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Retconning: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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I am lucky to have to have seen this stuff when it originally aired, and considering that the networks used to erase their soaps until the late 1970s, we are ALL lucky that a lot of vintage material is available on the internet.


Thank you for the compliment!



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I can't remember who it was that said it, but someone on this board mentioned the fact that, in many cases, soaps were sold overseas; and that it was likely that those networks might have the episodes we simply don't.  

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Yes. In fact, when Soapnet was planning to broadcast Ryan's Hope reruns, Claire Labine said that they had found missing episodes in Ireland. "Lost" eps of many shows, like Dr. Who, have been discovered in various studios around the world. We must remember, however, that probably various other countries would have erased their ancient soap eps too, because for so many decades no one thought there would ever be a reason to broadcast them a second time.

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Chris and Nancy Hughes celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on ATWT in 1972.


Somehow, they lost track of the years, because they only got around to celebrating their 50th anniversary 14 years later, in 1986.

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When it began, ATWT was supposed to be set in Oakdale, Ohio and AW was in Bay City, Michigan.


Somehow these small cities uprooted themselves, like Dorothy's house in The Wizard of Oz, and landed in Illinois.



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Bob and Kim celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2010, which is correct considering they'd been married onscreen in 1985, but it looked a hot ass mess having them celebrating their 25th when their clearly 30+ year old son, who'd been born in wedlock, was at the party. But that's the evils of SORASing for you.

In response to the earlier conversation about soap wiki. It's embarrassing as hell. Embarrassing, I tell you! Why is there a list of dead cast members and "before they were stars" on every soap's list of cast members page? Why is there even a list of cast members page? All that's needed is a list of characters with brief, basic information on everyone. The more notable characters can have their own pages. When I used to have the time, I thought about cleaning up some of that for AMC, but who really has the time anymore?

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Yes, the "25th anniversary" bit was a mess, thanks to Chris' SORASing, even though I appreciated the vets having a story centered around them. Considering Chris was well over 30 by then, and had been born after their wedding in 1985. I wish Kim and Bob had just referred to their "wedding anniversary" in vaguer terms, and not mentioned the "25 years" part.


Similarly, the years did not match for Chris' and Nancy's 50th anniversary in 1986 either, considering that at least Bob and Don would have been over 50 by then. Still, I can tolerate certain inconsistencies if we get to see beloved veteran characters front and center.

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Even if I were okay with the idea of Jack NOT being John's biological dad, the suggestion of who IS makes no sense.  I mean, of all the random people to pin Jack's paternity on....

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But at least with AW.. the sets were still vast, there was still a diverse cast of characters (they still had extras in the restaurant/party scenes), and still resembled a soap... so it was probably just as well that they ended before they got Peapacked themselves (Oakdale resembled a ghost town by the end of their run.. and Springfield looked more like a run down town instead of the lush, glamorous town pre 2008).

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