheel was stuck. While Hank went for another jack, Mike pounded on the wheel to loosen it. The jack slipped, pinning Mike! Feverishly, Hank and Marty worked to free Mike. Marty prayed that his son wouldn’t die. They took him to the hospital. Maggie called Laura. Mike would need a lot of blood. There was a chemical plant explosion in Salem, but Laura promised to bring as much plasma as she could with her. Laura couldn’t donate because she was type-B. Bill was tied up in surgery and couldn’t accompany her.


Marty donated blood and waited for typing, hoping to be a direct donor and save his son's life. The lab technician told him he was type-AB, and Laura's type-B, but Marty didn't have to worry because the father had to have type-O, like Mike. As the reality of the technician's words sank in, Marty's memory flashes increased, and he became increasingly disoriented and irrational. Hank, meanwhile, had returned to the farm to stay with Maggie. They decided to postpone picking up Janice because of the emotionally stressful atmosphere caused by Mike's accident.


Marty left the hospital, tortured by faces from the past that floated before him, taunting him, laughing at him. Marty found himself in front of University Hospital. The hospital was in bedlam so nobody noticed Marty going into Tom's office. Marty pulled Bill's file. Bill had type-0 blood. Marty saw Bill laughing at him all these years. He had memories of Alice and others telling him Laura was beyond reproach, that he, Mickey, was the villain because of his affair with Linda Phillips. Mickey told himself he at least had a daughter. Laura arrived in Brookville, and when she couldn't find Marty, she asked the lab technicians if they had seen him, and she learned that Marty knew Mike wasn't his son. Frantically, Laura tried to reach Bill to tell him, but Bill couldn’t be reached. Mike's condition worsened.


Mickey appeared at his law offices in suit and coat. He told Linda he was his old self again. Mike went into deep shock and was rushed into surgery. Mickey had a memory flash about Linda and Melissa  -Linda was telling him Melissa wasn't his because she was type-0 and he was type-AB. - Mickey asked Linda if he was Melissa's father, bringing up the memory. Linda told him to remember the Hortons were very powerful and would do anything to keep them apart. Mickey told her he knew he was not Mike's father. He told Linda he needed someone to belong to, but if he was not Melissa's father he would  understand: Linda just loved him so much she wanted it to be so. Linda continued to be evasive. At her apartment, Mickey asked when Melissa was conceived. She said the night Laura asked him for a divorce. Mickey remembered. He started for the door. When Linda tried to stop him, he knocked her down, calling her a tramp — sleeping with Jim one night and him the next, then trying to pass Melissa off as his. Mickey asked if that was what Jim was trying to tell him before he died. Mickey told Linda she killed Jim; he saw it in her eyes. He left and bought a gun.


Linda, frightened at what Mickey might do, called Don Craig. She told him the whole truth about Mike and how Mickey was unbalanced. Mickey broke into Bill and Laura's house to wait for Bill. He disconnected the phone, loaded the gun, and shot a picture of Bill on the desk. Laura finally reached Tom and told him what Mickey knew. She was afraid for Bill. Tom headed for their house. Bill arrived. Mickey pulled the gun. Bill warned Mickey to take it easy or he could have another coronary. Mickey says that would be a good way to go, since he had nothing left anyway. Mickey drifted between the personas of Mickey Horton and Marty Hansen, but Mickey, living in the past, bent on revenge, seemed to win. Don Craig joined Tom outside the house. Tom didn’t want to do anything that might make Mickey do something rash. When they couldn’t see what's going on, Don decided to ring the doorbell and pretend he was just dropping by. It didn’t work, so Tom sent Don for Alice, hoping she would be able to reach Mickey. A noise distracted Mickey long enough for Bill to try for the gun. They wrestled, the gun went off, and Bill slumped to the floor.


Tom broke in through the window and tended Bill, despite Mickey's threat he would kill him if he did. Tom removed the bullet from Bill's arm and bandaged it. Tom took the gun from Mickey, but his hand continued to hold the same position. When Don arrived with Alice, Tom refused to let Don in, saying it was a family matter. Don told Julie that it was the only thing Tom could have done because, if there had been a gun, Don, as an officer of the court would have had to report it to the police. Tom decided that Mickey had to be institutionalized and called an ambulance. Bill refused to go to the hospital because he would have to make out a gun shot report. Don told Linda that Mickey was in bad shape. She insisted on going to Mickey, over Don's objections. Tom refused to let her in the house. When the ambulance arrive for Mic-key, Don had to physically restrain Linda in the car. Coldly, she told him that if he didn’t let her go in, she would contact the police and the papers and tell them Mickey was being confined against his will.


Mickey didn’t want to go to the hospital, accusing them of trying to get rid of him. He was also afraid they would never let him out. He pushed Tom aside and started for the window, stopped only by Linda's cry of "Mickey!" Tom ordered Linda from the room, but she refused. Linda told Mickey she wouldn’t let them take him away. Her words echoed in his head in Laura's voice. He saw Laura's face, not Linda's, and heard Laura's laughing voice calling him a fool. Screaming "Laura!" Mickey started to strangle Linda. Tom and the attendants dragged him off and escorted him to the ambulance. Alice said, "My son's gone."


Mike made it through surgery. He wanted his dad, “My dad never let me down." Laura and Maggie, who had arrived looking for Marty, put him off. Laura had told Maggie that Marty knew Mike wasn't his son. Mike kept asking for Mickey, so Maggie told him Mickey regained his memory and went to Salem to see his folks. Mike was excited that his dad could remember how it was growing up. Don Craig drew up commitment papers for Mickey Horton at Tom's direction. Linda and Alice didn’t want Mickey confined. Tom signed the papers because the psychiatrist who examined Mickey diagnosed him as paranoid, possibly schizophrenic, saying he met two distinct people during the interview. Alice believed she could take care of Mickey at home, refusing to believe he was dangerous. She visited Mickey, who recalls a childhood memory, but didn’t recall she's his mother. He was gentle. Linda tried. For her, he was Mickey, remembering they loved each other and she gave him a child.


Maggie walked for Mickey! He said that was nice. He asked her to excuse him because he had to work on a brief for the following day. Mickey thought Julie was there to persuade him to change his mind about representing Scott Banning in the custody fight for David. Mickey told her nobody had the right to deprive a man of the son he had raised, even if he wasn't the father. Laura went to the sanitarium. Dr. Powell was reluctant to let her see Mickey because Mickey wanted to kill her. Laura got Tom's permission. Laura felt he needed the shock of seeing her to forestall catatonia. Mickey recoiled when Laura tried to touch him.


Don Craig and Bob Anderson, at Tom's request, took on telling the other family members. David took the news hard, but refused to judge anyone, saying he had too many skeletons. Paul Grant persuaded him to be with his family. Alice refused to share Tom's bedroom.


The Doctors


Written by: Robert Cenedella

Produced by: Jeff Young


Mona Croft had been working on Steve, Carolee and Ann Larimer in her own subtle way - more subtle than these three, who thought they knew her, appreciated -. Steve has told her "A small quarrel with my wife is a long way from saying there's trouble between us. Mona, we don't need your interference — lay off." Mona told Carolee "I'm on your side— admire you for putting up such a brave front with all the things that have been bedevilling you, Karen, ... Ann." When Carolee insisted - not too truthfully - that those things were finished and all in the past, Mona refered to her daughter-in-law – Carolee - as "brave, forgiving, decent." Mona invited Ann to dinner on the night that Steve and Carolee were attending a dinner with Althea and Scott Conrad, and managed to prolong the after dinner conversation with Ann till Steve and Carolee arrived home. Just before they entered Mona made references to the fact that Ann, too, was her daughter-in-law; "Married and annulled in the space of one week-end." The atmosphere surrounding her remark to Ann that she would "always sort of think of you as family" remained in the room. Ann had told Steve that she did not want to discuss his domestic problems, "it just upsets Carolee and I do not want to be the cause of any dissention between the two of you ever again”.


When Steve and Ann were called out on an emergency, a family suffering from food poisoning - Steve's patient—the expectant mother; Ann's patient, the woman's son -, Mona took Steve's call and when she relayed the message to Carolee it was garbled and incomplete. After waiting a special dinner for Steve, Carolee called the hospital to be told that the emergency had been handled some time before her call and the two doctors had left the hospital together. Steve, unaware of the importance of what was to him a regular family meal, took Ann out to eat and on his return faced Carolee's anger, which he characterized to her as irrational.


Maggie Powers voiced concern to Matt that he was working under too great a strain and told him that she was the one who had to live with his irritability. Stacy Wells, a young friend in psychiatric counselling, seemed to Maggie to be turning frequently to Matt for advice and telling him things that should be reserved for her sessions with her therapist, to the possible detriment of her progress. Maggie implied to a resentful Matt that his susceptibility to the flattery of a young girl – Stacy - was coloring his judgement.


M.J. Match, Penny Davis's roommate, who had been dating Alan Stewart since his break up with Toni Powers Stewart - Alan married Toni when Mike was presumed dead. When Mike returned, alive, Toni discovered she was pregnant with Alan's child. She lost the child by miscarriage as she was about to proceed with an abortion.- was troubled when she hears Hank Iverson tell Mike and Alan that the source of their squabbling at the hospital was not disagreement over questions of ambulance personnel — "the fighting issue is Toni." She asked Alan if they could change plans for a dinner date at Alan's house to a meeting hours afterward to discuss their relationship.


When Scott Conrad was asked by Dr. McIntyre to come to the sanitarium where his wife Eleanor Was once again staying after another episode of a threatened psychotic break his daughter Wendy asked to see Althea Davis professionally. She asksed Dr. Davis whom she knew had been having a love affair with her father to recommend a psychiatrist for Wendy to consult and Althea promised to find a young girl about Wendy's own age already in therapy who could tell her more about it. Wendy was also contemplating transferring to the local University from the girls school she was then attending and Althea arranged to visit the Conrad's apartment with her daughter Penny who was a medical student. On the evening of the get-together Eleanor Conrad left the hospital without official permission and changing her mind about telephoning first, went directly "home." - Scott Conrad, although given an opportunity by Dr. McIntyre at the Sanitarium previously to tell Eleanor about his relationship with Althea and the possibility of honesty helping a recovering Eleanor to handle the real facts of life as they existex, had chosen to reassure Eleanor that he loved her. - Eleanor was puzzled but infered vaguely that it was "more of a social situation than it seems — and lens," and to the embarrassment, pity, and horror of the people assembled: Scott, Wendy and Althea, she read a poem "My Street." - Eleanor's poems were a recognized symbol of her disturbance; her "Muse" often becale a voice in her head directing her to violence - and went to bed. Penny stayed with Althea that night and the following day Scott told Althea that the choice Dr. McIntyre offered Scott; that Eleanor be allowed to stay for an indefinite time with them with a trained nurse to care for her or be taken back to the sanitarium under restraint, was no choice at all. He told Althea that they could still see each other if she wanted to. Althea replies that she did.


In a session with Doctor Wilson, Stacy came to realize that although her problems were standing in their way as a couple, Rico had chosen to he with her regardless. In a moment of insight Stacy said "Yeah, it's his choice. It's tough on him but he's doing what he wants to. Right? And what Penny said - regarding Stacy's seeing a "shrink" - was not valid. It was vicious." She told Dr. Wilson that for the first time she truly believed Rico loved her.


At a dinner at Steve and Carolee's house, Stacey and Ricco witnessed Carolee's breakdown into tears as she talked of youth and middle age, of being at a crossroad without knowing how she got there. Afterwards, with Rico, Stacy said that he had seen proof that night that love wasn't enough. "How many times did Steve and Carolee promise to stand by each other and did stand by each other and now look at them."


Carolee had asked Dr. Wilson about fault when a marriage had gone wrong and he had told her that if one person was the victim that person might be equally at fault by being too patient and long-suffering. When Billy came down to be with Carolee in her unhappiness one night, she said "Oh Billy, you're beautiful and I love you. People need to know to show their love or it gets lost." She smiled and told him that she had had a very good cry. He went off to bed as she told him "Billy, everything's gonna be OK," and sitting on the couch, she sighed and looked at her ring hand.


Penny, disturbed at Stacy's remark that she obviously enjoyed fantasy more than the real thing, told M.J. that her mother had said something like that a few weeks ago and she ignored it. Referring to Alan, Penny said to M.J. "You're in love with him —is he in love with you?" M.J. said no and later added "who knows what's love and what's ego?"


Eleanor Conrad asked to see Dr. Wilson and at the hospital Althea stepped into an elevator to start in shock as she realized that she was sharing it with Scott and Eleanor. Later, seeing Scott for a time while Eleanor was with Dr. Wilson, she refered to "that awful scene" and when he said it was over, she replied it was just beginning, not simple evasion but possibly outright lying. She added she didn't even know if Scott had already begun lying to Eleanor. Scott told her that Eleanor knew she did not determine how he lived his life and implied he had let Eleanor know he had his own life. When Althea suggested she could take an early lunch break so that she could lunch with Scott, he told her that he promised to go back to Dr. Wilson's office in a half hour and they just wouldn't have time. She nodded and said "No, we just wouldn't."


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


Tracy and Danny Micelli returning from their abbreviated honeymoon, joined Laurie and Johnny Dallas and entered into the activities surrounding the planned reopening of the New Moon Restaurant. John's wedding present to his new brother-in-law was a partnership in the restaurant. The newlyweds had all the reason in the world to be happy and optimistic about their future, but Danny noticed that Tracy's depressed mood could’t be dispelled. All Tracy would tell Danny was that she had found happiness at last and feared she was not worthy of his love. The secret that ate away at Tracy's sense of security was her confession to Noel Douglas that she was responsible for Mrs. Geraldine Whitney's near fatal fall down the stairs at the Whitney mansion. Geraldine, who was completely comatose, clungto life and had begun to show signs recently that the brain damage might not be as severe as the doctors first believed. Geraldine had been discovered beside her bed where she collapsed after possibly trying to walk and has spoken one word, "Noel." Her daughter-in-law, Tiffany Douglas, who refusesdto give up hope for the complete recovery of her beloved "Mother" was encouraged by these recent "improvements."


Police Chief Bill Marceau and his assistant Lt. Luke Chandler, once believed the only suspect in Geraldine's "accident" was journalist Kevin Jamison. Kevin was the sole heir to the Whitney fortune and when he announced his intentions to marry Phoebe Smith, Geraldine, playing the "possessive mother" disinherited him. Bill and Luke had since learned of the tryst between Noel and Tracy and of her lurid past as a high-priced call girl in Chicago. Their investigation had shown that Noel set Tracy up in a lavish apartment only weeks after his marriage to Tiffany and that not only did Geraldine know about the apartment but also about Tracy's past. Both Kevin and Geraldine remained silent in order to protect Tiffany exacting an oath from Noel that he would completely sever his relationship with Tracy.


Noel who had been drinking heavily and gambling, had persistently refused to accompany Tiffany on her visits to Geraldine's hospital room. Noel had been completely negative about any sort of recovery Geraldine might make and constantly tried to discourage his wife's hopes. After a touching visit from Kevin and Phoebe, who went to tell the comatose woman of their grief for her condition and of renewed plans to be married, Noel entered in a drunken and surly mood and forced Kevin and Phoebe to leave. Noel sat beside the "sleeping" woman and accused her of having "taken his name in vain." He challenged her to speak again, but as he bent close to her face, Geraldine opened her eyes and her entire face distorted, eyes blazing, into a stare of total hatred! Noel, shaken by this later, commented to Tiffany that "Geraldine is not quite right and if she comes out of the coma, you are likely to have a walking, talking mad woman on your hands."


Noel, less than pleased with cautious optomism shown by the doctors and Tiffany that Geraldine might one day recover, paid her another solitary visit. This time he disconnected the tubes leading from the respirator which helped Geraldine to breathe and placed them in her hand! Suddenly, Luke Chandler arrives and immediately concluded foul play despite Noel's protests of innocence, and insisted Noel accompany him downtown to Police Headquarters. Noel, faced with possible charges, admitted to being home that fateful night, but that it was Tracy who later returned, after Geraldine forced them to leave, quarreled, and "pushed the old lady down the stairs."


Luke took Tracy in for questioning and she broke down confessing her fears that Geraldine would expose her former life to Danny and Johnny. Returning to plead with Geraldine for leniency, the 'accident' occurred. Danny fearful for Tracy, but unaware of the turn the questioning had taken, contacted attorney Mike Karr to be with his wife. Noel was released and returned to tell Tiffany a slanted half-truth about his relationship with Tracy and of her confession to the near fatal assault on Geraldine - Although Tracy admitted to causing the fall, she claimed that she left Geraldine groaning at the bottom of the stairs and fled without calling for help because of fear. There was still one point not answered, why did Geraldine have a bruise on her neck which couldn't have been caused by her fall? –


Noel learned that Tracy had been arrested on aggravated assault charges and that she had been taken to police headquarters again. He was fearful that the whole ugly story about his affair with Tracy might be exposed by further investigation. Attempting to convince Tiffany of his innwent relationship in dealing with the "poor friendless girl who just needed the secretarial job," Noel tried to con his wife one more time. Eventually, Tiffany forced Noel to admit that Tracy had not come to the house that night to deliver a business contract to him, afterall, but that she had come for a "farewell drink before leaving town for good." He admitted to having known the "cheap little nothing" in Chicago, claiming that Tracy had been just "a phase." Tiffany realized how their martini pitcher was broken — "entertaining" Tracy. How they probably had been surprised when they were caught in the act by Geraldine! No further explanations were necessary. Tiffany, totally repulsed by the revealed deceitfulness of her husband, completely disgusted by his continual state of drunkenness, rushed out of the elegant living room, leaving Noel to ponder his fate alone.


Attorney Adam Drake, having learned that the woman he was married to and believed dead for a year and a half, was alive and in Monticello! Adam attempted to deal with his confused emotions — his beloved Nicole, alive, but he had just announced his engagement to the attractive Assistant District Attorney Brandy Henderson! On New Year's Eve, reminiscent of another New Year's Eve three years before, when against all obstacles, Adam proposed to Nicole, Adam and Nicole were finally reunited in the front hall of the Whitney mansion. While the antique grandfather clock chimed in the New Year, Nicole decended the stairs and into the waiting arms of her husband Adam.


Adam told Brandy, who already had become alarmed by Adam's sudden aloofness, about Nicole's return. Brandy, devastated, returned her lovely engagement ring. Nicole learned about Adam's broken engagement, but feared she could match the competition of a woman attorney — a beautiful colleague of Adam's. Acting on Tiffany's behalf she phoned Dr. Clay Jordan in Paris. Nicole was completely convinced that Dr. Jordan was responsible for her recovery from her many months in a coma after her rescue from the sea. Clay, sensing that Nicole was unhappy with the outcome of her reunion with her husband, agreed to come to America not only to treat Geraldine, but to offer his friendship to Nicole as well. Clay began his esoteric metaphysical methods to help "contact" Geraldine and effect a cure. Dr. Hugh Lacey, Geraldine's close friend and family doctor, personally objected to Dr. Jordan's unorthodox procedures, but, out of deference to Tiffany's wishes, Dr. Lacey allowed him to "treat" Geraldine - Clay was not allowed to actually perform medical treatment because he was not a licensed physician in the United States. - Dr. Lacey firmly believed that any healing that might occur would be the body's own natural doing, and nothing to do with Dr. Jordan.


After Clay’s session of "meditation" beside the comatose woman, the nurse was stunned when Geraldine suddenly began speaking forcefully and clearly, "Get out both of you — Noel — I don't want either of you in my house ever again!" Geraldine rose to an upright position, eyes wide open and glaring.


Brandy was busy preparing the prosecution's case against Serena Faraday's alleged fatal shooting of her husband Mark. Fearing the court battle would cause further pain because of the enforced closeness with Adam, who was defending Serena, Brandy allowed young, ambitious Draper Scott to take charge while she took the role of assistant. Brandy was surprised when Nicole phoned and arranged to meet with her. Brandy was conducting business with Draper Scott when the doorbell rang. She opened her door suspensefully, fearing her first meeting with the woman who had "returned from the grave." Scott reluctantly left, leaving the two women to eye each other. It was amazing how much alike, in many ways, they appeared to be. Both were beautiful, intelligent and charming. Brandy told Nicole of returning her engagement ring, but that that act hadn't really ended her feelings for Adam. She noticed that Nicole was not wearing a wedding ring and learned that Nicole lost her ring sometime while she clung for life drifting at sea, or perhaps later where she was hospitalized in her "Sleeping Beauty" state. Nicole told Brandy she still loved Adam too, but that Brandy had the "later claim." Brandy countered, "But you, Nicole, have the right." Both women realized that Adam was deeply troubled and virtually in a state of limbo regarding his feelings for them. He just couldn’t make any decisions about which one he prefered for the present.


Adam, Mike and Serena met at the Montecello Courthouse for the crucial selection of the jury for the Serena Faraday trial - Adam had only finally taken Serena's case because she begged and convinced him that he had to do it for her young son's sake if not for hers. - Adam and little Timmy had become close friends over the weeks the boy had lived with Mike and Nancy Karr while Serena awaited her trial. Mike and Adam hoped to select a compassionate jury that would be sympathetic to their plea of "temporary insanity" because of Serena's difficult to understand multiple personality problem.


Mike was further troubled because he had to assume the defense of Tracy Dallas Micelli as a favor to his daughter, Laurie, and his son-in-law, Johnny. He told Adam he wondered just how Tracy's case would resolve itself.


A smug Draper Scott greeted Mike, Serena and Adam for the empaneling of the jury. Brandy had refrained completely, at least for the moment, from being involved with Adam at this stage of the trial. By the time six prospective jury members were questioned and dismissed, Serena, close to a complete breakdown, erupted, "I'm not going to sit here a moment longer!" and attempted to flee. The Judge called a hasty recess and Mike and Adam confered about their highly emotional client. They feared an unscheduled return of the "Josie" personality could be very detrimental to their case.


General Hospital


Written by: Richard & Suzanne Holland

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Dr. Lesley Faulkner’s impassioned obsession to regain her daughter, Laura Vining, stolen from her at birth, continued to dramatically affect all concerned. Wealthy and influential Cameron Faulkner went to see Barbara Vining, the woman who had raised Laura for 13 years, never suspecting the bright, sweet child wasn't her own. They discussed Laura's identifying birthmark and the attending nurse Miss Roach's claims of switching the stillborn Jackson child with Lesley's healthy one under the insistant direction of Lesley's foster father - both babies were born in a private clinic for unwed mothers. Barbara Jackson feared Laura would learn that her parents were not married until a month after she was born because Jason Vining was stationed on a ship half way around the world. - Cam vowed to use all his powerful connections to prevent exposure to adverse publicity and to help minimize Laura's shock when the girl eventually learned about Lesley.


Lesley pleaded with Cam to stand by her. Laura had been denied her birth right to know her real mother and Lesley wanted to regain what she believed was rightfully hers to claim. Lesley's lawyer, Curtis Baxter, in an expedient move served the Vinings with a Writ of Habeas Corpus which meant they had to present Laura in court on a certain day. The Vinings engaged Edward Martin as their attorney to plead for their side.


Laura’s natural curiosity was aroused and sensed something was wrong when she discovered her parents were involved with a lawyer. She began asking questions which her parents realized would have to be answered soon before the hearing date. The Vinings submitted their blood tests to show parentage — everything was readied for Judge Morris to hear Lesley's case in her Judge's chambers. Cam and Lesley appeared first and Lesley tearfully explained the mysterious circumstances surrounding Laura's birth. Next, it was the Vining's turn to plead for their child but Barbara was confronted with the evidence that neither she, nor Jason's blood type - both O Negative - matched Laura's B type blood! - what this test proved actually was Jason Vining couldn’t be Laura's natural father. Barbara had sworn privately to her husband that "he was the only man she ever knew.' - Laura had to be told and presented in court! Barbara too overcome by emotion allowed Jason to tell Laura the whole startling story, and that Laura would have to decide between the family she believed to be her own and the woman who claimed to be her real mother.


Laura, who had always been impressed by the glamorous and wealthy lives of the "Jetsetters" she has read about found the news startling. However, she told the judge she simply couldn’t decide where she had to live since she barely knew Lesley. Judge Morris ruled that Lesley was to have a month's temporary custody of Laura, without contact from the Vinings, to allow Laura and Lesley to become better acquainted. Lesley took Laura on an extended vacation around the country to exotic and glamorous places and parties arranged by Cam including a personal backstage meeting with actress Mamie Van Doren.


Cam's fears mounted for Lesley's well-being should the court decide against Lesley after the month was up. Lesley's happiness was noticeable to everyone around her. They had a marvelous vacation trip and Lesley admitted that although she missed Cam, she really could have stayed away much longer. Lesley had one more week to wait before the custody hearing for Laura's permanent home became final. She was completely confident that Laura would become hers forever. Lesley arranged for a husband and wife team of tutors to coach Laura. Cam asked her if she missed her friends and Laura replied that she did miss some of her friends, but that everything was so wonderful that it was hard to miss much. Cam tried to explain not to let "things" change her, but Laura, who didn’t quite understand, said she felt she had already been changed — like a fairy princess.


Young Bobby Chandler, suffering from a rare, always fatal blood disease, finally reached a state of remission. He had successfully deceived his young wife Samantha, a nurse, and his mother Caroline, into believing he has recovered from a bout of mononucluosis. The few people who knew the actual truth about Bobby's grave illness pleaded with him to tell his family the truth so that they could share his suffering and perhaps somehow lessen it. Bobby steadfastly refused.


Attorney Lee Baldwin, aware of the seriousness of Bobby's illness moved his wedding date to Caroline to Feb. 13th, and assured Bobby he would always be there to comfort not only Caroline, but Sammi as well. Caroline, jubilant, told Diana Taylor, RN, who immediately began planning for an engagement party as Caroline's wedding date had been reset. Lee handled all of Bobby's estate planning and arranged to have his trust fund of thousands of dollars be willed to Sammi.


Bobby began to feel the effects of Malenkov's disease again and fearing that he was no longer in a remission state, checked with his doctor. He was going to need whole blood transfusions and might eventually have to start taking an experimental and rather risky new drug, which would expose him to obvious and serious side effects. Bobby had to deal with the prospect of telling his family soon.


Bobby went to Lee's office and secretly arranged his estate to be willed to Sammi. Bobby confirmed his fears that he was slipping out of remission. He had hoped to have from three to six months, the figure estimated by Dr. Henderson, but his only hope for more time would be the whole blood transfusions.


At the engagement party for Caroline and Lee, Bobby's mother noticed her son's apparent fatigue and expressed her concern to Lee. Sammi had also noticed Bobby was not recovering in the expected manner from the "Mono." Sammi demanded to know from Lee why Bobby's life insurance was denied. Lee, who knew the truth, just made some excuses and privately regretted Bobby's decision to keep his family in the dark. Sammi, upset by worrying over her young husband's health, began to make careless mistakes in her work at the Mary Sullivan Memorial Clinic. Lesley asked Sammi what was the matter and Sammi broke down and confessed her fears for Bobby's wellbeing. She wanted to know why he was lying to her. Lesley confronted Bobby privately and again tried to  "Whatever time you have left, she can't even share it with you!" Bobby replied, "No, I won't send her into mourning while I am still walking around!" Lesley insisted on examining Bobby's gums and confirmed her fears that he was having pinpoint hemorrhages. "You won't be able to lie to Sammi with blood on your teeth!"


Sammi arranged an interview with Dr. Steve Hardy and demanded he tell her the truth about Bobby. He sidestepped by saying he would tell her whatever he could tell her "ethically." Disappointed by Steve's evasions, Sammi cried, "What is wrong? If you won't tell me about Bobby, then tell me what I can do to help him?" Steve's solemn reply was, "Just love him."


Beth Maynard, RN found herself falling in love with handsome first year resident Dr. Kyle Bradley despite her beliefs that she would never become involved. Diana, Beth's sister was worried that the young doctor might be a little too "proprietary"and that there was something in the way he treated Beth that worried her — almost "like a conquest," so casual, so undefined. Even Beth admitted that Kyle was "hard to pin down," but, "that right now she is having a lot of fun."


Registered nurse Jessie Brewer's goddaughter, Kate Marshall, arrived to stay with Jessie while she recovered from her emotional wounds resulting from her recent divorce. Kate told Jessie about discovering her husband Brian had been deceiving her and of her desire to pull her life together once again. Jessie tried to assure Kate that "time is the best healer" and arranged for Kate, a RN, to do some special nursing occasionally.


Unknown to everyone, Kyle and Kate were once lovers and knew dark secrets about each other's past lives. Kyle was married! He had found it more "useful" to keep his wife Marilyn "under wraps." Kate was responsible for the suicide death of a doctor's wife where she trained as a nurse. She had been carrying on an affair with a Dr. John McAllister when his wife Irene discovered the truth and killed herself. Both agreed to keep each others' dark secret and resume their love affair.


Dr. Jim Hobart, having completed his research paper landed a teaching position at the local university. Audrey, worn from the months of intense psychotherapy and the demands of being on the nursing staff, contemplated a short vacation alone. However, Jim, recently recovered from a severe drinking problem, and unsure of himself accused her of wanting to sabotage his gains and they bitterly quarreled. Jim had been unable to make love to Audrey and despised his impotency. Jim brought home a young student, Sally, to loan her a book and discovered he saved Sally's mother years before with open heart surgery and that the admiring young woman wanted to follow in Dr. Hobart's footsteps. Jim apologized for misunderstanding Audrey's need to get away for a rest. He appeared elated over his sudden popularity as a lecturer and told Audrey how flattered he was about his promising young female student's adoration.


Dr. Peter Taylor continued to help a highly disturbed woman, Patricia Lambert, who had unsuccessfully attempted suicide once, to realize her motives for feeling unlovable.


Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Lucy Ferri Rittenberg


Peggy Fletcher, RN, recently disturbed by the probing questions Dr. Ed Bauer had suggested regarding her fiance, Roger Thorpe, finally settled her uneasiness. After all, hadn’t Roger been kind to her and to her son, Billy, and after all, Roger's misdeeds were in the past. "He is a changed man now, a different person, so sensitive and loving." She and Roger agreed to have a justice of the peace marry them in a simple ceremony on Jan. 12th. Everyone was pleased that the wedding date had been reset and Bert Bauer began plans for a reception.


Roger, despite growing fears that if Peggy should ever learn the truth about him fathering Christina Bauer, their relationship would be over, couldn’t permit himself to marry Peggy without telling her the whole truth. She had a right to know. Somehow finding the courage, Roger told Peggy and pleaded for her forgiveness. Peggy was stunned and broke off their engagement.


Dr. Ed Bauer, separated from his wife Holly, and no longer able to do neurosurgery because of the gunshot wound that left Ed's hand unable to perform the delicate details of surgery, decided to go ahead with the highly risky nerve-root resection. Despite Dr. Steve Jackson's warnings that the operation had a 50 percent chance of total paralysis, Ed was adamant about the surgery. If Steve, considered the most experienced and capable neurosurgeon in Springfield wouldn’t do the surgery, then Ed would go to another doctor at another hospital. Ed's decision was not supported by other members of his family who feared for his future should the operation fail.


Ed, learning of Peggy's postponement of her marriage went to her and found her so upset that she couldn’t speak to Ed about it. Later Peggy, more under control, learned from Ed how his marriage to Holly had initially been a shakey one and that Holly turned to Roger for companionship. Peggy however couldn’t stop blaming Roger for all the lies he had told her through the months. Even if she could forgive him, there just wasn't enough trust left between them anymore.


The Bauer family was further disturbed by Holly's announcement that she planned to file for a divorce, ending all hope that she and Ed might reconcile. Bert went to Dr. Steve Jackson and pleaded with him to help Ed by performing the surgery on Ed's hand. Bert was desperate about her son and begged Steve, who was the best, to reconsider. Later when Holly asked Bert if she blamed her for what Ed was about to do, Bert assured Holly that when a marriage ended that it was not just one person's fault, and Ed would have probably had the surgery anyway. Holly learned from Ed that Peggy knew about Christina and went to see her. It was difficult for both young women to face each other, but Holly wanted Peggy to know the whole truth about Roger and herself. Holly told her although she once cared for him a lot, she had managed to get over her feelings for him. She went on to say that she cared far more deeply for Roger than he ever cared for her. She always knew that Roger loved Peggy from the moment the two of them met. Roger had become a changed person — a better person— and assured Peggy that there was nothing between them anymore. As Holly was leaving the apartment, she encountered Roger who jumped to a hasty conclusion about Holly and Peggy's meeting. Peggy explained it all to him and he later apologized to Holly for mistrusting her motives. He told Holly that she had also changed. Holly told Roger that the most important thing was that Christina didn’t suffer for Holly's mistakes. Peggy felst that since Roger did tell her everything that perhaps she could begin to build a trusting relationship with him once again.


Holly told Ed of having seen Peggy and of having spoken about Roger. Holly was concerned for Ed's future, especially if the operation was unsuccessful, and insisted that Ed not have the burden of the financial support for a child that wasn't even his. Ed replied, "No, I love Christina just as if she was my own, and I want to care for her and you." Holly only wished she could give Ed something back in return. She wished him luck with his surgery. Roger, despondent over the cancellation of his wedding plans went to his father, Adam Thorpe, and told him startling news. Roger had decided that without Peggy, there wasn’t much reason to stay! The Metro Restaurant, where Roger was the manager, would thrive without him. Roger wanted to "pull out" immediately! Adam, aching for his son's terrible disappointments in life, pleaded with him not to make a hasty decision that he might regret later.


The surgical team for Ed's surgery was enlisted. Dr. Joe Werner, a very close personal friend of both Steve's and Ed's, young Dr. Tim Ryan, an enthusiastic supporter of Ed's surgery would assist, and nurse Rita Stapleton, who would perform the duties of circulating nurse. Ed was checked into Cedars Hospital as a patient. The surgery began at 9:30 a.m. The Bauer family collected and waited, praying for Steve's success and for Ed's recovery of the use of his hand. Holly, anxious about Ed, but uneasy about intruding on the family, asked Dr. Sara McIntyre if she might stay in her office and await the news of Ed's operation progress. Everyone realized the potential risk of Dr. Jackson severing healthy nerve root endings and the danger of total paralysis. In the operating theater, Joe performed his part of the surgery, preparing the way for Steve and Tim to proceed with the delicate nerve surgery. Steve donned special microscopic lens spectacles and, with a nerve stimulator device, probed Ed's nerve endings. There didn’t appear to be the expected result and Steve examined even closer. Suddenly he exclaims, "Dr. Ryan look at this — I don't like it at all!"


Leslie Bauer helped her step-daughter Hope face the departure of lead guitar singer Chad Richards for New York and the start of a new career. Leslie, although satisfied with her life as a housewife and mother, told her husband Mike that she wanted to return to the local university part-time and get her degree as a research laboratory tenhnician. Leslie interviewed with her counselor and charted her classes for the coming semester. She told Mike that she had to take a special, vitally important course for her major, two evenings a week. She feared his reaction would be negative, but Mike appeared to be very understanding. He refused to allow her to give up her academic plans. He and Freddie would survive quite well while she was in school evenings. However Mike warned he could be very jealous and selfish about how his wife spent her time. He sensed a certain restlessness in Leslie and commented he hadn't seen her so elated over anything in a long time. Leslie reassured Mike repeatedly that she loved being his wife and that she just wanted something for herself in her life. Leslie told Mike that Hope might resume her college courses in art this semester too, and Mike was pleased to think his daughter would go back to her education after her hiatus.


Drs. Sara and Joe Werner encouraged Ann Jeffers, who recently found a feeling of self-esteem she hadn't had in a long time because of them, to start proceedings to find her missing son. They recommended attorney Mike Bauer. Ann poured out her sad story. She married at 17, too young really — to a Spencer "Spence" Raymond Jeffers. He quickly showed his true side as a mean, quick tempered drunk who cheated on his wife. A baby boy, Jimmy, was born adding to Ann's miserable problems of making ends meet. Desperate to escape from her trapped existence — seeking love — she left her baby with her husband and went off with a man with the hope that one day the man would change his negative feelings about another man's child. Ann hadn't forgiven herself for her foolish abandonment of her son for a little over a year of questionable happiness.


Mike traced Spence and Jimmy to a boarding-house where the trail ended. He learned that they might have gone to the oil fields in Alaska. Mike told Sara and Joe he was moved by Ann's plight and planned to offer Ann a part-time secretarial job in his office to help defray investigation costs. Ann, who had been working as a hostess in the Metro Restaurant, came to Mike's office for a follow-up report on the search for her son. She learned that Spence had been traced to Alaska. He had worked as a truck driver for the Westland Oil Co. two years before, but the trail ended there. Mike was optimistic that they would be able to pick up the trail again and told Ann that he might go to Alaska if it would help her regain her son. Ann was stunned! How could she possibly repay Mike? Ann accepted Mike's job offer to work parttime in the law office when he assured the proud woman it was not charity.


Love Of Life


Written by: Paul & Margaret Schneider

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


Diana Lamont, pregnant with her first child at forty and having septicemia - an infection -, called Jamie Rollins for help. When he arrived home he found her collapsed on the floor in pain. She was rushed to the hospital where Dr. Mary Albertson stopped her bleeding and premature labor, but a short time later Di went into hard labor and her boy was born prematurely. Di told Jamie that she found a partially burnt photograph of him in bed with Arlene Lovett and he blamed himself, but Dr. Albertson assured him that this was inevitable. In her depressed state Di said that she should have been satisfied with Jamie and not have insisted that she have a baby too. The baby, small and frail, had respiratory problems, but they were doing everything possible. Jamie asked that the baby be named Adam Jonathan Rollins. When Dr. Albertson told Jamie that the baby was dead he decided to tell Di himself. Subconsciously Di knew and tried to keep Jamie from putting it into words. Di felt that she had lost everything with the death of her baby because she couldn’t forget the picture of Arlene and Jamie. Jamie tried to get Dr. Albertson to say that she could have another baby soon, but the doctor put Jamie off.


As Jamie stood over Adam's grave in the falling snow with the single rose Di sent to have placed on the grave, Johnny Prentiss, Di's step-son, arrived at the cemetery. He told Jamie that he was jealous at first, but is very sad then. Sarah Caldwell brought Johnny to the hospital so Di could wave to him through the window. Sarah told Di that she was not the only woman to lose a child and this didn’t mean she couldn’t have another one. Di felt empty when she returned home, but after she visited Adam's grave she began to feel a healing taking place. She had to say good-bye to her son before she could think of living again. Di and Jamie made plans for their future together with a family.


Dr. Albertson asked Di to check into the hospital again for more tests since the x-rays taken just before her release showed a shadow and she knew the pain had continued. Jamie was very supportive, but when a nurse brought in a consent to sterilization form before the exploratory surgery that Dr. Albertson felt necessary they both balked. The Dr. explained that this didn’t mean it was necessary, but in some cases it was important to act quickly and refusing the surgery could be fatal. Diana insists that it would have to wait a couple of years until she had her second chance at a family. As she prepared to leave the hospital, Vanessa Sterling, Di's best friend, asked Di if she had considered how Jamie and Johnny would feel if anything happened to her. Di broke down, admitting that Johnny's welfare was her main concern, and signed the consent. The news that the infection had been controlled was of very little comfort to Di when she heard that a complete hysterectomy was necessary.


Felicia Lamont took Johnny, her new step-son, and his friend Billy ice skating to take Johnny's mind off Di. Felicia was watching from the snack area when she was approached by the same hood who had been threatening her for several months. She tried to remain calm, but when he got within three feet she screamed and he was frightened away when another man intervened. Felicia, an artist, made a drawing of her attacker and the police used this to search their mug files, having Felicia identify Arnold Logan from the photographs. He was 24 and ran with a motorcycle gang since serving time for assault and rape.


Eddie Aleata, A friend who got her interested in painting seriously again, brought Felicia some expensive canvases to take her mind off Arnold Logan. Since Eddie supplied wines to Beaver Ridge, he asked Rick Latimer if he would be interested in displaying Felicia's paintings and taking a commission on their sale. Felicia blew up when Charles interrupted to say that he was going to exhibit them in the bookstore thinking that her husband was patronizing her. After thinking things over they both apologized and agreed that she could display paintings in both places. Felicia noticed that Charles was very cool when Eddie suggested that Felicia could be an art consultant in his new import-export business that he intended to base in Rosehill.


When Felicia unlocked the door of her studio she saw that the window was open and Arnold Logan was there. When he said that he had been watching her, Felicia became frightened and pulled out her gun. Arnie thought she was only kidding, but when she convinced him that she could and would use the gun, Arnie left. Felicia called Charles, but when she couldn’t reach him, she phoned Eddie who arrived with the police. Felicia explained that he probably had come in the window because the door was locked when she arrived, but the window was open. The officer saw the gun in Felicia's purse and said that he had to put in his report that she was carrying a weapon because her permit only allowed her to keep it in the studio. She said she couldn't go outside and feel safe without the gun. Charles arrived after being summoned by the police to find Eddie with Felicia. When Charles admitted that he was jealous of Felicia's friendship with Eddie, Felicia regretfully declined Eddie's offer of a job as art consultant.


Rick Latimer told Meg Hart to go ahead with her plans for the Priestly estate, but that they shouldn't include him because he wouldn’t be a kept man. Rick made reservations for Cal Aleata, Meg's daughter, and himself at a lodge, but when it dawned on Meg that Cal and Rick would be going away together she devised a plan to keep Rick at home. She sent Alfred Lasko to do an immediate audit of the Beaver Ridge books. Rick had to cancel his plans to get everything together. Being a very thorough audit it took some time. When Lasko mentioned that Rick was going away again, Meg suggested that Beaver Ridge could be shut down if he, Rick, wouldn’t go to New York City with her to get the records for the construction company. Rick again canceled his plans with Cal. Meg tried to turn their business trip into a pleasure one, but after several subtle attempts Rick finally told her that things had changed and could never be the same. Mr. Lasko came to Meg with a discrepancy of $46,000 in the construction fund. Meg remembered that she wrote a check for the down payment on the Priestly estate because it was more convenient, but would put it back. Mr. Lasko said he would have to report her for misappropriation and it could open a lawsuit and a dissolution of the partnership. When Rick asked her to stop the audit she agreed, but tried to use her feminine wiles on Rick to no avail. Back in Rosehill Mr. Lasko reported to Rick that Mrs. Hart's audit was complete and in order, but Rick insisted that he go over it with him. The $46,000 withdrawal and redeposit two weeks later showed up and Rick asked for an explanation. When he asked Mr. Lasko what it was called when one partner used business funds for personal use he was advised to ask his lawyer. When Rick mentioned the misappropriation to her, Meg promised never to run Rick's business or personal life. Since Rick couldn’t give up his dream of being the owner of a complete resort lodge he agreed to keep Meg as a partner.


Ben Harper again asked his mother, Meg, when she was going to give him his wedding present - He and Betsy were married in June and promised $500,000, but Meg put it off until Christmas and still hadn't delivered. - He demanded that she give it to him by New Year's because he had a business deal riding on it. Betsy told Meg that she was destroying Ben's manhood by dangling the money in front of Ben. She said he needed the money for his restaurant deal with loan shark Ray Slater.


Meg talked to Ray about his deal with Ben and told him not to get his hopes up. Not knowing the line that Ben had fed everyone, Ray said Ben owed him $6,000. Meg realized that Ray was a gambler and told Ben she was wise to him and withdrew her promise of the money. Ben told Ray that he blew everything by going to Meg, but Ray said that with interest Ben's loan was up to $9,000. When Ben suggested that he would go to the police. Ray let him know that he would get either his money or Ben's skin.


Betsy was packing to leave when Meg told her that Ben was gambling and so she had Jamie draw up a contract putting the money in trust for the baby and after one year they could draw on the interest. When Betsy showed Ben the contract he raved that he needed $9,000 at the moment so Betsy told him to sell the pin he gave her for Christmas as a partial settlement.


Arlene was witness to a beating that hitman Big Jim tried to give Ben, only to find that Ben could take care of himself. When Ben returned home he told Betsy that he was in trouble and tried to call Meg in New York. Ben hid at the River House, but when he decided to go to New York he was met at the door by Big Jim and his friends. After being severely beaten Ben was dumped in the snow and Betsy, worried, called Meg when she couldn’t find him. Meg offered to pay Ben's debt, but finding that it had risen to $14,000 she offered Ray $25,000 for Ben's safe return. He refused, saying he only wanted his $14,000. When Big Jim came to pick up his money Slater asked him what he had done with Ben, but Jim claimed he has gone to Las Vegas. Slater then offered to sell Meg this information and received $9,000 as partial payment.


Jamie told Meg that he agreed to find Ben for Betsy, but he would just as soon see Ben in hell. Meg insisted that he explain so Jamie told the story of being drugged and having photos taken with Arlene that Ben held to blackmail him after he found Ben and Arlene together. Di found the photo and lost their baby all because of the $500,000. Ben was found by two backpackers and taken to a hospital with a possible skull fracture and pneumonia. The doctor hoped that surgery wasn't necessary until he was out of danger. The heartrate on the monitor quickened.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


Carla Hall found herself with the unpleasant task of telling Vince Wolek that according to her husband Det. Ed Hall there was no chance in this fiscal year that Vince would be returning to the policeman's job he loved and lost, and that according to the Mayor's projected budget for the following year there wouldn’t be any rehiring then either. Vince accepted the news gracefully - for Vinnie -but later had nightmares about his retirement from the hospital security job he had and hated - an imaginary 20 year retirement party found Vinnie exhorting the staff he left behind to continue their valient efforts to keep the 12 year olds from sneaking upstairs to see their mothers and fathers. - Carla, in turn, learned the equally unpleasant news that her adopted son Josh had continued despite his word to the contrary, to borrow – hustle - money from Vinnie, his wife Wanda and others of the Halls' acquaintance.


She confronted Josh with her knowledge that he was continuing to act like he had a lot of money, "that in fact he does not have," and he yawned in her face. When Ed again dismissed her problems with Josh rather lightly she replied, “That child is beginning to look at me like I am his enemy," and that perhaps Ed should figure out why he was having so much trouble coming down on him. Finally when Ed learned that Josh did not go to work again at his after school job because his friend Bernice's bike was ripped off and he bought her new tires, Ed told him "If you have to buy friends with money then you're obviously running around with the wrong crowd." Josh said that he didn’t want to give up all his friends and Carla told him he had no other choice but that he didn’t have to give them all up. Josh answered, "Yeah, maybe I'll give up the white – Bernice - ones first." Told to go to his room, Josh later returned and told them if they were so mad at him for doing the things he was doing, maybe he would stop. Carla told Josh that they didn’t want him to be a hermit and Ed suggested that a Police Conference in Miami, Florida might be the opportunity for the family to enjoy a much needed vacation together if Carla could get time off from her job. However on the dates in question Bernice's birthday loomed, and later Josh made it clear to Ed that he did not intend to miss the social event of the season it promised to be. Ed decided to face the issue of their going and leaving Josh alone when and if Carla got time off from Dr. Jim Craig's office.


Sister Jenny Wolek, alive but suffering from burns and Malaria was safe and recovering from her ordeal in Llanview Hospital. Tim Siegel, Jenny's intended husband - Jenny was on her way to inform the superior of her Order of her decision not to take her final vows when earthquake and outbreak of disease of epidemic proportions prompted her to join her fellow nuns on their quickly scheduled mission of mercy. Jenny promised to return as soon as the emergency was over to be married to Tim. - felt threatened by the fact that in her delirum Jenny made clear her devotion to and concern for the people of the South American country from which she had returned, the children in particular. Dr. Peter Janssen, one of the survivors of the bombing of the hospital at La Costa had accompanied Jenny on her flight and by virtue of the fact that he had been declared an outlaw by the revolutionary army in control was forced by the threat of death at the hands of the junta to dismiss for the time being any thoughts of returning. Not licensed to practice medicine in the United States, although he took his training in this country, Peter had gratefully accepted the position of medical technician offered to him at the hospital by Dr. Jim Craig. In reply to Tim's questions as to why Dr. Craig permitted Peter unlimited access to Jenny's room when his own visits were restricted to Jenny's good periods, Jim told him that Peter was the only person in the world with whom she could identify with regard to her terrifying experience. Finally Tim asked her, "When you get well and out of this hospital are you going to go back to La Costa or are you going to marry me?" She told him that she did think of going back. Saying that she just didn’t know the answer maybe they could marry and both go back. When she said that that might be a selfish answer - Tim was enrolled at the University to study law -, Tim replied, "Try me." He said in any case that there would be "two to make decisions in this family."


In the Riley family, Viki Lord Riley had not yet found the strength to tell her husband Joe the facts that she had been withholding from him about their own plans to have a child, although she was aware that her guilt over her inability to do so was a major factor in her failure to recover from her automobile accident - Viki's marriage had remained childless because she had been unable to bring herself to tell her husband that she knew, though he did not, that he had an inherited heart problem which he would transmit to his children as he did to Megan, his daughter by Cathy Craig. Megan was killed in the accident from which Viki was suffering pain far beyond physical cause. - She had in fact led Joe to believe that the reason she considered the position of co-editor with him offered to her by her father Victor Lord, was that he could take over management of the paper when - not if - she became pregnant - Steve Burke, former managing editor of the Banner had resigned to take a position of roving correspondent for the Banner. Still in love with Viki to whom he was once married and concerned that his relationship with Cathy Craig was leading nowhere, Steve also saw from a career point of view that Victor Lord's marriage to high-handed Dr. Dorian Cramer was threatening to result in a clash over Steve's stewardship. Dorian had man-aged to convince Victor that she should be a member of the Board of Directors of the Banner. –


Meanwhile, Dorian had gone about her way determining to have a hand in every facet of the Lord Empire. She was in the process of convincing Victor that the work on the Meredith Wolek Lord Memorial wing of the children's hospital had been shamefully neglected and that she should be given a free hand in shaking up the hospital management - Jim Craig, in particular - despite Viki's advice to her father that turning over the whole thing to Dorian might not be a wise move, that perhaps having been dismissed from the staff and possibly bitter, Dorian might not be objective. Victor insisted that she might get action even if it meant "shaking up the place a bit."


At Dorian’s party at Llanfair, Victor Lord remarked to Pat Kendall that living with Cathy Craig she had probablt seen a good deal of his son. Pat told him that she knew Tony ten years ago. Victor asked her what he was like and she replied "loud, sensitive— charming when he wanted to be but inwardly a lonely person." Just as Victor asked, "Mrs. Kendall, how do I get to him — How do I get him to respond?," Senator Chalmers joined them and pointedly refered to violence, bombings and clandestine political movements. Pat, angered, speculated that if the Senator had been younger at the time of the Vietnam conflict, he too might have been forced to political activism. He watched her as she left, turned and asked, "What do you know about her, Victor?" - Pat Kendall had been questioned by Ed Hall at the request of federal investigators about her knowledge of the present whereabouts of her husband who was on the F.B.I.'s 10 Most Wanted list in connection with a political bombing.-


Viki had been very animated at the party where she began the evening with all eyes on her as she descended the main staircase slowly, but without the use of her cane. As she and Joe prepared to leave early, Dorian called the guests into the library which had been closed all evening as Victor unveiled a draped portrait over the mantle — a portrait of Dorian executed by Ambrose Lewis. - The artist who painted Eugenia Lord's portrait. - When Joe asked her if she wanted to go immediately, Viki replied that she wouldn't give Dorian the satisfaction of knowing that she drove Viki out of her own house.


That night, Joe and Viki made love for the first time since her accident. In the morning Viki called Larry Wolek to tell him that Joe expected them to begin to plan for a child and when Larry again offered to tell Joe the truth she declined to let him but asked him to come over with his son for a visit. Larry, for once, turned her down saying that he had to repair some Christmas toys. Victor arrived to say that the highlight of the previous evening for him was seeing her on the stairs. He brought Eugenia's portrait telling her that Dorian thought she would want to have it at her home. When Viki said that it seemed to belong at Llanfair, Victor replied that it belonged wherever Eugenia's memory was honored.


On her arrival home from the party, Pat Kendall was asked by Tony to tell him what went on. She told him that if he didn’t want to have anything to do with Victor Lord, that was his privilege, but he sounded as if he did and was just afraid to admit it. When Cathy left the room, Pat said she knew how much Victor needed him and how much he needed Victor. When she accused him of planning to open a singles bar within sight of Llanfair and scheming to get topless waitresses just to embarrass Victor, he asked "Why do you care?" and was told that she cared a lot, about him.


Tim Siegel was visiting Jenny when Peter Janssen arrived with a newspaper carrying a story to the effect that San Carlos was under siege and there was a good possibility that the Democratic regime might return to power. The story later proved to be false but Jenny said, in Tim's hearing, that they could rebuild their hospital, referring to herself and Peter. Later, just as Jenny at Tim's request agreed to write to her Order, telling them of her plans to leave, Sister Claire, newly appointed as the Order's Mother Superior, arrived and told Jenny that she needed her help desperately.


Ryan’s Hope


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello


When Delia Ryan read the letter she found in Frank's pocket aloud to him she found, instead of the love note she was expecting, that Jillian had written Frank urging that he not try to see her. Unable to leave well enough alone, however, she went to Jill's office to crow. "Poor Jill. All you have left is your work. I hope you have a lot of long lonely evenings — I've been miserable for three years. When Frank and I are alone together it's wonderful." But Jillian replied, "If things were so terrific you wouldn't have to come here." Alone with Frank, Delia told him, "I'm a Ryan because I'm your wife, a mother because you gave me a child — Save me from sadness. Give me just a little something. Make our marriage worth what you had to give up." She asked, "What kind of a marriage would this possibly be if we don't love each other?" After they made love, Delia told him it's "the saddest thing that's ever happened to me." Frank admitted that if there were an alternative he wouldn't be there. Another time Frank accused Delia of resenting anything that was important to him — "Resent it because you don't share it." Delia answered "You push all the un-pleasant things of life aside and it's called positive thinking. I do it and it's Delia playing pretend!"


To Father McShane, Frank had admitted that he couldn’t forgive Delia while he was still in the wheelchair - Only Frank, Delia, and Father McShane, her confessor, knew that Delia, in a jealous anger over his affair with Jillian pushed Frank down the back stairs of Riverside hospital. - When Frank, remorseful, told Delia "Little John and I need you — to be a family," Delia suggested they plan to have another baby. Frank got to his feet, walked out, and went to Jill's apartment.


At Ryan’s Bar, on their lunch hour, Drs. Faith Coleridge and Pat Ryan were interrupted by Delia, who told Pat that Maeve wanted to speak to him, and taking him off upstairs, Delia poured out her unhappiness over her life* with Frank. Pat comforted her and Faith staged a scene. After leaving Dee to nap, Pat told Faith, "My relationship with Dee, past and present, is none of your business."


Faith had admitted to Maeve Ryan, her father Dr. Ed Coleridge, and her sister, Jillian, that she had been crowding Pat just as he said. "I went from loving him to needing him as well." After a series of manipulations by Faith and a number of embarrassing scenes, Pat finally told Faith that they had to stop seeing each other. When she asked if everything was over between them, Pat insisted that it was better then than later.


At Jillian Coleridge’s apartment Frank's overtures to Jillian to renew their affair were rejected and Jill asked Frank to leave her to resume her life and go back to Delia, his son and his career. On his return home he told Delia that he had spent the time away thinking, that he was tired, and that in the morning they would try to begin their life together anew. Delia's "Sure, Frank" was indication enough that she was not fooled.


Mary Ryan, with Frank's blessing, had taken a job as an assistant producer offered to her by Sam Crowe a young man on his way up at the Public Broadcasting station, Channel R., much to the delight of her father Johnny Ryan. Johnny hoped that if Sam was as good as his word - "I can keep her very busy." -, it might spell the end of his daughter's relationship with investigative reporter Jack Fenelli Jack had pronounced her new position as "Shoestring time" insisting that working at Channel R was learning in a vacuum.


Nell Beaulac had told Maeve Ryan that thanks to her competent young assistant Kenneth Castle all of a sudden she found that she didn't have much to do. This vacuum was filled by preoccupation with thoughts of the threat of her impending death - Nell was living with a life threatening anuerism of the brain -. Maeve told her of a family incident, the recovery of a religious treasure, an Irish Penal cross - short-armed to facilitate quick concealment at a time when its mere possession was outlawed. - Nell's husband Seneca too endeavored to share with her the comfort to be derived from tales out of his Indian heritage. In an impulsive gesture Seneca bought her an entire tray of twenty-three gardenias from a young boy earning money for a ten speed bike whom they imagined might have been the son they never had. Nell had told Seneca that she had written a letter to him, and placed it in her jewel box. She told him "Thank you for everything — for loving me — for everything we had been through together. Most of all for coming to New York after me." She sent him for her coat so that she could enjoyed the winter view of the city from her balcony and just before he returned she was stricken. She called out "Oh God, no ... Now ... Seneca ..." and collapsed.


Kennetch Castle, Nell’s laboratory assistant had at last prevailed upon Faith Coleridge to come with him to view a "surprise" he had prepared for her. Faith - off duty and waiting for her car to be brought from a local garage - was preparing to leave for a weekend of solitude at her father's beach nouse. Atter recognizing the, surprise" as an abandoned morgue, turnished with things taken from her apartment, a frightened Faith panicked and tripped over some debris in the outer corridor. As he saw her unconscious where she had fallen, Kenneth wailed. "Oh no. now you're gonna leave me!"


Back at Ryan’s Place after refusing to accompany Faith on her trip to the beach house, Pat saw Delia come downstairs after another encounter with Frank, this time over little John. After some remarks about how unsuitable his relationship with Faith seemed to her, she apologized and said she was upset over her situation with Frank. When she told Pat "I wish I didn't know what's going on in his head. He doesn't hate me, he just doesn't love me." Pat told her that she was jealous of the baby. At first denying it she said finally, "OK, I'm a little bit jealous — OK, I'm the most jealous person this side of the Mississippi." Pat told her to put a lid on that jealousy and go back and try again. "When Frank loves little John he is loving you." When Delia returned to their room to say she was sorry she sat and cried after unsuccessfully tryina to reach Frank who was feigning sleep.


At the hospital, tests indicated blood in the cerebral spinal fluid and, determined to buy Nell more time, Seneca decided to operate himself when it seemed, in the press of time, Dr. Roger Coleridge was the only alternative competent surgeon – Roger was gambling, his attempt to blackmail Frank Ryan and his theft of six thousand dollars from Frank's personal effects in the hospital emergency room had prompted Seneca to make clear to Roger that his contract, expiring in June, would not be renewed, a crippling blow to Roger's ambitions regarding the position of Chief Resident. Roger had told his father that he was determined to find Seneca's weak spot to fight his dismissal. Roger's sister Jill had told him that she would not attempt to help him seek legal recourse. - At one point following surgery, Nell stopped breathing and was put on a respirator.


Meanwhile, in the basement of Riverside hospital, Faith, recovering consciousness and suspecting a hairline fracture was forced to allow Kenneth Castle, following her instructions, to set her injured leg with improvised splints. He told her he was sorry she was in so much pain and when she pleaded with him to get a doctor to her, he told her that the worst was over. After she had spent some time sitting in a chair, unable to change her position, Kenneth left her to get some bedding. As he went out she begged him not to "leave me in this awful place." He told her "the pain made you say that. I know you don't mean that." He explained he couldn't get help for her because everyone would laugh at him; that he would help her get well and "save" her from Pat Ryan. He informed her Pat would destroy her "like my father destroyed my mother." Faith kept him talking as she wrote on a page from a crossword puzzle magazine, and asking him to help her with some tangled bedclothes, she planned to affix the torn-off note on his back. He finally did help her adjust her position and she succeeded in taping the note in place on the back of his white lab coat. Ken left to inquire about Nell Beaulac's condition and a patient passing behind him, noticed the paper and having gone past him, returned to read — “Faith —Help — Basement.”


Jack Fenelli entered the studio at Channel R despite a warning sign not to do so when the red light was on. He waited off camera as Sam and Mary finished working on a telecast. His "sorry to disturb you" was countered by an annoyed technician telling him that they couldn’t take chances like that once they were on the air. When Sam Crowe told Jack this place wasn't a social club, Jack continued to bicker with Sam asking if $110 a week bought him a full time slave. Sam sent Mary to Ryan's Place to interview a "Mr. Emerson Right" who turned out to be Sam himself who enlisted the aid of Maeve and Johnny with his put-on. Sam insisted to Mary that Fenelli was asking for it. "Fenelli kept suspecting my motives and telling me how to do my job." He added that Jack acted as if he owned her. Having missed dinner by this time Mary agreed to have a hamburger with him, but she told him she would talk shop just twenty minutes, and left to spend the night with Jack.


When Jillian told her father that Faith was supposed to stop by her apartment on the way to the beach house to get a list of some things Jillian wanted her to bring back, her father was preoccupied, told her that she was probably walking by herself along the beach trying to forget her unhappiness over Pat. Jillian persisted that she had tried calling several times and she Was sure Faith would answer on the chance that it might be Pat calling. When Jillian mentioned the person who had been frightening Faith, her father said that he didn’t think there was anything to worry about, that Faith would probably cry, suffer and get it out of her system and "when she comes back she'll be a new person."


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Kathy Phillis had been reminded that Karen Dehner, Wade Collins' ex-fiancee and patient, was an inmate in the sanitarium from which Wade received a call during Janet Collins' hearing for the murder of her brother-in-law, Clay Collins. Kathy threatened to subpoena Karen so Dr. Claire Newman wouldn’t have an ethics problem, but Dr. Newman gave in and set up the interview when Kathy insisted that Karen was the only one who can prove Janet's innocence. Janet, convinced that she would be sent to prison, was seeking a full-time housekeeper for Wade and her small son Danny. District Attorney Zolar, John Wyatt and Dr. Newmanweare present as Kathy questioned Karen who remembered on her own leaving the sanitarium and stabbing Clay when he threatened to call the police after convincing her that she had hurt Janet. Zolar wasn't convinced until they found a blood-covered blouse in Karen's closet. Janet's depression was relieved when Wade told her that charges against her had been dropped. John and Eunice Wyatt were having a party to celebrate Janet's release.


Kathy was puzzled at Zolar's disappointment in Karen's confession, but Scott, who worked in the District Attorney's office, told her that Zolar was going to use Janet's conviction in his election campaign and had to find a new cause. As the campaign forged on Scott became disillusioned when Zolar paid so little attention to the prosecution of his cases that he not only knew nothing that was going on, but refused to discuss the cases. Paul Zolar fired an employee who spent three days in jail because it might hurt his campaign, but said Scott's association with a respected organization like AA showed that he would give a man a second chance. Eric Leshinski, Scott’s step-son, was amazed that he was more important to Kathy than her job, but Kathy and Scott decided they need some full time help.


Amy Kaslo was determined to see her pregnancy through without marrying Bruce Carson even though Dr. Weber wanted to have her dismissed from her last three months of medical school. Dr. Rogers and Dr. Gary Walton, resident, stodd up for Amy, but Weber was determined to keep her from internship. Amy sought legal advice, but decided it would be a hardship on the other interns when she took her maternity leave. Through an accident of fate, Bruce's pen, inscribed "To B.C. from A.K.," turned up in Jennifer's purse and Amy was so hurt to find that Jennifer was the other woman in Bruce's life that she wouldn’t believe that Jennifer didn't encourage him.


Eunice Wyatt respected her husband, John, but couldn’t physically love him any more. She asked his help, but he tried to ignore the problem hoping it would go away. One night after being rebuffed he went to a bar where Jennifer was sitting after telling Bruce that she couldn't see him again. Jennifer and Gary had told Bruce that Jennifer was bad news for men, but she said Bruce was lucky to get out before getting hurt. Bruce had moved to an apartment of his own hoping to see more of Jennifer since they couldn't meet in her apartment for fear Amy would come home while they were there. Amy refused Bruce's offer of financial help, but might take Jennifer up on her offer of letting Amy keep the apartment and getting a roommate to help with the rent. Having Jennifer around reminded Amy of Bruce and it hurt too much to think about him yet. Bruce showed Amy his new apartment and asked her to take it, letting him pay the rent to fulfill part of responsibility, but Amy wanted nothing to do with it.


Jennifer called John at home causing John to feel guilty when Eunice inquired about the phone call. John met Jennifer for a drink trying to convince himself that he was not at fault and had no reason to feel guilty. John's solution to Eunice's problem was to never make another overture for fear of rejection.


Steve Kaslo’s leukemia was in remission and he convinced Gary to let him go home even though he refused to continue his treatments. Once he was home he decided that he couldn’t fool Liza, his wife, any longer since he would stay with her instead of running away. At first Liza tried tears and anger to try to get him to consent to therapy, but finally saw that it was Steve's life and he had to live it as he saw fit. They thought about taking a trip, but decided it wasn't worth the expense since they only wanted to be together. Liza asked her mother, Janet Collins, how she coped when Liza's father died of leukemia and Janet explained how hard it was because he wasn't open with his feelings the way Steve was. Liza would like a baby so that she would have some part of Steve when he was gone, but Janet said it would be hard enough for Steve to leave her. Steve visited Wade, a psychiatrist, to help him cope with the charade he and Liza were living. Steve wanted to start working again, but doing something where he could be around Liza.


Gary Walton, Steve’s brother-in-law anddDoctor, told Dr. Rogers that Steve was a candidate for a bone marrow transplant and asked him to contact the one specialist in the state. Dr. Rogers insisted that they had to investigate all the possibilities before they got Steve's hopes up. Gary told Amy about the operation and that she was not eligible since she was pregnant and the bone marrow was extracted through the pelvic area. Their older brother, Mike, was the only sibling acceptable as a donor and they had to make sure that his marrow was compatible. Amy was positive that when Steve was told he would opt for a chance to live.


When Mike arrived, he noticed that Amy was pregnant and assumed this is why she asked him to come to Henderson. Amy told him that Steve had leukemia and his one chance was a bone marrow transplant. Steve wanted no pity and asked Mike to return to his family. Mike's excuse was that Amy was giving him a complete physical. He was afraid that Steve would become suspicious when he had been in Henderson a week and the tests weren't completed. He was also concerned about his job and family. Gary explained that every possible test was very important so that they could find the most compatible donor. If there was a host reaction Steve would surely die because his resistance would be lowered to nothing before the transplant so that it would accept the donor marrow. Mike said that he would stay as long as necessary without complaining to save Steve. If necessary they could tell Steve that they found something in Mike's tests. Mine workers could pick up many things.


Stu Bergman had sold Westside Auto and was clearing it out with the help of his secretary, Ellie Harper, and partner in the Hartford House, Jo Vincente. Ellie was upset when Connie Shultz showed up in town intent on winning Stu's affections. Ellie had been fond of Stu for years, but couldn’t bring herself to compete with a woman as aggressive as Mrs. Shultz. Jo told Ellie if she was not interested in Stu to ignore it, but if she was she'd better put up a fight.


Hartford House, an inn ten miles north of Henderson, was being renovated and would soon be open for business. Jo had decided to move into the inn while finishing the restoration because she got lonely in her house as Bruce had moved out. She then decided to sell her house and move into Hartford House definitely. She offered Amy a room there, but Amy refused because seeing Bruce would be too hard and it would be unfair to Jo if he stayed away. Jo admired Amy very much. When Liza told her grandfather about Steve and that they were looking for a job together, Stu asked if they would consider working at Hartford House when the renovations were finished.


Amy answered Kathy’s ad for help in the paper. Kathy was afraid that Amy's baby would remind Scott of his need for a child of his own. Scott said that he was sure that it wouldn't, but the decision was hers.


When Jo’s house was sold, Steve and Liza hired themselves out as movers. When left together Bruce told Steve that he wished he could love Amy and wanted to help her. Steve called a truce. Stu and Jo placed an ad for a cook, hired David Sloan, a jack-of-all-trades drifter, as bartender and Steve and Liza to wait tables. Stu's biggest problem was that Ellie and Connie had each bought a new dress and expected to be Stu's date at the opening.


Dave Wilkins broke the news to his daughter that he was leaving Henderson. Since he was fired as foreman on a Collins construc-tion site he had not been able to find another job in town, but had been offered one in a city some distance from Henderson. He promised to visit her as often as possible. Wendy didn’t under-stand why she and her mother, Stephanie Collins, couldn't go with her father. Stephanie used the excuse that people would miss them, but then wondered who would. Wendy and Eric Leshinski had become good friends.




Written by: A.J. Russell

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Sarah Brisken went to the hospital for a checkup following her stabbing by a young man before Christmas. As Jerry Kane examined her, they were interrupted by Dale Robinson, a physician's assistant. Sarah recognized something in Dale's voice. They saw each other in the exam room mirror. Sarah and the tenants of her apartment building took an option on a house Lena Andrews found for them. Excitedly, they set about examining the house and planning changes. Sarah went to turn up the thermostat. The others heard her scream and found her at the foot of the stairs. She had a ruptured spleen. When her condition worsened, Jerry Kane took her to Detroit for surgery because of better facilities for someone her age. Sarah's recovery was uncertain.


Carrie Wheeler and Greg Mercer split up. Carrie moved in with grandmother, Lena. Greg confided to Julian Cannell that Julian was right all along about commitment. He and Carrie might still be together if they had made a real commitment. Julian said he was wrong, that after two failed marriages, he was through with commitment. Terri Kurtz urged Julian's estranged wife Kate to get into therapy because she was building up a lot of hatred against Julian which might lead to a nervous breakdown. Kate told Terri not to worry; she had a plan — revenge. Kate arranged a business lunch with Julian. She told him she was coming back to work as publisher, which meant he would be demoted. She asked if he would be willing to work under her. He refused. Kate told him she was going to dismiss him whatever he said! Maliciously, Kate flung insinuations about Vicky Paisley and him, called Julian a failure, then says she would pay for lunch. Coolly, he thanked her. Kate left, furious.


Desperate for a editor, Kate forced the job on reporter Greg Mercer. Julian wished Greg well, and left for a vacation, asking Greg to make things as easy as possible for Kate. Greg asked Carrie to rewrite a story, infuriating her. At first she refused, then changed her mind, saying Kate would just back Greg anyway. Carrie thought Kate was using the editorship to get her hands on Greg. Carrie told him she hoped he was "man enough to fill Julian's shoes. Or maybe I should say his slippers!"


Following Vicky Paisley’s Christmas party, Tony and Ginger Cooper had another argument. Tony told Ginger her drunkenness at the party compromised his business standing and that was more important than his family, if he was to get ahead. Ginger accused him of wanting Vicky, not success. Tony again experienced chest pains and breathing difficulty. Julian told Ginger and Joey about his leaving the paper and going skiing. Joey was very upset.


Kate had trouble handling the work, forcing the load on Greg and pretending to Terri she was fine. Kate invited Stan and Teri to dinner, then ordered Greg to be her escort. He refused. Kate tried being coy and pleading, then saw a photo of Julian she accidentally left on a side table. She lashed out at Greg, accusing him of conspiring with Julian to drive her out of her mind. Greg reported the incident to Terri, who was very worried. Kate irrationally accused her secretary Marge of having designs on Julian. Marge left in tears. Vicky Paisley arrived on store business. Kate accused Vicky of breaking up her marriage, then physically attacked Vickie. Marge pulled Kate off and Vicky escaped. Kate avoided conversation with the Kurtzes at dinner, then showed them divorce papers. Terri, observing Kate's near hysterics, suggested Kate enter a rest home under psychiatric care. Saying she would never commit herself, Kate ran into the bathroom and slit her wrists. Stan and Terri got her to the hospital in time. Terri blamed herself and called in Dr. Halstead. Kate had hysterical amnesia and called Julian's name. Dr. Halstead recommended they bring Julian in as soon as possible, but Julian was skiing. Kate sent her nurse out of the room and tried to jump out the window, but the nurse got to her in time.


Ginger observed that Julian had been more of a father to Joey than Tony had. Julian tried to reassure Ginger about Tony and Vicky: "Tony's a nice, level-headed guy. Vicky's a bird-brain, and never the twain shall meet." Vicky gave Tony a cashmere sport coat as a personal Christmas gift, that galvanized them into an affair, despite Tony's statement that he had never been unfaithful to Ginger and wasn't a good liar. Vicky consoled him by saying all wives knew; they just didn't say anything. Ginger suggested Tony return the coat. He refused, saying he could have told her a lie about its source, but telling the truth was proof there was nothing between Vicky and him. Ginger apologized and promised to stop nagging him. Tony said he loved Ginger and Joey and didn’t want anything to part them ever.


Stan Kurtz examined Tony. He warned Tony to take it easy or he could have a full-scale heart attack. Stan gave Tony mild tranquilizers. Tony told Vicky the tension was a result of his falling in love with her. Vicky made it clear that she was only interested in an affair with him and nothing more. She told him she didn’t want the affair to wreck his marriage because she had nothing to offer him in its place. At home, Tony was short with Joey, upset by Joey's constant references to Julian. Joey compared Tony and Julian and Tony came up short. Tony stormed out of the room. After dinner, Tony went up to apologize to Joey. Joey was gone!


The Coopers called the police. Joey, determined to get to his friend Julian, went to the train station, where the manager discoversed he had a fever, and took him to the hospital. His parents were called. Stan assured Tony and Ginger that Joey would be all right. Tony talked to Joey, trying to explain his resentment of Julian and apologizing for neglecting him. Joey replied, "I wish you weren't my father." Tony stumbled from the room. Ginger told Tony she was also responsible because she had a part in the arguments that drove Joey away. Tony told Vicky the affair was off, because he couldn’t risk hurting his family further. Vicky agreed.


Bobby Hansen persuaded Heather Kane to try out a 30's song and dance act at the coffeehouse. The act was a hit, but Heather was disappointed that husband Jerry didn’t attend. Heather refused to let Bobby take her home, upsetting him. Lonely, needing her husband, whom she had left, Heather went to the cabin, ready for talk, compromise, and love. Jerry, however, was cold to her. A woman came out of the bedroom. Tearfully, Heather cried, "In our house ...!" As Heather ran out, Jerry reminded her she walked out on him. Heather went to Bobby for consolation. He refused to take advantage of her vulnerability. When Heather asked the source of all his money, he told her his mother gave it to him instead of love, so he built a world his mother could never enter. Bobby spent the night on the couch and took Heather home in the morning. Jerry appeared. Bobby asked if she needed protection. She sent him home. Defensively, Jerry told Heather she should have called first; it was the first time; it was just to forget. Under Jerry's bullying, Heather admitted she spent the night in Bobby's trailor, saying, "But that doesn't mean ..." Jerry interrupted: "What that means, young lady, is that you're a tramp!" Heather slapped him and showed him the door. Heather gave in to Bobby's pleas to let him make her a star: "What do I have to lose?"


Heather told Vic Kirby she thought it was over with Jerry. He told her it took years to build a relationship that could be destroyed in a hasty moment. He urged her to leave breathing space. Vic, to prove his point, told Heather that he was once dictatorial like Jerry and didn't understand his son — a poet and dreamer —and threw him out. His wife subsequently became ill and died for lack of will to live. Heather finally cried. She refused to move in with Bobby. Vic asked Jerry about reconciliation with Heather. Jerry was willing, but wouldn’t beg. Vic volunteered as go-between and arranged a meeting between them. Heather was frightened when Bobby Hansen told her he might kidnap her, if she went back to Jerry. Heather and Jerry met. Things went well until Jerry told Heather he was willing for her to have his baby. She bristled at "willing," asking if she had to give up her career. Jerry said she couldn't handle a baby and a career. Heather refused to be blackmailed out of her independence and left.


At the premiere of Heather's act, Ellen Grant asked Dale Robinson why he wasn't out with one of the young girls there. He prefered her. Ellen idly wondered what they were thinking. Dale said he guessed they thought he and Ellen were lovers. Ellen was aghast. Bobby, also, implied he thought they were lovers. At home, Ellen was incredulous that people could misunderstand, saying she was a mother and a grandmother - Son David had a son by his concubine Lai Ling in Hong Kong. - Dale says it was time Ellen abandoned her roles and lived in the real world. When Ellen angered and stonewalled, Dale left the house. Ellen waited for him to return. He accused her of "motherly" concern. Ellen said she had no motherly concern at all for him: he was her friend. Dale told her he left because he couldn’t deny his feelings or those he felt from her. Dale kissed her, and Ellen responded. Shocked at herself, Ellen asked Dale to leave.


Ellen confessed her attraction to Dale to Terri Kurtz, who encouraged her, saying Ellen was just coming into the age of greatest sexual desire, and "other people" didn’t matter. Dale pursued his cause by accusing Ellen of floating on the surface of life, waiting to think of what might have been, waiting to take out her memories and sigh over them on rainy afternoons. Ellen pleaded that she had to listen to her conscience. Dale told Ellen he was ready to settle down and give back to the world. He would like to become a doctor, but he had no resources. Ellen softly told him he could do it, with help from someone — like her. Ellen told him she realized she needed him. They became lovers, happy together. Sometime later, Dale proposed marriage. Ellen said no way; she was happy with things as they were. Dale confessed his pursuit of her, claiming love at first sight. Ellen didn’t like feeling like a pawn.


Dale told Stan Kurtz that his counselor thought he had enough paramedic experience from the Peace Corps to go into first year med. Stan had checked Dale's references and asked why Dale didn't tell him about a commendation. Dale replied that it was no honor to be rewarded for killing a beggar while protecting a pharmacy. Dale revealed his father was killed while standing in line for a construction job. His mother died when he was 15. He lived in a succession of foster homes. The Peace Corps became his home, until the beggar incident. He left and went into a Buddhist monastery, but didn't find what he wanted until he got to Somerset.


Dale told Ellen he would like to double up on courses, but he couldn’t afford to quit work. Ellen offered to support him. He accepted, which bothered Ellen, who expected some measure of hesitancy and having to coax him. After talking it out, Dale assuring her money was unimportant, Ellen said it was their money. Dale again brought up marriage. She replied that they had enough to accomplish without marriage. Dale bantered her into accepting that they were engaged, provided they don't tell anyone yet. He had her close her eyes. He had a present. He dangled before her eyes Jon Wheeler's half of the coin he had cut to share with Ellen's daughter! Ellen was aghast, demanding where Dale got the coin! Dale told her he bought it from a guy on campus. Ellen insisted Dale go to the police. Dale said he couldn't go to the police—he had a record! He was involved in a teenage gang and was arrested for theft. Subsequently, he was arrested breaking into a liquor store for an alcoholic friend. Ellen promised to stick by him. That night, however, she locked her bedroom door, then later unlocked it. Lt. Price thought Dale's story had a lot of holes, so he checked dates with Dale and discovered he was collecting toys dressed as Santa the same night Florence was attacked by a man dressed as Santa. Price got a warrant to search Dale's room.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


Liz Foster had promised her daughter, Jill, that she wouldn’t tell anyone that she was letting Mrs. Chancellor have her baby, but she confided in her son, Dr. Snapper Foster. Jill's baby was born — a seven pound, four ounce boy. Although Bill Foster's health was very poor, he insisted on going to the hospital. Snapper asked Jill to think over carefully her decision before she gave the baby up, but she refused to see the baby even though she was told it looked like Phillip. Kay Chancellor told her son, Brock Reynolds, that she was leaving town and would like him to make arrangements for the senior citizens to be moved out of their depressing building and into her estate. Kay visited Jill to make sure she hadn't changed her mind and reminded her how much a million dollars would mean to her family.


Greg asked Snapper why their sister hadn't seen the baby and Snapper explained that Mrs. Chancellor was taking him because Jill wanted him to have everything. Mrs. Chancellor would send their parents to Arizona where their father would be able to live a little longer. Greg told Jill that he could get a court injunction because there were laws against women selling children, but Jill vowed she would never see him again if he did. He said she wouldn't be able to live with herself and that their father wouldn’t care to live when he found out what she had done.


Liz told Mrs. Chancellor that the boy would some day find out what she had done to his mother and hate her for it. Getting the idea that his mother wanted to keep him away from the house, Brock paid Kay a visit and finding her packing baby clothes suddenly realized she was taking Jill's baby. She asked him to remember what a difference he had noticed in her and begged him not to change her plans. She would raise the baby in Europe as hers and Phillip's so that his background would not be known. Brock felt that if Jill could see the baby and still give him up then God had to want this to happen. Liz tried to get Jill to look at a polaroid picture she had taken of the baby, but Jill managed to avoid it. Brock had Jill's father, Bill, ask to have the baby christened at the hospital so that it wouldn’t have to be taken out into the cold again. Jill couldn’t refuse when Reverand Bannister, the hospital chaplain who married Jill to Phillip, agreed to perform the ceremony. When asked the baby's name Jill called him Phillip Chancellor and the chaplain christened him Phillip Chancellor Foster.


Jill asked Snapper to get their father on a plane to Arizona because it would be safer if he heard that she was giving the baby away while in a better climate. Snapper insisted that Greg find a way since this was the only thing Jill had ever asked them to do. Kay had two papers for Jill to sign before her release. One was the adoption and the other a financial statement, giving Jill the responsibility of seeing that the Foster boys continue their careers and paying the medical expenses for the family with the money Mrs. Chancellor was providing for the Fosters because of her love and concern for them. Mrs. Chancellor was waiting in the lobby for Jill's release.


Bill had a respiratory attack and, afraid he was dying, Liz couldn’t lie to him about the baby. He went to the hospital to tell Jill that they wouldn’t accept that kind of money and he didn’t want to live if he couldn’t have his grandson. He demanded that Kay return the papers, but she refused, saying she adopted him legally and wouldn’t leave without him. Kay called upstairs to find out when Jill was being released to find that the baby had a fever and had to stay in the nursery. Jill and Kay waited anxiously for the baby's fever to go down, both refusing to leave the hospital until he was well. When Jill was frightened Kay helped her pray. Kay called the nurse and governess she had hired to tell them that there would be a delay in their departure for Europe.


Greg told Jill that there was a good chance that he could have the adoption annulled, but she refused to fight. She still felt that Mrs. Chancellor could give little Phillip a much better life. The baby's fever was down and he could go home the following day. Liz told Bill that she was going to take him to Arizona because she didn’t want him to die. Jill came home to find that her father still insisted that she was wrong and he would rather die than live without his grandson. Jill told him that he was only thinking of himself. When he died they would have many debts and she and her mother would have to work all their lives. He was not thinking of her mother, her, or her baby. In the morning, Bill said he still wouldn't have any of the money spent on him, but Liz reminded him that he left home for nine years and Jill had never held that against him. She was trying to help him and he condemned her. Bill packed for Arizona. Jill had to take physical custody of the baby at the hospital to release him. While she waited, Jill remembered her last hours with Phillip and found that when her son was placed in her arms, she couldn’t give him to Mrs. Chancellor.


Lorie Brooks was very depressed since Mark Henderson broke their engagement and left town without saying why. She told Brad Eliott, her brother-in-law and ex-lover, that changing her ways didn't help because Mark left her like every other man so,from now on, any man was fair game. Brad went over and over with her everything she did and said the day Mark left trying to find a reason for his breaking the engagement so quickly. Lorie said she gave blood because it was important to Mark and then later he told her that they couldn't get married because they weren't right for each other. After hearing this Brad confronted Jennifer Brooks, Lorie's mother, about her attitude toward Lorie's engagement. He mentioned her relationship with Bruce Henderson having been a reality long before her marriage with Stuart. He advised that if his suspicions were correct then she had better tell Lorie the truth because it was ruining her.


Stuart told the girls that he was going to ask Jennifer to move back home again and was sure it would mean more if Peggy went with him to show that she was in favor of it also. Jennifer accepted his offer and began packing when Brad insisted that Jennifer tell Lorie. Stuart was with Lorie when Jennifer arrived and seeing that they were so close she instead told Stuart that she wouldn’t be coming home. Jennifer told Brad that Laurie wasn't the hostile, lost girl he told her about because she had Stuart, but she felt too guilty to go home.


Stuart came home alone alone to find that the girls had filled the house with flowers for Jennifer's arrival. Lorie realized that what ever made her mother change her mind happened at her apartment since Chris was with Jennifer until then. Lorie tried to think things through and decided to confront her mother with what she knew. Realizing the implication of the fact that Jennifer knew about Mark's leaving without being told and could only have heard it from Mark himself, Jennifer reminded Lorie of her affair with Bruce when Leslie was a year old. Horrified, the whole story fell into place. Lorie was going to Stuart when she screamed, realizing that he was not her father. Jennifer called Brad who stopped Lorie from telling Stuart. Lorie no longer felt that child-like closeness toward Stuart.


Lorie decided to find Mark, and Stuart told her that he had a reporter locate him in a small clinic in Cleveland. She remembered that Mark was willing to elope and arrived with new hope in Cleveland, only to be shattered when Mark told her that their love would have become dirty and they would have hated themselves and each other. Heartbroken, Laurie agreed to let Mark go, but denied their love could have been tarnished.


Pianist Leslie Brooks Elliot received a call from the Maestro asking her to come to Paris immediately for a concert because the famous Jean Paul Bizot had become ill. After concluding his business, Lance Prentiss was staying to see Bizot, but decided to see Leslie on stage instead. Lance offered Les a tour of Paris after she called Brad who told her to be sure she took advantages of the sights while she was there.


Confused over the situation at home, Peggy offered herself to Jack Curtis, her teaching assistant, who refused because he didn’t want her resentment for her mother to force her into a decision she would regret later. Peggy was worried about her final and asked Jack to help her. He had a previous engagement, but seeing how much it meant to her, he called and cancelled it. Brock’s employee, Joanne Kryzynski had lost 8 pounds and was happy that her husband Johnny, known to his students as Jack Curtis, was taking her to dinner. She stayed determined to diet even after he canceled. When he rejected her in bed that night, she ate a whole casserole.

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Thanks for sharing!


Seems like Dorian's party, Viki's descending down the stairs and Dorian unveiling her portrait led to Viki's pregnancy with Kevin? I had heard about the party and thought it was epic but never knew it led directly to Kevin's birth. 


It appears they had more of a balance within the cast with Carla and Ed having their biggest recap yet, Vinnie being in on things, etc. Nice to see Ed and Carla with realistic family drama and a slight nod to social relevance with Josh worried about his white friends, Pat seething at the politician and Vinnie's nightmare concerning his job path. 


I loved your assessment of all the 1975 soaps, FrenchFan. Thanks for all you do!

Edited by soapfave06
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Poor Joann/Joanne. I'm interested in seeing how this storyline is described. (I recall one soap book saying she not only grief-ate not only a (macaroni) casserole, but a sheet cake.) Also, I was surprised to discover Kay Heberle was only 25. Maybe it's because her storyline involved Katherine, but I was picturing an older woman.

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Re How to Survive a Marriage, the only story that really stuck with me was the death of Dave Bachman, and then his wife Fran dealing with her grief in the following months.  It was very wrenching.  That's one of the few soap stories that actually brought me to tears (my mom cried at that one too).  Fran Brill was fabulous.

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I had never read about Kate Marshall. It seems like she was a very short term character because when the Pollocks arrive in February, they dished out many characters: the Chandler/Baldwin family, Kyle Bradley, Kate Marshall I think too... and they bring the Webbers. 1975 was really a transition year.

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Did the newsletter possibly compile all of the initialLesley/Laura story into one month? That seemed really fast-paced and jammed a lot into one month for a time I thought was deemed boring for the show. It's a shame they just completely ignored the Vining parents. That is a lot of backstory supplied for them to go off of

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