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Y&R: April Spoilers

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I saw that too, and I also read he recently sold his home. One of the soaps sites, the soap opera news website said they checked around and didn't find out any source confirming he was going anywhere. And some people think he may have just been referring to his character moving on from the Cane/Lily pairing. But you never know, especially with all of the news that has been reported lately about actors being let go.

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Cane's pretty much a dead end at this point. I'm really shocked they haven't cut him loose. If you aren't recasting Lily, just give Lane stans their damn happy ending and ship them off together.


Cane could have been a much better and different character. I never thought Goddard was all that super great, but like I've said in the past, had they taken the Brad route with him, it could have worked out better. And I never ever ever saw the chemistry between Goddard and Khalil. It was always a mismatch for me. JMO.


I liked when Cane was embroiled in the Juliet (a waste; they should have kept her) stuff and briefly having some weird hate fest with Victoria that was basically foreplay for them ...


Victoria and Cane suffer immensely from writing against their character. And their actors refuse to rise above.

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Me too! 

Although, the actress playing Juliet needed a acting coach or perhaps a Red Bull to keep her from having low energy and mumbling most of her lines. It seem that they didn't know what to do with her half time, Was she a vixen? heroine? a little girl lost? a PR maven? It was good to see Cane finally not being considered " The Perfect Man" Besides I wanted a storyline where Cane & Lily decided to put their divorce on hold in order to obtain custody from Juliet which they would've won. Leaving Juliet to get some kind of revenge somehow on them for losing her son. 


Cane could pack up and leave tomorrow, he wouldn't have much of a impact leaving anyway. 

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They had lots of places they could have gone with that story. I was so disappointed. I liked Juliet. I can agree she was a little low energy at times ...


Cane really could disappear tomorrow and it'd have absolutely no effect on the canvas, IMO. I guess his kids with Lily but I never wanted them to be together OR have kids so I guess I don't really care about them. But since they are Lily's kids, they deserve a place. Unfortunately, without Olivia, Malcolm, Dru or Neil, you probably need to have Lily around to parent them. I don't see them making room for Lily on the canvas, personally. Christel has seemed to want to move on for a long time but never could, for whatever reason. I doubt she's done for good but I don't know what the plan is. Brytni would have made a good Lily, but then we'd have to sit through Devon and Lily having inappropriate chemistry again. And I'm kind of glad Brytni is a new character. I like Elena, what little I've seen.




He seemed to initially embrace it but then seemed to quickly reverse course. I guess the stans got to him ...

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A good director probably could have gotten a more vibrant performance out of Laurel Allen, the actress who played Juliet. 

From what I remember she was new to daytime and in those cases when you have a relative novice who is getting adjusted to memorizing reams of dialogue, it really is the job of a director to guide the actor to a peak performance.


Y&R hasn't had an effective director in years and it shows.  There are a few other veteran actors who also have turned in lethargic performances over the years and remain on the show.  The character of Juliet did give Cane and something to do and DG and CK something to play off of.  I think given some direction and a better storyline, the actress could've had potential.


I agree though that Cane has made absolutely no impact for me on this show.  The character could disappear into the void and in the scheme of things only Lane fanbase would care.  Maybe when he first arrived in Genoa City, he could've had some appeal by going the 'Brad Carlton' route but at this point, I can't even fix my mind see any appeal in the character, even in hindsight, to be bothered.

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I disagree that cane didn't make an impact. He did. But it was a negative impact for the ENTIRE Winters clan. His existence prevented the accomplishment of much that otherwise might've been obtained. Lily could have been a different character without him. Neil might not have devolved into nothing without him. The legacy of the family could have possibly been totally different. I rue the day they decided to pair lily with that guy. 


I saw someone ask whether they should pair Devin's other sister, Ana, with him. I might actually cry if that happened. 

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I agree. And on DAYS, personally I thought she did have some chemistry with both Drake and Eric Martsolf. I guess it's the type of character. Not sure. Didn't Bill Bell always seem to have trouble finding a pairing for Ashley? She always worked well with Don Diamont and Eric Braeden but I can't say I ever saw much chemistry :/ maybe she had it with Braeden back in the day. I do like their rapport together.

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@xtr I read that the actor that plays Nate read with his love interest. Since he's ONLY had scenes with Lola and gave more coming up, folks are speculating he's to be paired with her. Have you heard anything about this. 


I do think it's odd the show introduced him with Lola instead if his self professed family, Ana and Devon. He has had any scenes with then at all. But I guess he's taking Fen's role in that Summer/Kyle/Lola triangle. They rarely had Fen interact with family also.

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I hadn't heard anything about that, before you mentioned it. I did see chemistry between them in their scenes together. I do wonder how they would write that romance, especially given immature/inexperience/and IMO, insufferable Lola can be. Maybe they will let Nate be a mature man, who will not put up with her behavior and stand up to her, if she acts like that. Unlike Kyle who really hasn't stood up for himself against her. The other day she was trying to boss Kyle again, and telling him not to sleep with his own wife. I understand she's supposed to love Kyle, but I do not like the way she treats him.


Maybe they would start Nate/Lola out as friends and try and have Lola mature through her friendship and eventual romance with Nate. I think they could have done something like this with her and Noah as well. 

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