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I've always believed she'd be a great addition to DAYS' cast, but Vivian?  Can't they create a new, original character for her?  Or was that strictly Agnes Nixon and JER's domain?

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Especially since it appears to be short-term - I can get re-casting if they have a story arc planned for her a la Kristen, but this appears to be 15 episodes; just post-pone the story a bit if Louise Sorel was willing to return, but couldn't because of the time. It's not as if they have to shoot the episodes in order anyway since they're three years ahead.

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I TOTALLY disagree with ya'll that say they shouldn't have recast. This is coming from someone who will ALWAYS prefer Louise as Vivian and Eileen as Kristen, but you know what, if these ladies can't or don't want to be there, why should we go without? You'd all be bitching if she was playing a newbie, too. "Oh, Ron and his pet!!!"


Eileen doesn't want to be on DAYS. Kristen should be stirring up drama, so we have Stacy. Louise was given way too short of a notice so here we are. And Robin is Louise's friend. Why is this SUCH a problem? It's just a visit. They didn't recast out of spite or for shits and giggles. I can understand the annoyance if they never bothered to ask Louise (but I do find it a tad fishy they gave her a week notice, as if they DIDN'T want her, but then again, I know a lot of things were scrapped or changed around this time so sometimes maybe we don't have all the facts ...)


We're better off when Ron can tell the story he wants to tell. Otherwise you get [!@#$%^&*] like Dr. Shah likely holding Jennifer hostage and trashing the lab. When it should have been Peter Blake (who yes would be recast).


We have too many soap vets sitting on the sidelines. I still want Erika Slezak as Laura Horton (and I wish JLB was on Y&R as Lorie ...)

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Love ED as Kristen, and never had a problem with LS as Vivian,  but SH has made Kristen her own, sorry! I don't watch and imagine what it would be like with ED's Kristen, which is shocking to me. And RS is such a blinding light the second she was on screen I was freaking sold. Even tho BB's gone, I hope they find a way to keep RS/Vivian, because she's so freaking good. Her scenes with Kate were camp af, but she made it so freaking grounded and good. I love RS as Vivian and SH as Kristen, tbfh. 

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