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B&B November 2019 Discussion Thread

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Definitely happened. Brooke & Ridge wanted to have some kind of exotic, tribal, Mayan (without the blood sacrifices -- we hope) wedding. And Sheila (along with Gina from Santa Barbara)  happened to be leading a group of local rebels in the very same fake Latin American country! What are the chances?


Ridge got his dumb ass kidnapped, so Brooke and Nick (already at this point in strategically-torn Flintstones 'jungle wear') raced to save him in this abandoned burning foundary location. Massimo then drove his motorcycle through the wall of this place. I don't know what Brad Bell was snorting back in 2003 but it must have been some strong sh*t. Then Ridge pulled a Tarzan and swung on some rope for I-don't-know-what reason, and that's when he fell into the foundary with the most hilarious scream ever. 


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@Cat OMG it's actually worse then the brief peeks I saw! Thanks for posting the videos. As @Khan rightly stated B&B just can't do adventure - most soaps have failed on that front. 


It's weird B&B has never been able to do a traditional murder mystery. With Triangles, WTD, murder is a basic soap staple and they've never figured it out. You'd think with the backdrop of LA, high society, the fashion industry, and B&B's top notch production - especially the outdoor scenes - that'd be a slam dunk.


Instead we get off-screen deaths and, I just realized, a lot of road kills (Macy, Phoebe, Darla, Aly "MUH-DAH!, Emma), etc.

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I had stopped watching then.  This is even more cringe worthy than the show is now.  God this is awful stuff.  And the scene where Sheila just runs off.  No one thinks to beat her to death?  She just runs up and turns the heat up on an incinerator and they all just ignore her?  Jesus.  LOLLLLLL.  This is bad DAYS stuff.  

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I've always said B&B should have gone in a more noir-ish direction -- "Raymond Chandler meets daytime" -- to contrast the modern-day Ross Hunter/Douglas Sirk movie that was Y&R.

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Instead we have rich, educated, cultured and attractive 20-somethings desperate to get married and have babies. If I just read the 'relationship' parts of the scripts minus location/business, I'd think the show is based in some small 'dead-end' rural town in the Midwest or South where these characters have few options, not LA (Aspen/Monaco)! 


I've said it before, these characters should be at the clubs, having one-nighters, experimenting, drug use/abuse, interacting with more diverse characters (culturally, economically) etc. Contrary to what Brad likely believes, I think people would like the characters more if they had these kind of adventures and flaws. Anyway, I know I"m preaching to the choir here. 

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In the early days of the show, when William J Bell was firmly at the helm, there was a noirish quality to B&B which aped Y&R. I really do believe WJB must have been a massive fan of those 1940s noir classic movies. I mean, the lighting, the music alone on both shows! IMO, Stephanie, Caroline and Brooke all had differing elements of the femme fatale about them.


I remember there was this one story of Stephanie hiding her infirm daughter Angela from the rest of the family, and she told them Angela was dead. It had shades of the Kennedy family hiding one of their kids in an institution because she spoiled the 'perfect family' image. Anyway, I always thought the build-up to that SL was quite noirish and interesting, and I felt like we the audience were the detective, trying to piece together Stephanie's secret (even though once the story itself came out, it got complicated with an imposter and ended quickly).

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Sheila not only turns up the incinerator, but she scrambles away, frees Robin Mattson, pauses at the door for 10 full seconds before slowly intoning "Goodbye, Ridge" (and in Polish!) and then gets away without anybody noticing.


Don't get me started on Brooke's weeping and wailing. Poor KKL knew a WTD SL was coming!


Given that Justin Beiber and Hailey Baldwin married at some unreasonably young age after knowing each other for, like, 3 months, it is not outside the realms of possibility for these LA kids to act first, think later. Also, Kim Kardashian eloped when she was young and her dad had that mess annulled pretty damn quick. I feel like some of these famous LA kids look for a certain stability that maybe their glamorous, free-living parents never gave them, and that's why they're pulling this stuff? That's how I always felt Hope was meant to be -- a reaction to her mother.


However, there are just as many rich, famous kids giving into the hedonism of nighttime LA and partying with The Weeknd. I think Steffy, who burst onto the scene declaring she would never be a doormat like Taylor and let any man rule her, has regressed badly. She should be the one leading her peers into sin! 

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ITA about flaws and shade of grey. But this is Brad Bell we are talking about. He is not interested in characterisation, like his father was. He is not even interested in archetypes, like Mal Young would deal with. He is just interested in plot points, and recycling the same plot points he made famous in 1995. 

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I, for one, have never understood how B&B, which is (allegedly) set in L.A., the so-called "Entertainment Capital of the World," manages to avoid having anything at all to do with the film industry.  Like, Eric (or Ridge, or even Thorne) has never been tempted to "branch out" into costume designing, or even producing?  (One name, Bradley: Tom Ford.)

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