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Plots You're Tired of on Soaps

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Baby switches! There have been about a billion since 2004. Every other year there's a baby switch. And it never ever impacts the canvas once whoever lost a baby gets their baby back. 


On that note, dead babies. Enough. These people lose children as frequently as some people lose socks.


Long-lost children. These writers/execs think that just making someone related to a main family will make us care. They don't bother with having it make sense with the characters or the timeline of the show, as long as your Bright Shiny New Thing shares DNA with someone we care about we'll fall in line. See: Ethan on GH, Anna's random son with Faison on GH, Niki and Paul's impossible son on Y&R, Nina's child on GH no one gives a sh!t about on GH because no one likes her, etc.

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Doppelgängers and long-lost twins - Stories in which lookalikes take the place of a known character make everyone involved look stupid. You’re going to tell me that a character’s not going to notice differences in mannerisms or if there’s intimacy involved, differences in body hair, muscle mass, or anatomy?



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I'm tired of poorly written plots with awkward execution and awful premises. 


A good writer can make many things work and there isn't much that one can say is truly new, everything is rooted in some type of common theme that has existed in the past, but it's the writing and execution that makes a concept appear original and different.


For the past fifteen+ years, many soap writers haven't even been trying, every storyline is so utterly recycled and constructed so shoddily.

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haha I know, but remember the BTS stuff is also a soap!

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but in general, I think Love Triangles are what I'm mostly tired of honestly....I know they are a big trademark on soaps, but there isn't ONE that is written well or enjoyable...

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