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The Media/Journalism Thread


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By now, we know all about how much Congress, at best, tolerates Bernie Sanders.  If he'd been president, he wouldn't stand a chance of getting ANY legislation passed, let alone a COVID relief bill.



Ramona Quimby vs. Zack Morris: Round 2.


Ramona: 2

Zack: 0



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Stacey Dash threw away what little was left of her career, and her legacy, and now has hit bottom to the point where she can't even keep the grift going. It's a shame, because unlike Candace Owens, she had actually contributed something valuable to the world before she turned far right for cash.


The irony, as someone pointed out, is that Grim is now giving the reason that people voted for Biden, which many fauxgressives insisted was a lie and wouldn't happen - that he would be able to get something done. Amazing that you still have delusional people in the replies saying well if Bernie had run, Democrats would have had big downballot success, or oh he would have gone to West Virginia and made Manchin do what he wanted. These people continue to have no idea of how life or legislating works. 


Sirota is caught between two worlds now, hated by both. He tries and tries to keep up as the scold of the establishment, but he did not completely go into grifting quickly enough, the way Jimmy Dore did. Couldn't happen to a nicer failure. 


It's telling that Bernie has had nothing to do with any of these people since he lost.

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The Beltway has worked to try and make this a thing for a couple days and the ratio/replies have been cruel and uncooperative each time. People aren't buying the "give Trump credit for the vaccine" thing either. Neither angle is working but they are desperate to try to push normalizing Trump for something - anything - to excuse their own complicity. Just like Iraq, the media expects flowers for dragging their heels and going along with the GOP. Self-reflection is not something they can bear, and criticism from the left is not something they tolerate.



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It's like the media is saying, "What do you expect us to do?  We have to go where there is news, don't we!?".  Of course, the problem *there* is that there's a difference between challenging and not challenging the GOP on the bulls**t they keep pumping out.  The media constantly resists challenging the GOP on anything in the name of "both sides!" and "many viewpoints!" and "objective observers!" because they know where their bread is buttered (Republicans pay their salaries and give them access, too...all while trashing them to the general public); but of course, that's b.s. as well.  Journalists have a responsibility to report the news AND to report the truth where the news lacks for it.  That's their function in a democratic society.  Point blank, period.

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They are also constantly trying to beat the drum about Biden not having a press conference. They clearly are absolutely desperate to make the narrative about themselves and remind us how important and how tough they are. Trump was good for them in that they could cosplay as heroes and crusaders. They don't like feeling irrelevant, which is what they truly are.

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