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LOL at how Gina has been around for a year and not a soul is suspicious at all. (I imagine Marlena will be, I noticed her looks towards Hope recently like "hmm bitch, I see you"). Of course self absorbed Ciara wouldn't notice, she's too busy caressing Ben and trying to play Victor and Shawn's busy with his nutty daughter off-screen (though Shawn, Belle and Claire are all returning next year, of course ...)

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Wally Kurth acts as if MBE just told him his favorite football team has lost the Super Bowl.  ("Oh, God!  I had a grand riding on the Saints!")



That's because Dr. Rolf has implanted Hope's memories into Marlena's brain. 

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Forgot to add: such a plot-driven move if ever there was one.  Gina has gone AN ENTIRE YEAR w/o being found out?  Really, DAYS (and Ron Carlivati)?


If it had been up to me: Gina would have been exposed during the Year That Didn't Happen.  Then, after the time jump, we see Hope in the sanitarium.  Her psyche is shot completely, and she's neither Hope (well, she IS Hope) nor Gina but a trembling, amnesiac mess.


Hell, I might even introduce another patient at the sanitarium named "Addie" with whom Hope bonds as she fights to recover who she was before all this "Gina" madness.



You know, I've been looking again at this promo, and I think you could take the images of the sands and the hourglass, add Macdonald Carey's narration and the DAYS theme (preferably, an updated-for-the-21st-century rendition), and create a cool, new, opening sequence.  JS.

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Yasss I agree on a new opening sequence. I thought the same seeing the promo.


I agree on Hope/Gina. I also wouldn't have minded if everyone knew she was Gina but there was no way they could save her so they just deal with it. I mean, "John's so consumed by Marlena he doesn't notice" doesn't fly with me. LOL. 


And Marlena would have never left town. No matter what the job offer.


It gives them all something to do, Kristian looks checked in for the first time since 2015 but all of this ends up pointless because we know Jarlena aren't being split up. Just like we all know Kayla's dumping Justin's boring ass and going back to Steve when he's done playing Stefano. There's just no investment. Who cares?

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That would have been interesting, too.  The more time passes, and the more others reconcile themselves to the fact that their Hope is never coming back, the more Gina herself becomes enmeshed in everybody's lives in Salem, and the harder it becomes for her to maintain her steely, treacherous resolve against them.  In other words, Gina comes to love the town and its' citizens as much as Hope does, leading to that inevitable moment when she and Hope have to battle each other for control.


At the very least, it reinforces DAYS' core belief that only the power of love (from your soulmate, from your loved ones, from your community) can overcome the presence of evil.  (Unless that evil is in the form of Stefano DiMera, in which case you're fucked.)


Maybe I'm just being thick-headed, but I'm really at a loss as to understanding why Dr. Rolf brought back Gina in the first place.  I mean, she's back just to try (again) to take John away from Marlena?  That's all?  Really?

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I guess Rolf wanted to punish Hope for the Stefano shooting debacle and he missed Gina? LOL. I guess he's a madman so his justification isn't needed? But ... yeah ... lol


Just like Rolf is probably punishing Steve for pretending to be Stefano (or was that Shane?) to clear Hope. Now he's probably thinking he's Stefano. Lord. LOL.


And yep, your Gina/Hope stuff is exactly what I wished was happening. It may still I guess? But that would be a better move. And to be honest, Gina/Hope hybrid is far more interesting ... lol. "Gina as Hope" had more life to her in the "flashbacks" we saw than Hope has had in like a decade.

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Hope could've been like GH's Anna Devane was back in the '80's: a sexy, intelligent, tough, highly capable law enforcement official, who was devoted to protecting her loved ones and community, yet nevertheless had a very complicated love life.  Ah, well, lol.


Again, I just don't understand WHY Rolf is doing what he's doing to these people; and if I can't understand why a character is doing something, then it's hard for me to get into the story at all.  I mean, why should "Gina" spend an entire year trying to seduce John for...whatever purpose, when all Rolf needs to do is just inject him with the same drug cocktail he injected Hope with, and be done with it?


If Rolf is out for vengeance, then here's a thought: why not try to kill THEIR closest loved ones in town, Ciara and Kayla?  At the very least, he could abduct them and hold them for ransom in the blue room some underground lair, as Steve comes home and assists Hope and whoever else in tracking them down.

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The ‘Marlena has no WiFi/spotty cell service,’ at this Prestigious International Institute made me laugh. And even if that were somehow plausible, John’s ISA contacts couldn’t hook Marlena up with a satellite phone/internet service? 


I can suspend belief for certain things, but Hope as Gina hidden in plain sight is LESS plausible than Kristen as Nicole. Funny that John/Hope worked to unmasked her. 


All that said, I really do like mixing up the cast - seeing John/Hope, Kristen/Lana, Ben/Will; JJ/Eric, Kayla/Justin has given the show a lift if only for breaking these characters out of their normal screen partners. 



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Salem is supposed to be a town in the midwest.  Yet, for whatever reason, villains from all over the world would rather dominate from there than from NY, LA or even Chicago.  I don't get it.

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