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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread


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Looks like we might have an idea how the virus is spreading so bad within the black community. 



Edited by alphanguy74
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Ugh to the landlords. All of this and several are looking for loopholes. Digusting.


And that last one is the reason I don't want it. I have bad sinus problems as is. To get it and survive it only to know your breathing won't be the same. Meanwhile there are idiots on Twitter/FB taunting people online about Phase One just because they survived it and appear normal. As if they don't have the data they can get reinfected. smh.

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Hehe. I bet.


The heading alone is why I don't want the RHOA reunion to be online if they are going to just be in sweats. However, some are vain enough that they would dress up for it because they don't want to be online NOT looking pretty. 

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There is still speculation on whether tests had been reading 'false positives' in the first place but the cases are not being labeled possible reinfections as much it is being thought of as a possibility that the virus has been "reactivated", meaning not a new infection but the same one that had gone dormant possibly being triggered. I don't know which possibility is more menacing, tbh.




Dispiriting article on the role that nationalism and xenophobia is playing in China's handling of the pandemic as it pertains to foreigners.




There has been articles that I've posted on African residents (some who have lived in China for years) being suddenly evicted from apartments and other dehumanizing actions but there is also anti-American and anti-Japanese sentiment being expressed as well.  In one area of Guangzhou there is a banner that is celebrating the raging of coronavirus in the U.S. while "wishing coronavirus a nice stay in Japan"

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This is especially ironic behavior, given how vociferous the Chinese government has been about vigilance against anti-Chinese sentiment globally. They seem to be making excuses for this behavior.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Agree.  Now, I'm no scientist or medical professional.  However, IMHO, I think we're witnessing the birth of a new, HIV-like, chronic condition -- meaning, once you are infected with the coronavirus, you carry it for the rest of your life.


Of course, if and when they do develop an effective vaccine, those who haven't had the virus will benefit from it.  However, for those who've been exposed already, the vaccine won't do any good (and in fact, I predict that many who've had the virus will die after receiving the vaccine, thereby proving my theory correct).


Those individuals who have had the virus will have to maintain some sort of anti-virals regimen to keep the virus dormant within their system -- again, for the rest of their lives.  In the end, though, everyone who has been exposed will succumb to complications due to the virus.


In the meantime, this will affect both available blood and organ supplies, as (just like with HIV) those who have been exposed to the coronavirus will be unable to donate either, for fear of passing the virus along to others.  And, as I've said before, those who carry the coronavirus will eventually be declared disabled, thus putting even more people on the Social Security Disability, welfare and other "entitlement" rolls. 


To put it another way: yes, the middle class has effectively been erased, leaving America with a new and larger "welfare state."


I always felt like this nation would have to pay one day for putting a man like Donald Trump in charge.  And now, the bill has come due.

Edited by Khan
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