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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread


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This f*cker.  He's the worst (I was going to call him a child but that would be an insult to children everywhere).  He has so much blood and death on his hands and all because he can't take one single thing seriously about this damn pandemic.  Hell won't have him, at this point.  That's how vile he is.


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The end of the American century kicked off around the time that W, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and all the other greedy selfish pigs (along with their greedy sycophants and co-conspirators in the media) lied us into Iraq and tried to rile up hatred against any sensible country that did not go along. Trump has done untold harm to this country and if he is reelected he will probably do as much damage to the world as W did, but he is just working with what was already established. 


That last tweet makes me feel sick. Between that and the "leaks" that it's all Jared's fault, we are likely heading for a photo op of him with the mask and the media swooning over how Presidential he finally is, and he's on the comeback trail. 

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I do remember. I really am sympathetic to some of these small businesses that are trying to comply with the rules while staying a float.  As for the ones who don't care about anyone else as long as they make their money, the can rot for all I care.  Using the Black Live Matter slogan for their bars is so disrespectful. It's just completely shameful and embarrassing.

New Zealand and Australia come to mind. Parts of Asia and most African countries I would guess. Other than that I'm at a loss.

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With the exception of Haiti, The Dominican Republic (which share an island) and Puerto Rico, most of the Caribbean have relatively low numbers. The only aspect that makes me hold my breath is that many islands are now opening up again to tourists but under strict guidelines that makes me wonder whether tourists will actually want to go through all those hoops, though I believe it is necessary.  For instance, every island that is opening up to tourists will require pre-testing and will be tested again.  If the test is positive, the tourist(s) will be sent back ASAP. 

In Cuba, in particular, there will be police guards on shuttles to make sure the tourists are immediately shuttled to their hotels which will be located on 5 "islands" (sandy, low-lying islets off the coast of Cuba) where they will stay at all inclusive resorts, away from the Cuban public which tourist will have no contact with. Of course, they'll be tested and any tourists testing positive will be sent back to the destination from where they departed.

I believe that tourists will be tested either at the airport or a location near the airport, that way if the test is positive it will be easier to send them back.

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That doesn't sound like too much to ask.  Hell,  that's practically the procedure to take your kid to preschool (Not really, but there is a temperature check and questions every day). If people want the privilege of going to another country, they need to get it through there heads that they aren't special and they need to comply with the rules. We would be a lot better off if everyone in this country got that through their thick heads. I just can't believe how blind and stupid some of these folks are while calling the rest of us sheep. Meanwhile, our numbers keep ticking up in the U.S.

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I'd say many Western, Central and Northern European countries have returned to a semi-normal state or haven't had a large outbreak at all: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, The Netherlands, Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Most restrictions have been lifted there, but in many countries you still need to wear a face mask in public spaces (such as in stores and on public transport).


The situation is still tense in the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden and Belarus.


The Balkan countries are most likely to become a new hotspot. The Austrian government has issued a travel warning for Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo.

Edited by Huntress
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