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Look into the past - 1975

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What I would do to see this Mark Toland investigation on OLTL and the Phillip death on Y&R-which had way more going on than I imagined. I can't believe none of these episodes have been made available and are just sitting somewhere. They could air one episode with Phillio going over the cliff and then his funeral in an hour block. Smh. 

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Here is a quick recap of the events from the time Kay and Derek married until Jill left the triangle


Kay got Derek drunk and married him in order to stop him from marrying Jill in early 1978. Kay told him if he were to stay married to her for one year, and he still wanted a divorce, she would grant it to him and give Phillip his rightful inheritance and Derek his own Salon outright. But he couldn't tell Jill of the deal. Jill was so upset she decided she had to take what she needed in life to support herself and her son, too many times she had lost out in life. That is how she rationalised Stuart, which began just as Derek entered into his unholy alliance with Kay. Jill really felt she and Phillip needed Stuart more than Liz did.


Kay wanted to keep Derek long after the year was up, so she decided that tracking down Derek's son Jaime would be the best way to give him the family he wanted, but when she found out from Jaime's mother, Suzanne, that he was in a mental institution, she backed off, worried Derek would leave her to go to his son and back to his wife. Suzanne figured out who Kay was and began blackmailing her and eventually moved into the house.


Just as the year of marriage was about to come up, Jill and Stuart planned to marry after she lied that she was pregnant with his child. Derek asked Kay for the divorce and told Jill they could be together. Jill didn't trust Kay, so she told Derek to meet her at the chapel, where she would be marrying Stuart. If he turns up, they can be together, if he doesn't, she will marry Stuart.  Kay and Suzanne worked together to keep Derek from Jill, eventually confessing Jaime was in a hospital. Derek was so distraught that they left to see him the night he was to see Jill. Derek returned to the news that Jill and Stuart were married.


Stuart discovered Jill wasn't pregnant and demanded a divorce. At the same time, Derek was adamant about leaving Kay. Before Jill and Derek could reunite, Kay was shot by some thugs looking for Derek (can't remember the exact story) and Derek stayed with Kay out of guilt when it seemed Kay would be confined to a wheelchair. She recovered but kept this from Derek, at the same time Kay demanded Suzanne leave, but Suzanne discovered Kay was faking her paralyses and continued to blackmail her. Kay, tired of Suzanne, eventually confessed everyting to Derek. He immediately rushed to Jill, but after having saved Stuart's life when he almost died, Jill decided to give her marriage a chance and rejected him.


Suzanne realised she had to keep her meal ticket. She slowly began poisioning Kay with her favourite chocolates. Kay lost her mind and was sent to a mental institution. Suzanne kept giving her the chocolates and making plans with Derek. Kay befriended a woman in the hospital (I think someone she knew as a child???) and either gave her some jewlery or the woman stole it. Then the woman started a fire after eating Kay's chocolates and going over the edge, she was badly burned to death. Kay managed to escape the hospital and the woman was identified as Kay. Kay hid out at Liz's place, she eventually told Brock she was alive. Derek mourned Kay's death, and Jill, now on the outs with Stuart, who still wanted a divorce, attempted a reconciliation with Derek, but he found her behaviour detestable and rejected her. Meanwhile Suzanne began manipulating Derek's fragile psyche and talked him into leaving for Europe with her. To stop this, Kay started gaslighting Suzanne. 


Kay appreciated Liz's help in hiding her out, to return the favour she decided to extracate Jill from Stuart's life. Jill was demanding a large cash settlement in exchange for a divorce. Stuart refused, but was slowly giving in. Meanwhile, Brock and Lorie conspired to reunite Derek and Jill. Jill headged her bets by keeping her reconciliation with Derek a secret from Stuart, he agreed to pay her the settlement and she signed the divorce papers. Lorie then told Stuart that Jill and Derek were reunited and he stopped the cheque and told Jill she won't get a thing from him now that she and Derek have resumed their romance. Jill was sure her mother was behind it all and raged at her to stay out of her life. She then cut her losses and married Derek. On their honeymoon night, Kay revealed to the newlyweds she was alive. Jill was stunned and screamed at Kay for ruining her life yet again. Derek managed to convince Kay he grieved for her death and really loved her. Jill blamed her mother yet again. 


Derek and Jill continued to see each other, she wanted to forget their scheme to have Derek take everything he could from Kay, but by this point Derek had grown accustomed to the lifestyle Kay could give him and begged Jill to hang on a little longer. Brock, suspicious that Derek and Jill were having an affair, had them followed by a P.I who took photos and recorded audio of them together. He gave it all to Kay. Kay confronted Derek but said she trusted him and wouldn't listen to the tape. She went back on her word and held a listening party, but Derek had hired cat burglar Douglas Austin to swipe the tape and replace it with one he had made professing his love for Kay and rejecting Jill.


Eventually Jill grew tired of waiting for Derek and after a few parting shots at Kay, she moved on with her life. 

Edited by will81
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GL: so the Dobson's started in June 1975..and it looks like they spent the first weeks closing out Cendella's stories before starting their tales.  I had no idea Peggy/roger were before the Dobson's started.


LOL: wow, lots of action going on.  I always wondered who was writing during the July 1975 episode floating around..and I guess that was Depriest.   

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Speaking of the Dobsons. Here are some articles I found on General Hospital and some other things from 1975


1st - Jan 7, 1975


2nd - Mar 18, 1975 (San Francisco Examiner)


3rd - Apr 18, 1975 (Los Angeles Times)


4th - Apr 20, 1975 (San Francisco Examiner)




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It is based on the best I could find. The Dobsons were still credited on GH in May and they were said to have created the Chad character on GL.

Same for LOL. DePriest replaced Labine and Avila Mayer some time before July as they left to focus on creating RH. 

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It seems that the Dobsons created Chad and brought in Andy Norris.Had he always been mentioned as apart of that family but never used till then? Interestingly Doug Marland brought him on again 5 years later. Both stints were short lived.


Seeing TJ (Tim) befriending Billy Fletcher again suggests that Billy could have been aged Like Tim and been part of Springfields new teen scene under Marland., rather than inventing Kelly. Billy already had history on the show.


Does anyone know why the Dobsons departed GH? Were they dropped because the ratings had fallen or lured away for big bucks by P&G? GH was a family legacy for them, but were they merely employees with no financial stake?

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Bridget and her mother had a complicated relationship, and she was happy to leave GH when Doris died. She considered her time writing for GH as a "jail sentence" - at least per this interview with a Santa Barbara fansite. This is the portion she talks about GL.



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This article is from Oct 29, 1975. According to this Margaret DePriest was Headwriter for LOL since late 1974. She took over for Claire Labine And Paul Avila Mayer who had moved to LOL after Where the Heart is was cancelled. 



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JULY 1975


New schedule beginning on Monday, July 7th 1975






11 :30 – 12 :00 am



Love Of Life


12 :00 – 12 :30 pm



The Young And The Restless


12 :30 – 1 :00 pm


All My Children

Search For Tomorrow


1 :00 – 1 :30 pm


Ryan’s Hope



1 :30 – 2 :00 pm



As The World Turns

Days Of Our Lives

2 :00 – 2 :30 pm



The Guiding Light

2 :30 – 3 :00 pm



The Edge of Night

The Doctors

3 :00 – 3 :30 pm


General Hospital


Another World

3 :30 – 4 :00 pm


One Life To Live


4 :00 – 4 :30 pm






All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


The soap moved to 12:30 – 1:00 pm on Monday, July 7th.


Tad Martin, heeding Mary Martin’s screams to run, as she wrestled with an escaped convict, managed to call Joe Martin at the hospital. When Joe, with Jeff in toe, arrived at the apartment, they found Mary on the floor, shot three times. They rushed her to the hospital, where all efforts to save her failed. Jeff, her husband, was devastated, unable to believe anything so awful could happen to one as lovely and warm as Mary. Jeff wouldn’t allow anyone to straighten up the apartement, and found himself unable to cope, even with Tara’s help. His father, Joe, told Jeff the best remedy for his pain was work and persuaded Jeff to go back to work, but Jeff found it difficult to concentrate, despite the image of Mary telling him to practice his profession. His vision was interrupted by Dr. Frank Grant, and when Grant left, Jeff called for Mary desperately. Mary, before her death, had given the police enough information to enable them to catch her killer.


Hal Short, greatly tempted by Phoebe Tyler’s offer of a great sum of money for any information from Kitty Shea’s p ast that would stop Kitty’s wedding to Phoebe’s son, Lincoln, decided to reject Phoebe’s offer. Linc and Kitty’s wedding brought bittersweet memoried for Anne Tyler and Paul Martin and for Tara Tyler and Phil Brent. Claudette Montgomery noticed the looks between Anne and Paul. After the ceremony, as Phoebe was passing through the reception line, she pretended to faint, thus keeping Charles from the reception at Mona Kane’s house. Mona, Charles’ secretary, and Charles had been seeing each other, to Phoebe’s chagrin. Linc and Kitty went off to Canada for an idyllic honeymoon, slightly tainted at the end by a call from Phoebe, who was drunk, crying because she was alone and frightened, especially after what happened to Mary. The line went dead, and when Linc was unable to reach Phoebe, he traced Charles to Mona’s, where he asked Charles to check on Phoebe. Charles was repelled by Phoebe’s drunken condition, and prepared to leave after sobering her up, but stayed the night after Phoebe appealed to him on a patient-doctor level. Mona was beginning to admit to herself that she loved Charles, and was finding it difficult to accept Charles’ stance that he still had responsibilited to Phoebe until their slip was more permanent, a step he was beginning to contemplate, especially since Mary’s tragic death, which had made everyone aware of how short life really was.


Nick David, aware that Anne was still in love with Paul, urged Anne to fight for Paul. Paul took Anne home from the hospital the night of Mary’s death. He told Anne that when he lost her, he lost the best part of himself. Anne, however, refused to commit herself, not wanting to be the cause of his marriage breaking up. Paul went to Oregon on business, but before he left, he told Anne he wanted to talk when he returned, calling her during the trip to remind her. Anne told Linc the situation when he returned from his honeymoon, and he told her that Paul’s marriage was already over, that she had be breaking up nothing. Claudette Montgomery, Margo Martin’s daughter, hinted to Margo that Anne might be in Oregon with Paul. Margo checked it out under the pretense of checking with Anne about a line of men’s toiletried and was relieved that Claudette was wrong. Claudette was with Anne when a bouquet of roses from Paul arrived, and was snide. Anne threw her out. Paul called, telling her he was done early, and asked Anne to meet him in New York that night to talk. Margo, meanwhile, was planning a second honeymoon for Paul and herself when Claudette told her about Anne’s flowers. Drunk again, Phoebe had a vicious argument with Claudette – who called Phoebe a “lush” – ordering Claudette out. Phoebe then called Linc saying she would kill herself if he didn’t come to her. As it was his first real time with Kitty since returning from their honeymoon, Linc asked Anne to take over, which she did, foregoing joining Paul. Linc later checked with Anne and finding what she had planned, he sent her off. Paul, after fighting disappointment that Anne wasn’t there to greet him, was ecstatic when she arrived.


Erica Brent manipulated her husband Phil into saying they could have a baby in 6 months, but nobody was more affected by the fleetingness of life than Phil, and he told his mother, Ruth Martin, he was going to tell Tara he knew her son was his, not Chuck’s, despite Ruth’s warning of possible bad effects on little Philip. Erica, meanwhile, rejoiced to her mother, Mona, that she was glad she hadn’t told Phil she knew little Philip was his because Phil might have left her. Phil took a hamper of food to Jeff’s apartment, where Tara was helping him sort Mary’s things. Jeff couldn’t take anymore and sent Tara off with Phil. Chuck was at a convention in New York, so instead of taking Tara home, Phil took her to the chapel where they exchanged vows before he left for Vietnam. There he told Tara he knew her son was his, and Tara admitted she had never stopped loving him. They spent the night together, deciding to tell their families and Chuck that they wanted to marry. At Phil’s request, Nick covered for him with Erica. The following day, Tara told Ruth more than she should and called Phil, who made an excuse to Erica and went right over. Tara called Joe and asked him to come to her apartment, since she and Phillip realized they had to tell Ruth and Joe before Chuck. Joe was furious, telling them he couldn’t condone their plans, but Phil and Tara remained adamant. At home with Ruth, Joe accused her of betraying him and being a poor wife for not warning him. When Phil explained the situation to Nick, Nick encouraged Phil to fight for his son.


Kitty, intending to keep working after her moneymoon, was angry with Margo for putting in Hal Short’s toiletries line, and putting her in charge. Margo was surprised at Kitty’s vehemency, so Kitty felt compelled to back down and agreed. Claudette and Hal had been seeing a lot of each other, but Claudette was upset when Hal refused to help her make a drug connection, warning her to stay away from it. Claudette then tried to connect through Danny, a man she picked up at the movies, telling him money was no object, so, despite Hal’s warnings, Claudette made her connection.


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Beatrice Gordon, the Corys’ housekeeper had agreed to allow Police Lt. Gil McGowan to investigate the disappearance of her daughter Jennifer several years ago. Gil managed to locate Sharon Miller, Jenny’s roommate at college, who had received Christmas cards from Jenny every year except this last one. Sharon regretted not knowing the name of the boy Jenny was involved with as she was sure Jenny loved him deeply. Bea and Sharon found they knew different sides of Jenny – Bea saw her a towboy; Sharon as a self-contained young man who dated many men on campus.


Willis Frame hid his fury at his sister-in-law Alice’s announcement that Vic Hastings would run Frame Enterprises and move into the executive office Willis had been using. He refused Alice’s offer of Steve’s apartment upstairs from the offices at first, feeling it was a consolation prize, but reconsidered and moved in making sure Alice believe he wholeheartedly accepted the decision as best for the company. He made a big show of working hand-in-hand with Vic. Architect Carol Lamonte tried to incite Willis against Vic’s taking over but Willis, while enjoying her support, made it clear that he made his own decisions. When Angie Perrini, Willis’ secretary and girlfriend, accidentally left Vic’s confidential file drawer open, Willis surreptitiously went through it and stole one of the letters.


Vic Hastings told Lenore Delaney’s mother, Helen Moore, that Lenore forwarded divorce papers to be given to Robert along with the message that she loved Robert and so wanted to set him free. No one knew that Vic assisted Lenore in her break with her past and recent move to Washington D.C. Lenore was terribly afraid that somebody had found out her first husband Walter Curtis was a murderer. She feared this knowledge would destroy her son, Wally. Learning about the divorce action, Robert proceeded to get drunk and never showed up to make his speech as architect of the Cory complex at the complex opening. He bitterly told his attorney Barbara Weaver it was not fair that he had no chance to face Lenore over this but realizing it was futile, he signed consent. Robert continue to drink heavily. Alice reminded Vic that in addition to Robert’s having been Steven’s best friend, Robert had counted on the supermarket project, which Carol got, and she felt the Pendleton Museum architectural contract should go to Robert. Vic agreed but told Alice he had reservations about Robert’s being able to handle it due to his personal problems. Robert, pleased to be awarded the Pendleton Museum project, was determined to pull himself together. But Carol, who wanted this project, was furious and went to Robert saying he got it as a charity case, his friends feared he was hitting bottom and Vic was risking this because he was secretly in love with Lenore. Robert threw Carol out, but her words echoed in his head and he started drinking again. Willis made it clear to all concerned he thought Robert was a has been and predicted dire results on the museum. Willis took pleasure in heaping abuse on Robert’s preliminary sketches, drawings Robert knew weren’t good. Robert realized something was wrong – he did not remember making the revisions on the sketches or even seemed to recognize his own handwriting. He was growing desperate and drinking steadily. Carol told her attorney, Scott Bradley, recently arrived from New York, that she wanted him to use his friendship with Lowell Pendleton to sway him into giving her the museum contract instead of Robert. However, Mac Cory told Scott that Carol did not do the innovative work on the Cory complexe, she just tried hard to make everyone think she did.


Alice Frame was determined to go ahead with her adoption of young orphan Sally Spencer despite the death of her husband Steven. A case worker will visit for several months and the search for Sally’s relatives had to continue before adoption could be finalized. Alice seemed oversolicituous for Sally’s safety and worried constantly about her swimming in the pond Willis built for her and climbing trees.


Barbara Weaver’s steady dating with Dr. Dave Gilchrist came to an abrupt end when Dave suggested that as two adults who lead rather lonely lives he would like her to move in with hm. She made it clear she was shocked that he felt she would even consider it. But he replied that she was so afraid of being hurt she couldn’t accept being wanted. Barbara accepted a dinner invitation from Robert but made it clear to her boss John Randolph it was just a friendly gesture. Barbara was disquieted when John then pointed out Barbara dropped men whenever they began to become more than just friends.


Under college student Chris Pearson’s tutelage, Marianne Randolph’s school work had improved dramatically and she was preparing to take entrance exams for Bay City College. Since Chris and Marianne were following the rules – they couldn’t study alone, etc. – John gave Marianne permission to go to Chris’ friend’s engagement party at the country club. However, Marianne was apprehensive about a party where everytone was older than she and suggested instead a drive to the lake. Chris was willing, under the condition she got her father’s prior permission but, sure John wouldn’t allow it, Marianne allowed Chris to believe John agreed until the evening was over. Chris then told Marianne he was very serious about her and therefore they had to tell her father the truth to prove that they levelled with him. However, Marianne procrastinated for a week and when she finally told John he became furious at Chris inisisting Chris instigated the change in plans and that Marianne was only protecting Chris. When John made it clear he believed he couldn’t trust either Marianne or Chris, Marianne, feeling that her father expected the worst of her, moved to her grandfather, Jim Matthews’ home. Pat, Marianne’s mother, tried to show John he was being unreasonable in his dislike of Chris and distrust of Marianne, but John felt he was acting in her best interests. John took Marianne to dinner and after really listening to her, began to admit she was growing up. When he told her he would mend fences with Chris, Marianne decided to move back home. John and Chris had lunch together and John began to realize Chris was a fine young man.


When Adam McGowan told Dr. Russ Matthews that Iris Carrington, his fiancee, had broken up her father Mac’s marriage to Ada’s daughter Rachel by hiring Phillip Wainwright to come between Mac and Rachel, Russ didn’t want to believe the woman he loved could be capable of such treachery. However, Clarice had shown him the check Iris gave her to keep quiet about the plot and so Russ acceded to Ada’s plea for fairness and confronted Iris with the story of Clarice and the check. Iris insisted Clarice was promiscuous and she gave her the check to get poor Phillip out of her clutches. Iris told Clarice’s boss, Mr. Edwards, at the Steak House that Clarice used  her job to meet men to support her and then blackmailed them. Afraid of big trouble, Edwards fired Clarice on the spot. Neal Johnson who had been dating Clarice confronted Iris who promised to get Clarice’s job back if she returned the check. Realizing the importance of the check, Neal urged Russ to see Phillip and hear his side of the story. Phillip confirmed everything Ada told Russ and added Cynthia Whitfield could confirm it as she recommended him to Iris for this job.


Russ confronted Iris on her deceit, outlining her schemes and falsehoods. She desperately tried to lie her way out of it but when he started to call Cynthia, trapped, Iris hysterically screamed, “All right. I did it! Are you satisfied?” She tien insisted that it was entirely to protect Mac and she could make it up to him, Russ, when they were married. Russ painfully told her she was a spoiled woman who used the people she claimed to love and told her they would never be married. As he turned to leave, she hysterically screamed, “Noooo” and collapsed in convulsive sobs. Russ and Neal agreed Ada should tell Mac immediately, but Mac had left on a fishing trip in Canada.


Sybil Wakefield, Iris’ jet-set friend from New York arrived in Bay City and immediately began snooping to get at the bottom of Mac’s breakup with Rachel and Iris’ broken engagement. Iris was desperate that Sybil not find out the truth and was constantly avoiding her.


Clarice couldn’t find a job. Edwards had blacklisted her all over town. She wouldn’t let Neal loan her money, especially after Iris’ accusations, so he persuaded her to move into the room Willis had just vacated until she was back on her feet – a no strings attached relationship. Clarice was thrilled when Mac offered her a position as a receptionist at the Cory Complex.


Sybil was putting bits and pieces together and asked Phillip if Iris didn’t break up Mac’s marriage because of her obsession with her father. Sybil recalled that even in college Iris had always been over the edge about “her daddy.” Louise Goddard, Iris’ secretary, tried to convince Russ to see Iris pleading she didn’t intentionally mean to hurt Mac, she was a confused child underneath it all. Russ refused, offering to have Dr. Dave Gilchrist see Iris again. David, who grew up in the same social circles as Iris, was concerned about her mental state and dropped in on her often. Phillip informed Clarice and Neal he had to leave town as he had a legitimate job as a riding instructor in Arizona. He told Clarice loving her made the difference in his life.


Learning Mac was coming home, Iris camped out in his living room, managing to make sure she saw him alone first. Immediately upon his arrival, she tried to convince Mac to move to her house but Russ arrived with Clarice before she could accomplish this and they showed Mac the check. As Mac began to realize the truth at last, Iris seeing his fury at her became hysterical and brokenly walked out. Mac told Ada that he was determined to win Rachel back, but Ada reminded him that Rachel’s valued had changed, and that she wouldn’t settle for less that she had with him. Mac later told Iris he would love Rachel until he died and could never look at her, Iris, again. Iris, in deep terror of social, as well as personal disgrace, begged Russ to take her back, saying she wouldn’t bear to have her friends know she had been jilted; she offered him a quickie divorce and settlement if he would marry her. Disguster, he left saying never. Worsening matters, another jet setter, Loretta Simpson arrived at Iris’ bent upon learning all.


Rachel returned to Ada’s explaining she had been living in a cabin in the mountains where she was free to think. She had come to pick up her son Jamie and planned to go right back. She was quiet and composed upon learning Mac knew the truth but refused to call him. “I’d rather be alone,” she said, “than to go through again what I have just gone through.” She said she loved Mac too much and he didn’t love her enough or he would have trusted her. Since Rachel wouldn’t call Mac, Ada called him and stalled Rachel until he arrived. He begged Rachel to stay and work it out insisting he never stopped loving her. She admitted she still loved him, but couldn’t live with a man who did not trust her. Mac begged for another chance, insisting he could handle his jealousy, but Rachel replied what they had was special and it no longer was. She painfully explained her whole world was him, she never loved anyone the way she loved him and it hurt so much to have it all destroyed. Rachel explained she lied sometimed to keep from losing what she had. Mac said he could help her but she relied he couldn’t and she couldn’t keep him from being jealous. When he asked if they couldn’t live with their faults, Rachel replied “I don’t want less than what we had.” Only when Mac pleaded that she had to stay for Jamie’s sake as Jamie had come to see him as a father, did Rachel agree to think further on it. Mac vowed he would win her back again.


Hopinto to at least salvage her social standing in New York, Iris was undone to overhear Sybil telling via long distance that Iris had been jilted and was in a decline. Iris furiously order Sybil to leave immediately or be thrown out. Loretta tried to soothe Iris by telling her Dave Gilchrist’ attention to her was more than just professional. Iris stormed into Mac’s home pleading he had to not punish her any longer. Mac told her he was too permissive with her as a child and tried to show her her obsession with him destroyed her marriage, her engagement and he, like Russ, had to escape her to save himself. But when she hysterically cried “Rachel has turned you against me”, Mac’s concern turned again to rage and he ordered her out. The following day, Mac brought Rachel roses saying they got married so fast they never got to know each other first. Mac courted Rachel with dinner dates and when he furthered his pleas with kisses and embraced, Rachel responded to him, admitting how much she had missed him and went home with her husband. Mac asked Rachel if she would like a baby like Nancy, her half-sister. Rachel radiantly replied more than anything in the world.


Disconsolate at Mac’s reconciliation, Iris swallowed all the sleeping tablets Dave prescribed for Louise to dole out to her. She then called Dave to thank him for an easy way out. Dave rushed over, pumped her stomach and walked her all night. Iris begged Mac not be told – she couldn’t stand his pity. Rachel, learning of the suicide attempt by a slip of Louise’s tongue, tried to soften Mac’s heart toward Iris, but Mac explained closeness to Iris risked his own happiness. Finding Loretta gossiping long distance about Iris, Louise virtually shipped her back to New York.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


Grant Colman was preoccupied with a newspaper photo of a small boy claimed by his ex-wife Joyce to be his son. Grant considered this to be another lie until Lisa suggested it could be true. After considering the letters “OMI” on the back of the clipping, and listening to the tape Joyce made under sodium penthothal in which Joyce said she didn’t visit her friend Sue in Laramie because she hadn’t seen her since high school, but then said the word “hospital,” Grant concluded that she could have gone to Laramie, Wyoming to have the baby. Lisa asked Grant to look at a house she had seen that would be perfect for them, but later was disappointed to hear it had been taken. When Grant asked her about the house she made excuses so Grant wouldn’t feel badly about not having time to see it, and then learned Grant was the one who had rented it. Lisa was talking about when they’d move when Grant broke the news that he was going personally to Laramie. After a suspicious feeling, Lisa visited her doctor who confirmed she was pregnant, but due to complications, he was not sure she could carry full term. She decided to keep the news of her pregnancy a secret from Grant, because although Joyce wrote him saying there was no baby, he didn’t believe it.


Tom Hughes asked Natalie Bannon to marry him and when she accepted, he announced it at the family’s 4th of July picnic. Lisa felt that the sense of completeness that Tom and Natalie had just mean Natalie was trying to cut everyone out. Jay Stallings and Natalie had a hard time understanding the close relationship between Carol, Jay’s wife, and Lisa, her ex mother-in-law, but Tom said if it came to a choice between Natalie and his mother, he would have to choose Natalie. Lisa felt Natalie was too private a person and Jay felt Natalie was hiding something. Natalie saw Jay come out Susan Stewart’s apartment building late one night with lipstick on his cheek, claiming to have been to a business meeting. One evening Carol told Jay that she had been in the bookstore when a couple came in and thought Natalie was a Mrs. Ralph Porter from Kilborne, Pennsylvania, visibly upsetting Natalie.


Pa Hughes called the family together for what they expected would be the announcement of his coming marriage to Mrs. Kopecki, but turned out to be an invitation to dinner on Saturday because they were already married in a quiet ceremony with no fuss. The whole family gathered when Pa left for his honeymoon at his brother’s farm.


There was much tension when Jennifer Hughes was selected to attend a heart association conference in Cleveland, because she had to leave her daughter, Frannie, for a week. Even though Dan Stewart tried to show Bob that Jennifer had professional need just as he did, Bob missed the point and furthered insulted her by asking her to give up her conference and attend his with him in August. Nancy, Bob’s mother, made it clear that she thought Jennifer was shirking her responsibility when asked to take care of Frannie for the week, but then told Jennifer she would when Bob explained that Jennifer really loved both Frannie and her job. But after everything was settled, Jennifer found she couldn’t really leave Frannie after all.


Bob’s ex-wife, Sandy Garrison, was in town separated form her new husband and reluctant to talk about it to anyone but Bob. She told over lunch, after a frantic call, that Norman seemed like such a gentleman, but she saw his other side. She would gladly give up all her interest in their cosmetic business, but she knew he’d never let her go and he would soon trace her there to Oakdale.


After much fear over little Emmy Stewart, her temperature was finally going down. Dan told his ex-wife Susan that she should be sure she didn’t want to drink anymore as she was on her feet again. Kim Dixon, who would soon marry Dan, was leaving for Nevada the following week to get divorce from John. As John’s ankle was in good enough shape that he could walk with a cane, he was back at his medical practice, but told Dan that Susan’s problem was that Dan was going to marry Kim and it wasn’t helping him either. Dr. David Steward was going to ask the hospital board to take Susan back, but Susan called Dan when she got drunk again after spending the evening with Jay. John visited Kim telling her that if she married Dan it might destroy Susan. Kim was crushed when she heard this put into words, even though she had known it all along. Dan lashed out at Kim because he felt John was just trying to get Kim back. John tried to help Kim later by saying that Susan had always caused her own problems. Dan, unable to sleep, was just about to call Kim when Susan called, desperate for a drink. Dan talked to her until the urge left, but Kim, calling Dan, couldn’t get through. The following morning, she called her sister, Jennifer, and wrote Dan a note explaining that she had to get away for a few days by herself, but would let Jennifer know where she was staing. Dan told John that between them, they had forced her out of town. John replied he would do anything to win Kim back. Susan was upset to find that John had used her to his own advantage.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday


Linda Patterson Phillips was badly shaken when Marty Hansen – Mickey Horton, who was still suffering from post-heart surgical amnesia – uninvited her to the farm explaining he couldn’t escape from his past if he took it with him, that he and his wife Maggie needed to be alone. Linda painfully confessed that since Marty told her about his increasingly frequent memory flashes, she had to know if as his memory returned, he would still be Marty who loved Maggie or the Mickey she still loved so much. Marty again assured her that his whole life was Maggie. The Hansens found therapy equipment and an encouraging note from Tom and Alice Horton, Mickey’s parents, awaiting them in Brookeville and Maggie conscientiously performed her therapy in the tranquil surrounding of her own home. Linda accepted Jim’s remarriage proposal and they drove up to tell Maggie and Marty they would remarry in a month. Maggie, meanwhile, tormented by visions of Mickey and Linda’s affair years ago, failed from the parallel bars and was found unconscious. She was hospitalized with a slight concussion. Maggie asked Linda to stay for a few days. Realizing it would be good for Maggie, Marty agreed, but privately told Linda he would otherwise prefer she leave, as being alone with Maggie in Brookeville had stopped the flashbacks and put his life in order again. Linda assured Marty she planned to be a good wife to Jim and would cause no trouble.


Immediately following Jim Warner’s death in surgery, Dr. Greg Peters showed Jim’s angiograms to Dr. Tom Horton. They both agreed surgery should have been done 3 months ago and Greg insisted Tom open an investigation of negligence on the part of Dr. Neil Curtis. Amanda Howard, Neil’s ex-finacee, with whom Greg was in love, overheared and tried to persuade Greg not to destroy Neil. Tom visited Cynthia Warner who told him Neil gave Jim excellent, devoted care and often forgot to send the bill. She explained Jim’s father and brother died in an open-heart surgery and Jim felt he would also die if he had surgery. Tom was moved by her faith in and vindication of Neil. Greg informed Neil he had started an investigation. Neil warned Greg he would fight to the finish for the practice and his woman. Amanda was upset that Tom would investigate Neil based on Greg’s resentful charges, but Tom convinced her he was doing it to help Neil, as Neil’s professional problems might be destroying hom. Understanding Tom’s intent, Amanda told him of the poker establishment Neil frequented. Deciding on a course of action, Tom contacted the gambling pro and that night Neil was shocked to find Tom sitting in on his game. Tom played a pushing game and luckily managed to win. Neil was the big loser. Late that night Tom told Greg he couldn’t press charges against Neil; he was a sick man, a compulsive gambler, and needed help. When Greg insisted on going ahead, Tom asked if he was that lacking in compassion or that much in love with Amanda. Tom later told Amanda that Neil was a compulsive gambler who actually had to lose and it could probably be traced back to problems of lacks in his childhood.


Neil told Amanda he was going to pick up the pieces of his life by himself, that he wasn’t the man she needed, but asked if she would be there when he had made it back to the kind of man she should have. He later added he had to face the fact that a had a gambling problem and planned to quit cold turkey, but needed her help and support when the going got rough. Amanda agreed as long as Neil allowed to let friendship go both ways and accept a loan of $10.000 towards the $20.000 marker J.R., the gambling pro, held. But as soon as Amanda left, he called the pro arranging a seat in that night’s game. Amanda told Tom that Neil seemed determined to cure himself and she trusted his resolve. Tom seemed doubtful explaining a compulsive gambler had need to lose, to be self-destructive.


Neil lost $5.000 more and was upset when J.R. wouldn’t advance additional credit. Finding Tom covering with his patients – the game was not over until morning -, Neil made excuses about oversleeping, a rural patient, etc. Tom had already spoken to J.R. and when Neil insisted he hadn’t gambled since the night he played with Tom, Tom asked, “When are you going to stop lying. I just called J.R.” Tom then told Neil he was going to use the money he won to apply to Neil’s losses and that he discouraged Greg’s negligence charge because “you don’t throw the book at a doctor who’s sick himself.”


Desperate to play again, Neil conned Amanda into giving him $10.000 more, ostensibly to pay off all debts once and for all. However, Greg, visiting Neil to say he was dropping the charges, discovered Neil was playing that night. Greg took Amanda to dinner, then parked in front of the poker club preparing her for bitter disappointment. She insisted Neil was not there, he couldn’t be. Neil meanwhile had won heavily. Amanda was devastated to see him leave. Greg told her she couldn’t help Neil and had to break away from him before he destroyed her. Greg offered her his help and his love. Shortly after Greg left her apartment, Neil showed up claiming he was not coming from a poker table, but a medical house call.


Finding Eric babysitting with little Annie, Greg told his brother there appeared to be a pull between him and his daughter and therefore, probably between him and Susan, also, suggesting he, Greg, wasn’t totally responsible for his marital split-up with Susan – Susan and Greg’s daughter, Annie, was actually Eric and Susan’s child, a result of that one night in the park -. Greg sublet an ultramod bachelor pad. Finding Amanda at Greg’s nex place, Susan, unable not to, apologetically asked Amanda if there was anything between her and Greg. Amanda assured her they were just friends. Tom told Susan she had to accept Greg as Annie’s father if she was to make anything of her marriage, but Susan, discovering Eric was dating Amanda, found she was jealous of Eric seeing another woman. Greg told Susan he wanted a total separation at present and he would not be visiting Annie.


Doug Williams’ new quarters behind his nightclub Doug’s Place were finished, complete with the room his late wife Addie had planned for their child, Hope. Doug had nearly despaired of finding a suitable person to care for Hope until Rebecca North, a young, attractive woman, replied to his ad and Doug immediately hired her without checking references. Robert LeClair, Doug’s close friend and relief singer at Doug’s Place, talked with Rebecca about their mutual love of children, but the subject was apparently painful to her. Rebecca was dismayed to run into Neil who reminded her she never kept her last appointment. She explained she had to put the pieces together and the past behind her. Neil, noticing she couldn’t refer to the past without tears, cautioned her not to get too involved with Hope as a surrogate mother. Rebecca was trying to keep her personal life separate from her job but her boyfriend, Johnny Collins, a commercial artist, who couldn’t find work, bitterly noted she was paying the rent on their apartment but was only there one day a week. He showed up at Doug’s Place introducing himself as her finace to a crestfallen Robert and ignoring her insistence that place was off limits, went to the bar determined to meet Doug.


When Bob Anderson, over his wife Julie’s objections, insisted his ex-wife Phyllis would redecorate his office, Phyllis was thrilled, but their daughter Mary came down on Bob about once more keeping Phyllis tied to him, being a crutch so she didn’t have a make a life for herself


Julie Anderson was crushed to learn from her son David’s fiancee, Brooke that David often went off on drinking benders. And these episodes were becoming more frequent. David was rarely home at all. Attorney Don Craig told Julie his investigation of Brooke showed nothing about her parents, yet she always attended expensive schools. Brooke overheard Doug and Julie talking about the happy memoried they shared and Julie telling Doug that Bob had finally accepted she was having his child but adding the baby could have been Doug’s and should have been – Julie and Doug were romantically involved before he married her mother Addie and she subsequently married Bob Anderson. – Brooke then ingenuously told Julie in front of Don that Julie was glowing from carrying “a love child.” Julie made light of it, correcting the term, but Don, furious, later told Brooke he could see through her. He later tried to warn Bob, who refused to believe Brooke would hurt Julie. Brooke, meanwhile, self-righteously ran to Phyllis saying she couldn’t contain herself any longer. She called Julie’s baby a love child because she overheard a conversation between Julie and the man she believed was the baby’s father. Phyllis tried to tell Bob that Julie’s baby wasn’t his. He stonily told her she was wrong. Hearing this allegation from Phyllis, Neil insisted it was not true – he was Julie’s doctor – and under pressure Phyllis admitted Brooke told her she knew who the real father was.


Neil caught up with Brooke on the terrace of Julie’s home during a family party asking “How dare you tell Phyllis you overheard Julie talking with the “real” father of her child?” Brooke insisted she did overhear a conversation proving Bob was not the father. To be sure Neil called Doug aside and told him about the rumor going around. He asked if there was any possibly the baby was his. Doug replied he wished to God it was, but it was not. Neil then took Brooke aside once more and told her either she called Phyllis explaining the story was untrue, or he would tell David what she had done which would end their relationship. Brooke was furious, but realizing Neil meant it, called Phyllis and told she made up the story. However, after the call, Brooke angrily told Neil she was still sure Julie’s baby wasn’t Bob’s, and Bob, walking by the room, overhead this. Bob tried to pretend nothing was wrong but, tormented, wondered if Julie could have done that to him. When Brooke later told Bob about David’s drinking, implying this was the only one of many secrets Julie had kept from him, Bob told Brooke outright that the baby Julie was carrying was his and she didn’t play games about things like that. Brooke called Phyllis back saying a man close to Julie threatened her into saying what she did, but the story about Julie was true. Having convinced Phyllis of her sincerity and concern for her and Bob, Brooke congratulated herself on one of her better performances.


Phyllis convinced Bob to meet her at the Lake Side Bar where he again told her Julie wouldn’t lie to him about the baby. But, returning to the party, Bob broached David’s drinking problem to Julie. When Julie admitted she hid the problem so not to hurt Bob, he asked to what lengths would she go not to hurt him and asked if the baby she was carrying was his or someone else’s. Julie was shocked at the question as she felt they had this problem settled at the time of their reconciliation. In tears she assured him she never slept with another man all the time they were married, even though she tried to get Don Craig to make love to her. Don refused because of her reasons. She told Bob it was his baby but she wished it belonged to any man in this world but him. Doug was stunned when later that night Julie walked into Doug’s Place with a suitcase, stating, “I have moved out on Bob.” As Doug held her to comfort her, Bob walked in. Julie angrily made it clear to Bob, “I’ll be damned if I’ll go home with you.” She guessed that Brooke started the rumor and Bob confirmed it. Doug told Bob he and Julie had a relationship years ago and Brooke could have misinterpreted remarks he and Julie made about raising Hope. But Julie walked out and went to Don Craig’s apartment, finding Mary Anderson there. Mary left, obviously upset that Julie broke up her evening with Don Craig. But Phyllis admitted to Mary what she had done and Mary was ashamed, assuring her mother if the baby were another man’s, Julie would not have returned to Bob. Phyllis finally confessed to Mary that they owed Julie on another score. Julie covered the fact that Phylli’s accidental shooting of Mary at the lake last year was actually an aborted attempt by Phyllis to kill Julie.


Brooke and David, meanwhile, fought about her attitude towards his mother and his continual drinking. Brooke insisted she was miserable because she loved him so much, and couldn’t reach him. Julie stayed overnight at Don’s where he offered her hot chocolate, a should to cry on, and sympathy. In the morning, Julie decided to fly to Chicago and follow the scant leads Don had uncovered on Brooke’s family. In Chciago, Julie found Brooke’s mother, Mrs. Hamilton, a janitress, who apparently drank – she offered Julie cooking sherry -, living in a shabby apartement. She explained she worked at the girl’s school and got Brooke in on scholarship but Brooke then refused to acknowledge that she was her mother, claiming her mother was dead. Brooke’s father apparently abandoned them long ago. Julie tactfully gave Mrs. Hamilton plane fare to come to Salem for the wedding when the date was set, explaining it was a gift from her husband. Mrs. Hamilton was pathetically eager to hear about Brooke, she had no idea where she was or anything about David. Julie left for Salem feeling ill and uncomfortable on the plane.


Phyllis apologized to Bob saying it was all because she never stopped thinking of Bob as her husband, but was determined to that then.


David found a note from Brooke under his door saying her whole world had caught up with her and all she could do was split; that she didn’t know why she said and did the things she did. She added she loved David, but couldn’t cope with his drinking.


Bob went to Don’s office to ask about Julie. Don angrily assured Bob that nothing happened between them, as it never had, but wished he were the baby’s father. He admitted the intensity of his love for Julie and added they was a time when he hated Bob, because Bob had everything he wanted, but “You blew it. I don’t hate you anymore Bob. I feel sorry for you.” Don added Bob’s actions indicated guilt over divorcing Phyllis, guilt he was taking out on Julie.


David tried to explain to Tom he had a hang-up as if he was two people, one who wanted and needed his mother’s love, and another who rejected it because it haunted him that Mom gave him away. This is why he drank and was a factor in Brooke’s being unable to reach him.


Don met Julie’s return flight. In the airport coffee shop she discovered she was hemorrhaging. Tom admitted her to University Hospital where OB Dr. Mel Bailey privately told Tom it didn’t look good. When Julie asked for her son, Doug found him at the lake house and made it clear to David he was the one person Julie needed most. He had to be a man and be there for her. At Julie’s insistence, Bob was not notified and was not on her limited visitors list.


The Doctors


Written by: Eileen & Robert Mason Pollock

Produced by: Joseph Stuart


Karen Werner, angry that Carolee Aldrich took Karen’s natural son, Erich, out of town on the day Karen had planned to take Erich to the circus, insisted that she have Erich to herself the following day. Disappointed that the circus tickets couldn’t be exchanged, they went to the zoo, which Erich informed Karen he had done many times. Erich refused to have a good time, angering Karen who called her lawyer, beginning proceeding to get custody of Erich, charging that Carolee was deliberately working to poison the boy’s mind against her. At the same time, Karen asked Matt Powers for a recommendation to a Kingsbury hospital, claiming it was impossible to work under the same roof with Carolee, who was avoiding Karen. Steve and Carolee’s lawyer prepared a rebuttal to Karen’s charges, and arranged for Steve and Karen to meet with the judge before open court proceedings were begun. Carolee was hurt at being excluded, vowing not to let Karen get away with things any more. At the meeting, Judge Bowman explained he would prefer to settle the custody matter out of court to save Erich’s feelings; Noting that Carolee was Erich’s human mother for 4 years, the judge suggested a meeting with her. Karen categorically refused, and the judge didn’t push, asking them to bring Erich for an interview the next day. Karen met with Erich, promising him day camp, a New York trip and attendance at the same school if he lived with her. The judge said he might consider joint custody, which would mean Erich’s bouncing back and forth, but suggested Karent bu given a 3 months temporary custody, following an evaluation. The agreed. Anticipating Carolee’s unhappiness, Ann told Steve not to castigate himself, telling him he did everything he could. Ann Latimer continued to offer solace to Steve, who was warned by Althea that Ann might be too involved. Steve brushed it off, then angrily told Althea to mind her own business.


Matt Powers was happy to welcome two new members to the Hope staff – nurse M.J. Match and intern Rico Bellini, Nick Bellini’s nephew. M.J. and Rico celebrated at Pete’s where they observed an argument between Stacy Wells and Andy Anderson, who accused Stacy of teasing him and backing down. Stacy, in tears, inhaled a piece of steak, and was saved from suffocation by Rico’s quick actions. The following day, Rico paid a house call on Stacy to check her resultant sore throat and was observed by Penny Davis, who coyly suggested to Andy that Stacy might be doing him wrong. Stacy, uncharacteristically, kissed Rico passionately to “thank” him for saving her life. She want on to tell him there was more where thar came from and she just wanted fun with no strings. Rico agreed that was all he could handle at the moment. Stacey had been told by Peter Terrell, the errant art professor who drove her away from Baldwin, that she was afraid of sex. To Carolee and then to Toni Powers Stewart, Stacy wondered if losing her virginity might not be the answer. Both warned she might be letting herself in for great pain if she played at sex without love because she was not the type. Despite their warnings, and because of a deep attraction for him, Stacy seduced Rico who was upset because, as a virgin, obviously she wasn’t the type of girl he thought, but assured her she was great.


Mike and Matt Powers began a new, closer relationship when Mike told Matt he would accept help in finding a job, and Matt did not condemn Mike’s interests in forensic medicine, but instead said he was proud of Mike for finding his own way. Mike got a job with the medical examiner, realizing he wouldn’t return to Singapore because he still loved Toni. Toni, afraid of losing Michael Paul, agreed to date Mike, so he would come to see how much the baby needed her, not because, as Mike suspected, she still loved him. Alan was incensed. Tom Barrett, conducting lithium experiments similar to those Mike did years before, asked to meet Mike to pick his brains. Mike agreed, then asked Toni out to dinner to review the notebook with her. Meanwhile, Matt urged Toni to set a time limit to the dating. She brought it up at dinner, but Mike asked how one could set a time limit on love. When they returned to Martha’s house, they found Alan there, and Mike and Alan came to blows. Toni and Martha threw both out. Mike asked Maggie to return the engagement and wedding rings he gave Toni, which Maggie had kept. Unwillingly, Maggie did so, reminding Mike that it took more than rings to make a marriage; it took living together, and that was what Toni had with Alan. When Mike saw Toni in Alan’s arms, he realized the truth of Maggie’s statement, and took a new tack to win Toni’s love. He agreed to a time limit – 3 months – if Toni would live with as his wife for that time. If she didn’t love him then, he would not take Michael Paul from her. Alan said there had to be some way to win her freedom other than by sleeping with Mike, and suggested they checked out no fault divorce in California. Toni hedged. Alan’s work was being adversely affected by his worry over Toni, so Matt decided to suspend Alan for a week!


Ann and Althea continued at loggerheads over Nick Bellini, who was in Arizona, because Ann couldn’t believe Althea and Nick didn’t love each other still despite Althea’s reassurances. Althea concluded Ann was as neurotic as Nick said when he and Ann broke up. When Ann questioned Althea’s disposition of a patient, Althea attributed it to resentment.


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


After having spent a pleasant and uneventful weekend with Serena Faraday and her 7-year old son Timmy, Adam Drake was disturbed by Serena’s sudden disappearance and was outraged when he found Timmy, terrified by what Adam believed was a child’s fantasy of a dark haired woman who had intentions of harming him, had been left totally alone. Unable to locate Serena, Adam drove miles out of his way to return Timmy to boarding school and then back to Monticello. Brand Henderson, Assistant D.A., and her brother, psychiatrist, Quentin, were equally mystified by Serena’s odd behavior and Brandy was pleased to learn that Adam claimed he has become involved with Serena for the last time. Suddenly Adam was notified by Capitol City police that Serena, who left Adam’s name beside her bed, had been found barely alive in a tenderloin hotel apparently after trying to commit suicide from an overdose of sleeping pills. Adam, reluctant to get involved again, but responding to Brandy’s pressured, returned to Serena’s bedside and discovered she had no idea at all as towhy this happened or where she was after she had said goodbye to Adam after their weekend outing. Serena, appalled to learn about Timmy’s abandonment, admitted these “blackouts” were very serious and should seek professional care. When Mark, Serena’s ex-husband, learned of the suicide attempt, he questioned Adam and announced his plans to take his son away from his “unfit” mother. Mark, caliming he never saw any evidence of blackouts during their years of marriage, insisted Serena only used that as an excuse to have repeated affairs with other men. Serena defended herself to Adam’s inquiries about Mark’s insistence that Timmy’s conception was “clouded,” but admitted she did have a particularly long blackout around that time. Adam, investigating the circumstances of Serena’s attempted suicide, learned from the desk clerk that he saw a dark haired woman enter Serena’s room – Serena had been registered under the name of Ann Smith – and jumped to the conclusion that this might not have been suicide at all but a possible attempting murder. Unknown to everyone, the threatening dark haired woman who played such a mysterious role in Serena’s life was in truth her own self – a dual personality! Josie, the aggressive side of Serena, acted out all this hidden desires the more refined Serena would never think of doing. Josie, who, unlike Serena, was aware of her other side, referred to Serena as her hateful sister and posed a valid threat to Serena’s well-being.


It was Josie who had taken up the task of disrupting the marriage of Johnny Dallas and his expectant wife Laurie under the direction and financial support of Gerald Kincaid, sinister underworld mobster. Kincaid, who had a spy network so entrenched that it included Brandy’s private secretary in the D.A.’s office, wanted Mike Karr’s, Head of the Crime Commission, every move watched by his son-in-law John and was using Josie to drive a wedge between the already quarrelling couple. Laurie having had one miscarriage and almost losing this baby too had become overly protective of herself resulting in a widening schism between them. Laurie finally moved from their apartment to her parents’ home where she told Nancy, her mother, about John’s “affair” with another woman who had even had the nerve to phone their apartment. Deciding to go to the New Moon for a possible reconciliation with John, Laurie was further convinced of his infidelity when Josie, seeing Laurie enter, brazenly kissed John.


Nancy’s concern for her husband’s safety was reduced somewhat when Mike told of his plans to resign as Head of the Crime Commission because he felt personally responsible for the failure of the Commission to protect the life of their secret wtiness Ernie Casper. Later, he reconsidered when it was pointed out that a resignation would only be cause for a victory celebration among the underworld and he prepared to deal with the unexpected offer of valuable inside information from Walter LePage, a wealthy and respected businessman. After LePage’s bungling, which led to many mob arrests, Kincaid was appointed the new head of the Monticello organization. LePage, fearing for his life and wanting to make a secret deal with Mike, demanded Mike provide immunity, secrecy and assistance in fleeing in return for the names of people only the head of crime could know, but warned their plan had better work or they would both be dead men!


Josie, who had taken up residence in Kincaid’s Monticello apartment while working for Kincaid, even had a momentary brush with Adam and Brandy at the New Moon Café, but passed by them, totally unrecognized by Adam. When Serena, suddenly awakening to find herself in this strange apartment, was shaken and bewildered, she went to Adam’s resident hotel where he and Brandy were making plans for a weekend trip and enlisted his help in finding a room in the same hotel.


Tracy Dallas was forced to go back to work at her brother’s restaurant as a waitress again when Noel Douglas, fearing Mrs. Geraldine Whitney and Kevin Jamison would expose his unfaithfulness to his new bridge, Tiffany, cut off all future financial support. Danny Micelli who once proposed marriage to Tracy, was overjoyed but sympathetic to Tracy’s loss of what everyone believed was a high playing fashion job.


Geraldine’s feigned heart attack successfully ended Kevin’s engagement to Phoebe Smith. Kevin, suspicious after a doctor’s visit, confronted her about the EKG which showed no change from previous one and the perfect timing of her attack in cancelling his marriage.


General Hospital


Written by: Richard & Suzanne Holland

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Dr. Joel Stratton, cardiac specialist, was convinced the only solution to save Dr. Steve Hardy and General hospital from a messy, prolonged court battle over a series of malpractice suits that had been brought against him, startling with the Pizzarra case, was to resign immediately. Joel was appalled that in five of the disputed cases, he overlooked glaring symptoms that even a first year med-student could have diagnosed as severe heart problems. With the exception of the Pizzarra case, where even Steve clearly felt the symptoms were too clouded by circumstances to make Joel soley responsible for the fatal misdiagnosis, all the other cases appeared to be inconsistent with Joel’s otherwise highly professional care of patients. Steve “pocketed” Joel’s resignation and, suspicious the files might not be telling the whole truth, left for Los Angeles to interview cardiac nurse Anne Barr who worked with Joel before taking a new job on the coast. Steve and lawyer Lee Baldwin saw a sinister pattern in all the transcripts, which showed Joel as the only doctor who treated and recorded the patient’s history, as being a rather odd coincidence. While Steve was away, Dr. Jim Hobart was asked to join the team of doctors as an investigator into the patients’ case histories on behalf of Stratton. Jim, embittered over what he believed was a raw deal when Joel took away his job as Head of the Cardiac Unit, still refused to face his own failings caused by excessive drinking, both as a doctor and as a husband to Audrey. Jim, successful in obtaining a tape recording of former patient Mr. Harold Lipman’s complaints made in the presence of his lawyer allowed Joel to hear the worst. Joel incisively tuned in on the change in vocabulary between Lipman’s mundane verbiage and his slick recital of medical facts and mentioned it to Margaret Colson, Assistant Administrative Head, but she dashed his hopes by saying prospective malpractice clients were always coached. Kira Faulkner, popular TV newscaster, told Lee that Steve, her former fiancé, had held the story back long enough from the public and that she fully planned to expose Steve’s reluctance to allow Joel’s resignation to be processed and exposed as admissible evidence of his negligence. When Steve returned from L.A. armed with the evidence that nurse Barr gave him, coupled with some startling facts about discrepancies in the hand writing and typing on the case histories. An expert would testify that the typewriter used had only just been bought so that the older case histories couldn’t possibly had been typed on the new machine. Steve confronted the only person who had both access and motive to harm Joel through forged hospital files – Margaret Colson! Although she vehemently denied all knowledge at first, faced with the overwhelming evidence Steve and Lee had comiled, she broke down and finally exposed her hidden grudge of a lover’s rejection. Steve faced her with a possible prison term for forgery and Margaret signed a confession prohibiting her from ever working in any hospital again.


Dr. Peter Taylor, the father of the imprisoned Augusta McLeod’s almost due baby, told her in no uncertain terms that he couldn’t allow his wife Diana to adopt the baby. He felt that although one day he would tell Diana about the baby, at present with their only recently newfound happiness, so precious and fragile, after years of struggle, he absolutely would not allow anything to destroy it. Augusta, starting her labor pains alone in her cell, cried out for help but since the prison doctor wasn’t available, the authoritied contacted Peter who arranged to have Augusta’s baby son delivered at General Hospital. With a police guard at her door at all times and the prospect of being hospitalized only a short time before returning to prison, Augusta begged Lee Baldwin to arrange the adoption with a wealthy family, while she read over the “surrender papers” which, when signed, would irrevocably give away her son. Since this was out of his usual line of legal work, he contacted Mrs. Caroline Chandler, a long time friend, who operated an adoption service to find suitable parents for the baby boy. Augusta, who had refused to see the baby, donned her robe and viewing her son in the nursery poignantly bid him all the luck and happiness in life she never had.


Cameron Faulkner’s successful proposal of marriage to Dr. Lesley Williams startled the worldwide news services. It wasn’t ofthen that such an handsome, wealthy, powerful, and eligible man decided to remarry and suddenly Lesley found herself catapulted into the high society publicity of Cameron’s jet-set world. When an unsuspecting Lesley opened her door after receiving numerous bridal gifts at a surprise shower in her home, she found her young ulcer patient Felix Buchanan on her threshold. She tried to explain that she was leaving shortly to fly in Cameron’s private jet to Switzerland for her marriage and their brief honeymoon, but the demented Felix informed her that he had come to save the “good, pure Lesley” from the “evil” Faulker and she had not to marry Cam. Arriving to take Lesley to the airport, Cameron became a captive audience to the emotionally ill man who threatened to shoot Cameron if he moved! When Larkin, Cameron’s pilotn phoned a second time about Cameron’s tardiness, Felix gave conflicting answers to questions, alerting Larkin to trouble. He immediately called the police. Lesley, appealing as Felix’s doctor, warned him his severe abdominal pain meant internal bleeding from a perforated ulcer, and he was risking his life with his actions. Cam, attempting to save Lesley’s life, was shot just as the police arrived! Felix, weakened by the loss of blood collapsed and the police rushed in to find Lesley desperately trying to save Cam’s life.


The Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Lucy Ferri Rittenberg


Dr. Ed Bauer, Chief of Staff at Cedars Hospital, impatient to return to his duties as both Head Administrator and neurosurgeon, removed the protective sling from his healing arm – Ed’s hand was paralyzed when his emotionally disturbed brother-in-law Ken Norris, who was then institutionalized, shot hom -. Bert Bauer, a little concerned that her son might be rushing his recovery, was nevertheless pleased, and recognized Ed’s need to return to Cedars to begin functioning as a doctor once again even if he couldn’t resume handling the surgeon’s scalpel. The entire family, overjoyed with Ed’s partial recovery, looked eagerly forward to the arrival of Ed and Holly’s first baby. Holly was privately tormented by the knowledge the baby she was carrying was really Roger Thorpe’s. The baby was conceived during the early tempestuous months of her marriage to Ed when they had separate sleeping arrangements. Discovering her pregnancy a month later, Holly made up with Ed and allowed everyone to believe he was the expectant father. When Holly’s roving brother, Andy, returned from Europe to settle down in his mother Barbara and step-father Adam Thorpe’s garden cottage, Holly turned to Andy as the one person she felt she could trust with her secret. He stood by her and supported her emotionally during her pregnancy, developing a close bond between brother and sister. Holly, frightened the baby would arrive on time, but a month early by everyone else’s calculations, or that the baby would strongly resemble Roger, was terrified Ed would discover her deception and be hurt terribly as she truthfully cared for her vulnerable husband. Holly made a promise to her unborn child that no matter what happened, the baby was hers and she would love it always.


Holly on an errand for Ed at the hospital ran into Bert and Peggy Fletcher in the cafeteria and forced herself not to show her true feelings when she learned that Peggy, who once was deeply involved with Roger, but cut off their relationship when he inadvertently endangered her son Billy and her life with his loan shark dealings, planned to contact Roger at the Metro Restaurant where he worked and tell him of her plans of reconciliation. Holly unable to mask her sudden labor pains was observed by Dr. Tim Ryan, who rused her to the delivery room where Ed, standing by his wife’s side, participated in a short, easy delivery of a perfectly beautiful 6-1/2 pound baby daughter. Since everyone believed Holly was a month early, combined with the small birth size of the baby – Christina -, no one questioned anything, allaying all of Holly’s fears, but Andy’s advice to put everything behind her and to enjoy the love and security of Ed’s marriage was diminished when she secretly observed Roger viewing his baby in the hospital nursery after he visited her.


Popular lead rock singer, Chad Roberts of the “Electric Eye,” one time close high school friend of Leslie Bauer, underwent extensive testing at the free clinic to determine if his recurrent “conscious” blackouts were physiological or emotional. Dr. Steve Jackson and his new intern Tim were puzzled by the test results which dead-end causing them to suspect the frightening possibility of a brain tumor. Although Chad’s angiogram was negative, while hospitalized, he experienced a brief blackout period where he later realized he had forcefully flung a water glass across the room. Chad nostalgically reviewed old school photos of Leslie, once his “steady” in school.


Pam Chandler resumed working with Dr. Sara McIntyre after the birth of her daughter Samantha and found her aguments with Tim with whom she had to be in close contact on a special research project more frequent.


Dr. Joe Werner and Sara had slowly developed a close relationship with 10-year old T.J. who had known nothing but abuse, neglect and rejection all of his short life. When T.J. wrote a poignant essay depicting his vagabond life with his errant mother and received not only an “A” grade but accolades from his teacher, T.J. was cruelly teased by another boy and got into a fight. Joe, thrilled that T.J. didn’t revert to an old pattern of running away but came to Sara and Joe, stormed off to defend “his son’s” rights at school.


Love Of Life


Written by: Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


The opening of Beaver Ridge was not the joyous occasion that it should have been when Cal Aleata ran into her ex-fiancé, David Hart, with Arlene Harper. David told Cal he would still be in the hospital if it weren’t for her mother Meg. Cal tried to figure this out, and spent a sleepless night over it. When she couldn’t reach David, Cal confronted Meg who admitted she told David he had every legal right to leave the hospital and she only helped him get out for Cal’s own good because David was so mentally ill that he could never lead a normal life and she wanted everyone to be able to see this. Cal was so furious at Meg that she drove off even though the night was so foggy that visibility was almost impossible. Rick Latimer, Meg’s lover, followed Cal because he could see how upset she was and knew that she had a tendency to drive very fast when she was mad. Meg’s son and daughter-in-law, Ben and Betsy, tried to find out from Meg what happened and upon hearing the story, Betsy, Cal’s best friend, phoned around trying to locate Cal. Rick finally found Cal in a ravine where she had gone through a guard rail at a fairly high speed. When he couldn’t get her out of the car, he covered her and phoned the police who called Van and Bruce Sterling, Cal’s aunt and uncle. When Bruce tried to explain to Meg and Eddie, Meg’s ex-husband and the only husband of Meg’s who had been a father to Cal, Meg jumped to the conclusion that Cal had told them and they hade come to criticize her. When they arrived at the hospital, they found that Cal hadn’t arrived yet and when she did they knew nothing of her condition. Meg insisted on seeing Cal but the doctor wanted Van to see her since Cal was asking for her. Although she had always been jealous of Van, Meg gave in graciously. Cal was confused and the cold she felt reminded her of when she and Van were locked in the meat freezer and she feared she would die. Van told her she would live a long time, but the doctor wasn’t as optimisic about Cal’s chances. Meg and Van met in the chapel where Van assured Meg that Cal still loved her and the two sisters found they hadn’t been this close in years. Dr. Torino gave them the bad news that although she was still unconscious they weren’t worried because she had no cranial fractures, but Cal’s back was broken in two places. Meg accused Dr. Torino of being incompetent because he was young and not actively trating her, but he tried to explain they could do nothing until she came to. Meg asked Rick and Van to make Cal see that she was only trying to do what was best for her, but Van refused to take sides. Rick and Meg were in Cal’s room when she awoke, but the doctor hired Meg out when Cal screamed for her to leave. After Dr. Torino found out what happened before Cal’s accident, he forbade Meg to see Cal, so Meg threatened not to fund the hospital, but Dr. Westhiemer, the administrator, stood up for Dr. Torino whom Meg accused of incompetency.


Ben made excuses about going to the golf course and then showed up at Arlene’s – his legal wife – and was surprised when she showed him the pearls David had given her and vowed she would be a rich woman one way or another – since it would be at least 6 months before Ben could get the ½ millon promised by his mother Meg after he married Betsy. – Arlene spent much of her time with David and was thrilled that he treated her with the respect that no one else would give her. She kept telling David that he was sane and not to let anyone step on him. Arlene’s mother called, asking her to come home and whe Arlene finally got an answer at her mother’s house after two days of phoning, a woman said she left without collecting her pay and the house had been turned upside down. Arlene confided to David that she didn’t want the ranch own,er her mother’s boss, to know where she was so he suggested that he hire a private detective. Ben showed up expecting Arlene to come up with an idea to get the ½ million in the immediate future because Cal’s accident had him convinced that Meg would jinx things somehow because she always ran everyone’s lives. Arlene told him not to come back until he could be a little concerned about her problems too. Arlene’s mother later arrived with a black eye, having left Arlene’s father. Arlene visited David and told him about Cal’s accident. He blamed himself for the accident but told Arlene that while he didn’t hate Cal, he no longer felt any love for her.


Ben told Betsy he couldn’t live out the 6 months with Meg, but they had a better chance of leaving gracefully if Betsy explained it. When Meg arrived home saying she needed them there, Betsy explained that Ben needed to be on his own, but after Meg said she would consider not giving him the money if they did something that immature. Ben said they would stay, making Betsy very angry.


Charles Lamont had asked Van if he and Felicia might be married in her garden and if Bruce would perform the ceremony. Sarah was decorating with flowers and Eddie was donating the wine. Johnny seemed troubled about his grandfather’s marriage to his school teacher and became very sullen. Charles had made arrangements for them to get their marriage license in private, but Felicia showed up hours late after much mental anguish giving the story about a flat tire on the way back from an art show in another town. Her hands were shaking as she signed the license. Johnny commented on the fog and the possibility of calling the wedding off the following day, but Felicia said it would be moved inside. After they found out about Cal’s accident, Felicia suggested that it be called off and Charles agreed, but later suggested that they be married privately in Bruce’s office and take their honeymoon later. Felicia gave Sarah the impression that Charles was the one wanting to postpone the wedding, but when she asked Van if she and Sarah would be witnesses, Van could see she was distressed.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


While the police investigation of the shooting murder of Dr. Mark Toland proceeded, a personal secret investigation was being conducted by the handsome and mysterious adventurer Tony Harris, who had arrived in Llanview with his Japanese/Vietnamese “ward”, Michiko. When Police Lt. Ed Hall discovered that the jade medallion, found in Toland’s room was an ancient PI (pronounced “bee”), a valuable religious artifact reported stolen from a Vietnamese museum, priced at $25.000, Vinnie Wolek, working without pay for the police – at the expense of looking for a needed salaried job – insisted Harris had to be involved with Toland’s murder. Through Joe Riley, Tony learned of the jade’s past and value. It appeared Tony was deceived by Michiko – who claimed she was duped – into paying a small fortune for an old family jade heirloom which was smuggled out of Vietnam to San Francisco where Toland, unaware of its real value, stole it along with the rest of the Randolph documents which would prove Tony – who knew nothing about this aspect of the story – was the long lost illegitimate son of wealthy Victor Lord. Vinnie further complicated the police investigation by stealing a note written by Toland on San Francisco hotel stationary, but bearing no salutation, in an overzealous attempt to somehow connect Harris and Toland. Meanwhile, the break Ed had been waiting for appeared when his young son, Josh, suspicious of meeting Tim Siegel out in the woods – the police had kept Tim under surveillance in the hope he would be caught actually finding the missing murder gun – discovered one of they younger boys who had been playing in a tree house had been hiding the gun all the while. The gun, with all the fingerprints smudged beyond recognition, was identified as the murder weapon. Ed, convinced more than ever that Tim was involved with the murder, went to the Siegel house and attempted to break down the alibi that Eileen, Julie and Tim had concted that they were all home during the entire evening. Comparing Julie’s fingerprints with some found in Mark’s room, proving she did go to his room after all. Ed confronted the Siegels with this evidence that he had to arrest Julie, who confessed she went to Mark’s only to be degraded and spurned by him. Tim immediately stepped forward and confessed to the murder! With a confession, Tim’s apparent knowledge of the whereabouts of the weapon, and an artist’s rendering of the youthful visitor to Toland that night, which looked like Tim, and coupled with Tim’s known hot temper and fierce devotion to his sister, the evidence against him seemed overwhelming. Novitiate Jenny Wolek, who cared deeply for Tim, couldn’t believe that Tim could be a murderer. He had only just proclaimed his sincere love and desire for a marriage to her if she world forsake her religious vows. Jenny confronted the imprisoned Tim with what appeared to be an inconsistent personality – one tender and truthful, the other a so-called murdered - and found Tim wanted her to follow her original calling and to believe that anyone, even he, could be a killer.


Tim’s arrest for Mark’s murder made headline news in The Banner and caused Viki Lord Riley to turn to Dr. Larry Wolek for guidance. Should she come forward and tell the police what they believed was Toland’s real motive for coming back – to blackmail Viki with the threat of revealing to Joe he carried a hereditary heart disease which could affect future children, as it had affected Megan -. Desperate to protect Joe from this knowledge, Viki had told Larry she planned to assume all responsibility about not being able to become pregnant as her own falt claiming she was infertile.


Susan Barry believed Viki and Larry were meeting clandestinely and was further shocked when she happened in on Joe and Cathy Craig and found them in an innocent but rather compromising embrace – Cathy, who found her life rather settled and boring at present, didn’t feel any spark between herself and Steve Burke, who obviously cared deeply for her. – While drunk beyond awareness of her actions, Susan mailed an anonymous to Viki saying, “No matter what you do, Joe is going to find out,” but was later puzzled to find an incorrectly addressed envelope to Viki which she could not recall writing.


Matt McAllister and Dorian Cramer were surprised with Tim’s confession and hoped the heat from the investigation would be off them. Matt, finding a letter on Victor’s desk telling of a personal advertisement in San Francisco newspapers discretely requesting the heirs – hopefully his son – of the Dorothy Randolph Estate to contact lawyers regarding an inheritance, railed at Dorian who really felt less threatened than Matt by the possibility of a long lost son turning up to upset their ultimate plans to control Victor and Lord Enterprises. Ironically in a chance meeting between Victor and Tony, who had been using Michiko’s illness – Dorian actually discovered a slight case of anemia, common to orientals who fond the American diet difficult to assimilate – to search Dorian’s premised for his lost securities which Toland stole from his mother. Victor found Tony a rather odd sort of person.


Ryan’s Hope


Created by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer


The soap premiered on Monday, July 7th from 1:00 to 1:30 pm.


When Frank Ryan, ex-cop, lawyer and reform candidate for councilman in Riverside area of New York, mysteriously fell down the back stairs at Riverside Hospital, his skill fracture and broken neck horrified his family and friends. His wife, Delia, mother of his son John, ironically, was glad the fall occurred because Frank would have to stay home with her. Dee chaffed because Frank always volunteered for extra duty, then went to law school nights, and presently had spent all his time campaigning. On the other hand, Dee became hysterical when she contemplated Frank’s being a vegetable as a result of his injuries, causing her to depend increasingly on Johnny and Maeve Ryan, Frank’s parents, for support. Dee couldn’t stand to see Frank unconscious, but was terrified when he had periods of consciousness. Dee’s fits of hysterics frustrated Frank’s sister, Mary who called Dee a baby. Indomitable Mary Ryan had just graduated from college, and managed the campaign office. She was devastated by the news of Frank’s fall, but was determined to keep the campaign going. The mystery of Frank’s fall was being pursued from two sources. Bob Reid, Frank’s brother-in-law, best friend, campaign manager, and former police partner, could find no physical reason for the fall and was puzzled by $6500 found on Frank, which had subsequently disappeared. Bob couldn’t understand why Frank visited Nick Zabo, a traction patient, who was a known loan shark. Jack Fenelli, an investigative reporter, brought up on the docks, was interviewing Mary for background for a story when they learned of the fall, and he was also interested in the fall and money, especially since his natural cynicism caused him to think Frank was too good to be true. According to Mary, Frank’s candidacy was prompted by a group of poor citizens whose tenements he had saved from demolition by the hospital. Frank won the primary, then won the party’s backing by proving he had the zealous support of these people led by Mary. Frank had refused financial support from large special interests, thus the mystery of the $6500. Bob asked Dee to see their bank book when she denied knowledge of the source of the money, saying Frank never gave her any money.


Frank was found by Roger Coleridge, resident in neurosurgery, who used life-saving procedures in the rescue. Roger’s father, Ed Coleridge, acting head of the department, ultimately did the evaluation on Frank and performed the surgery that relieved the pressure on the spinal cord, although he did so with trepidation since he and Johnny Ryan had been best friends all their lives. Faith Coleridge, Ed’s youngest child, was an intern along with Frank’s youngest brother, Part. Faith was in medicine because she wanted to be, it pleased her father, whom she adored, and it irritated older brother Roger whom she disliked, although she admitted he was a good doctor. The other Coleridge sibling, Jillian was a lawyer working for the hospital and teaching law. She grew attached to Frank when he was one of her students, and had had an affair with him. Unbeknownst to his family, Roger had borrowed money from Nick Zabo, who had a bowling ball dropped on Roger’s foot when Roger failed to pay on time. The reason Frank visited Zabo the day of the accident was to tell Nick to lay off Roger, who suddenly paid Zabo back after Frank was admitted to the hospital. Zabo, afraid of further questioning by Bob Reid about Frank’s visit, intimidated Roger into ordering no visitors.


Faith Coleridge was being pursued by a fellow intern, Bucky Carter, who was advised by Pat Ryan that Faith was interested only in medicine. Bucky managed to persuade Faith to have dinner on his houseboat, revealing his relationship to the Buckminsters and Carters, the money behind Riverside Hospital, and his love of sailing. Faith asked her father’s permission to continue to see Bucky socially, puzzling Ed. Faith then told Bucky she wanted only friendship, because she was recently burned by a man. Faith was upset by Bucky’s interest because she felt she couldn’t give of herself. Bucky was surprised by the sudden appearance in New York of Dr. Eleanore “Nell” Beaulac. She had come for a position as a neurological radiologist and to do research at Riverside because they had an image intensifier. Her cousin, Marshall Westheimer, Hospital Administrator, had arranged an interview with Ed Coleridge. When Ed turned Nell down because he had no position or money available, Nell went back to Marshall, who explained the financial repercussions to Ed, who acquiesced, but not without telling Nell he resented the pressure. Nell had left her husband, Dr. Seneca Beaulac, a prominent researcher, because she had had to postpone her ownambitions in favor of his projects, and felt it was her times. Against her wishes, Seneca followed her, cataloguing all he left behind, to persuade her to return for another few months. Nell refused, but said she didn’t want a divorce. He promised to wind up his work in Minnesota and return to her soon. Nell crossed swords with Dr. Moultry and Nurse Gonzales, causing Ed to reprimand her for poor staff relations. She told him she would do as she pleased.


Frank finally began to gain consciousness, responding to sound, but showing no reflexes. Because Frank’s fever was up, Ed asked Nell to do chest x-rays and to help evaluate his broken neck. She wasn’t hopeful. Frank uttered two words in periods of consciousness – Delia and pushed.


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


After Jennifer Pace Phillips had fallen through a sliding glass door sustaining facial cuts and necessitating a spleen operation in which she lost the baby she was carrying, her husband Scott, got drunk and passed out on the couch where he was found by his ex-wife, Kathy, who sobered him up and took him to the hospital. After Jennifer found out that she had lost the baby, her father convinced her that she had no future with Scott and she agreed to go back to Maryland with him when she was well enough to leave the hospital. Scott asked Jennifer if they couldn’t try to keep their marriage vows and even though she was depressed over the scars on the right side of her face which would require plastic surgery she disappointed her father by combing her hair over the scars and going home with Scott. Finding that things would never be right between them, Jennifer told Scott that she knew he loved the baby more than he would ever love her and she only kept the baby so he would marry her. She left for her father’s. Kathy had decided that she had to get on with her life and so accepted Sam Hunter’s offer of a weekend at a lake resort. She had convinced herself that she had to start over, but had trouble convincing her heart. Scott went to John Wyatt, Kathy’s law partner, who told Scott she was gone off with Sam and to stay out of Kathy’s life. Scott, so distressed at the pain he had caused everyone, wrote Kathy a note telling her he was leaving town, that Eric would be better off with her. She rushed to Scott’s but he was already gone.


At the Collins’ 4th of July picnic, Steve Kaslo proposed to Liza and she decided that she would like a real wedding with all the trimmings, not a few minutes in front of a judge. They took dinner to Amy’s, Liza’s best friend and Steve’s sister, where they broke the news. Amy couldn’t be happier except to wish that Bruce, Liza’s ex-fiancé, would love her as she loved him.


Clay Collins’ visits to Karen had done her a world of good. Wade resisted the doctor’s recommendation that Clay continue to see Karen, but had to admit Clay had been good for her. Karen withdrew when the doctor asked if she didn’t want her father all to herself. Clay was trying to stall Mr. Chambers about the merger and insisted that their father had to have been senile to have suggested that he could not run the business more knowingly than Wade, so Wade showed him the letter written long before the will that suggested Clay’s ipmulsivness at the time of Karen’s commitment was the reason for the letter. Clay played on Janet’s sympathy by saying he had to move out of the house. He rented a penthouse apartment with the idea that Stephanie Wilkinson, his assistant, would move in with him, but when she refused because her daughter would be coming hom from camp soon, Clay rented her a smaller apartment in the same building. Dave Wilkins, Stephanie’s ex-husband, was still hung-up on her and was bitter upon learning about his new arrangement.


Jo Vincente felt that Robin Kennemer, who used an alias when she visited Jo after the funeral, knew something about Tony’s death. Jo told Dr. Bob Rogers, John Wyatt and Kathy Phillips her suspicions since Robin disappeared the same night Tony had his heart attack on the hospital stairs. Bob told them the medical report showed bruises on Tony’s body, but the ones on his neck looked like he could have been choked. Kathy asked Sam Hunter, the D.A., if he could give her Robin’s address even though she was a juvenile and it wasn’t public record. Sam agreed to try, but after McCredy told him not to call “Mr. Billings” because he could lose his appointment as D.A. and not to concern himself over the question of whether Robin Kennmer’s disappearance had anything to do with Dr. Tony Vincente’s death, Sam told Kathy he couldn’t find her current address. Robin showed up again at Jo’s and this time Jo asked her what she knew about Tony’s death. Robin became scared and fled, but Bruce, Tony’s ward, followed her to the bordello where she worked. He asked for her and when shown upstairs, he told her how concerned and upset Jo was over Tony’s death. Robin called for help. Joey came to the rescue, but became wary when Robin protested that she didn’t want Bruce beaten up. Jo gave John the bordello’s address, and when he got no information on his first visit, he came back with a detective, but Robin hadn’t been in all day. Joey had searched the streets for Robin feeling that she had been talking to someone, but when he couldn’t find her, he called “Mac,” who gave Sam Hunter 2-1/2 hours to get back to town and call off the police search. Hunter resented this treatment, but McCredy reminded him he knew what he was getting into and would go along with the rules or be tossed out. Having no place to go, Robin sneaked into Jo’s house, but when she would no longer stay awake, Jo found her asleep and promised not to call the police. Kathy offered to help Robin go home after she said thay she was not safe from Joey who was waiting for her outside the hospital the night of Tony’s death. Actually, Joey kidnapped Robin and fought with Tony on the stairs causing his heart attack.




Written by: Don Appell, Doris Frankel & Frank Salisbury

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Eve Lawrence, buckling under the strain of working at Paisley’s so near Ned, not understanding his rejection of her, began to drink, telling friends she needed a drink at lunch to face work in the afternoon. Soon, Eve was drinking almost constantly. Vicky Paisley, Ned’s sister, had taken a real liking to Eve, and was determined to find out what happened, especially when she realized Ned loved Eve. Vicky knew about the night in the hospital when semiconscious, Eve told Ned she loved Julian, never Ned. Unbeknownst to Ned, Vicky invited Eve and Ned to dinner on the same night. Vicky felt Eve out about her feelings for Ned and Julian. Eve said she had accepted Julian’s marriage and loved Ned, but it was clear Eve loved them both. Vicky accepted that, feeling Eve would be good for Ned. The strain was telling on Ned, too, and when he was unable to conduct a staff meeting, Eve went to Vicky, and together they worked to get Ned into the hospital for a checkup. Eve’s drinking began to affect her work. Kate was shrewish and furious when she found Julian redoing laycuts and copy. Julian insisted Eve was his friend and he would do anything to help her, angering Kate further. Eve was fired from the fashion column, and told Julian, since he got her the job. He knew about her problem and promised not to let her fall. Kate saw Eve in Julian’s arms as he comforted her. Kate went to see her OB, but was given to her partner, who brought up abortion after noticing her nervous state. Kate, was becoming obsessed with the idea of being “fat and ugly” while Julian helped Eve. The doctor told Kate she had two more weejed before it would be too late to do a safe abortion. Eve went to visit Ned in the hospital, where he was an impossible patient. He brought up the recent decline of her work and suggested she take a vacation. Eve, hurt, resigned. Later, she called Julian at work, and in a drunken stupor professed her love for him. He rushed over to help her. Kate got wind of it and went to Tom Conway, telling him her thoughts of abortion. Tom agreed to help her, if it was what she really wanted. When she realized she could cover by telling Julian she had an emotionally induces miscarriage, a fact she brought up before, she agreed to go to New York with Tom. After leaving a not for Julian, they went to the airport, where they were observed by Vicky. At Eve’s apartment, Eve reiterated her love for Julian, but he told her he was in love with Kate, possibly even more because she was carrying his child. He sobered Eve up and when she assured him she was not completely dependent on liquor, Julian promised his continued help. But Eve didn’t want to interfere in his and Kate’s life and decided to leave Somerset. Ned refused to stop her and Heather’s begging had no effect. Heather left the airport and went to Ned, telling him of Kate’s pregnancy. After a wild taxi ride to the airport, Ned eluded the guards, got on the plane just before it took off, and persuaded Eve he loved her. They left the plane together. Kate had the abortion. The doctor assured her she could get pregnant again in 6 months. Ned told Eve about the night in the hospital, and as she apologied for hurting him, they pledged their love. Julian, extremely distraught since Kate’s disappearance, was pleaded about Eve’s reconciliation with Ned, but was shattered when Kate called to tell him she miscarried.


Back in their mountain cabin, Jerry and Heather Kane resumed their lives. Heather went to see Vic Kirby and apologized for suspecting him of trying to kill her and asked to be friends. While there, Heather was a photo of Vic’s deceased wife with a young man. Vic was touchy about the boy, telling Heather it was none of her business. When Heather asked Jerry about the boy, he told her it was Vic’s con, Chris, whom he hadn’t seen or heard from in years.


Greg Mercer, who had accompanied Carrie Wheeler to Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, for her mother’s funeral, left when he discovered Carrie’s father, Jack, did not want him there. Greg was puzzled over Carrie’s incessant bitterness towards her father, whom she blamed for crippling her mother in a car accident. Greg found Jack to be a gentle, kind man. Upon her return to Somerset, Carrie found she had to seek another place to live, and Ellen Grant offered her a room in the Grant home. Carrie accepted only after Greg assured her they could use his room for their affair. Jack Wheeler was hurt by Carrie’s rejection of him, and further, was inexplicably concerned that Carrie might turn out to be like her mother. Without notice, Jack appeared at the Grant house to see Carrie. Only Jill was home and they stuck up an instant friendship and had their first date that night. Jill and Jack were drawn to each other, but Jack asked Jill to keep their friendship secret because Carrie might not understand. Ellen wondered at Jill’s happiness, wondering if the man who engendered it was Tom Conway. Carrie’s grandmother, Lena Andrews, moved to Somerset and rented a house. Greg had found a new apartment too, and Carrie refused to spend nights with him because of Ellen so Greg suggested she move in with him. Lena pleaded Jack’s case, to no avail, then invited Carrie to live with her.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy


After Phillip Chancellor’s funeral, his wife of a few hours before his death, Jill, moved her family into the Chancellor estate because Kay Chancellor signed the house over to Phillip while apparently drunk. When Kay called and asked Ruth, the housekeeper, to bring her some things at the hospital, Ryth told her that her things had been moved out and Jill and her family had moved in. Kay called the police telling them that a former employee had moved into her house and she wanted them evicted. When Brock saw his mother in a rage, he promised to look into it. After visiting Jill, and finding that his mother gave up the house, Brock had to back and told her. Jill visited Kay in the hospital, where they blamed each other for Phillip’s death and Kay vowed that Jill would pay for it. Kay called Phillip’s lawyer, Mitchell Sherman, and asked him to get the house back for her, but he could only refer her to another lawyer, Steve Ramsey, because if this went to court he could be called to testify about the divorce. Steve questioned Kay about the divorce and marriage, he told her that it was not a matter of just getting her house and property back, because if she didn’t remember signing the divorce papers, they could possibly prove that the divorce is invalid thereby making Jill’s marriage to Phillip null and void and Kay would inherit everything. Brock tried to convince Kay that she was better off without the house and the house was better since it had became a “home,” but Steve had got a court date set and turned the case over to Van Richmond, his partner, who reminded Kay of the dangers of taking a “poor, honest family” to court.


Jill’s family seemed to be enjoying the house, but after several days of having nothing to occupy her time, Jill’s mother, Liz, asked Ruth for a dust cloth and then helped with the cleaning. After a full morning, Jill insisted that her mother put on the new bathing suit her son Snapper brought over – she should start realizing she was a woman – and swim or sit by the pool. Even though it had been many years since Liz had had a bathing suit, she seemed to like the idea if nobody would watch. Snapper and Jill set up a surprise dinner in the dining room for Liz with Sam Powers. Sam offered to ask Bill down from his room, but Liz said that Ruth, the maid, took good care of Bill; sometimes too good. Dr. Mark Henderson visited Jill because he was concerned that she didn’t want the baby she was carrying, but she told him about her love for Phillip but that she just didn’t want to tell anyone yet. Greg received the petition from Steve Ramsey and called Jill, who told Brock that if he didn’t stop his mother, she would and she wouldn’t be responsible for what she might do. Greg questioned Ruth about the night Kay signed the divorce papers and gave up the house. As she thought about how much she enjoyed having Bill in the house, Ruth stated Kay had been drinking, but always knew what she was doing when drunk. Brock reminded Ruth that only the two of them knew what actually happened.


After Regina Henderson went to Stuart Brooks with her suspicions that his wife, Jennifer, was the other woman in her husband Bruce’s life, Stuart called his daughter together. Peggy had left home, moving to a boarding house, saying that she was going to summer school, but Stuart found that she wasn’t enrolled and asked the girls to explain. When they told him nothing, he confronted Jennifer who admitted she was in love with Bruce Henderson, but had decided to stay. The girls all knew, but Peggy said it was too late. Stuart said that staying because of the girls and out of a sense of duty was not enough, she should pack her things and go to Bruce. Chris and Leslie tried to persuade their mother to try again, but she said she had to think things out. Lorie couldn’t let her go alone and so rushed after her. The following morning, Leslie called Lorie to find out if Jennifer went to Bruce in Chicago and found she was still at Lorie’s. Brad, Leslie’s husband, felt it was a bad idea to rush over there, that they should let her see what it was like without her daughters and then maybe she would come home, but Chris and Leslie decided to go anyway. Lorie was trying to convince her to go to Chicago and finally told them all the reason Jen had no choice – although Peggy had moved home again – if their mother went back, Peggy would leave again and that while she was in the rooming house, a guy gave her marijuana to take her troubles away, and when he tried to force heavier things on her, she couldn’t handle it; ran out and showed up crying at Lorie’s door. Jennifer went to the phone and called Bruce, telling him she had changed her mind and was coming to Chicago.


That morning, Mark Henderson, Bruce’s son, showed up at the Brookses’ and was asked to stay by Stuart even after Peggy ordered him out. Stuart said he knew about Bruce and Jennifer and she was probably in Chicago with him, but Mark informed him she was not there. Stuart started wondering where she was. Mark learned Jen was on her way to Chicago and asked his father to send her home, but Jennifer told Bruce there were reasons she couldn’t return.


After Phillip’s sudden death, Lorie was left with the bills he was going to pay. She received a $5.000 advance in her book if she would sign a contract agreeing to have it published under another name, because of the sensationalist publicity her last book and centerfold received. When she thought about Leslie starting on her concert tour, Lorie signed, saying the book would be done in 3 weeks.


Mark Henderson visited Lorie again and was taunted by Lorie who said he didn’t come to talk about family problems, but to see her and she had the vague impression he was using her. She asked him to spend the night, but he claimed “he couldn’t” and ran out. Lorie brought him back and he admitted that he had seen doctors but his problem wasn’t a physical/medical one. He revealed he eloped with his childhood sweetheart only to have her die of an embolism in his arms on their wedding night. He added he was since then unable to achieve an intimate relationship with another woman.

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Y & R:  lots of peggy mentions..and I like that there is some nice interaction with the 4 sisters.  If I'm reading it correctly, sounds like Philip's death and not paying Lorie's Bill's motivated her to go forward with the book.  An unexpected effect of his death outside of Jill/katherine.


LOL:  I will say that Depriest is doing a good job with carrying on Labine's plot threads.  Nowadays, a new headwriter would drop everything and start with their own material.  Arlene of 1975 is a far cry from the Arlene of 1980. 


GL:  I'm liking the depth given to Holly once the Dobson's take over..although I read somewhere that the original Holly didnt like her character being softened so much once the Dobson's take over.  Nice to see Leslie was getting some focus still even with the change of writers.

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