Members amybrickwallace Posted June 8, 2018 Members Share Posted June 8, 2018 There was also a baby boom going over at ATWT around the same time, if I'm not mistaken. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted June 8, 2018 Members Share Posted June 8, 2018 Yeah, I remember reading some article that joked about the actresses at ATWT and GL drinking from the same water supply or something. Personally, I just chalked it up to the millennium. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members amybrickwallace Posted June 8, 2018 Members Share Posted June 8, 2018 That explains a lot, actually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members sivad40 Posted June 9, 2018 Members Share Posted June 9, 2018 I don't mind soaps having characters that are getting married in their 20s because there's still people out there that get married and having children while in their 20s but there should be more characters that are in their 20s that are living the single life. What I do mind is that soaps feel the need to give every major female character a child. Women like GH's Alexis, Maxie, Sam, Lulu, Y&R's Phyllis and Ashley shouldn't have been mothers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members vetsoapfan Posted June 9, 2018 Members Share Posted June 9, 2018 Another scene that made me yell at the TV was on OLTL, when Viki Riley was on trial for murdering Marco Dane. Poor Karen Wolek had just been ripped to shreds on the witness stand as she tried heroically to save Viki from being convicted. Many years earlier, Dorian Cramer and her married lover Mark Toland (another doctor on staff at Llanview Hospital) had accidentally killed one of Larry's patients, a young woman named Rachel Wilson, through medical mismanagement and negligence. Larry was blamed for Rachel's death and was charged with murder. It was an extended nightmare for him and his family. After the truth came out, Larry was exonerated but Dorian was reviled by the good people of Llanview and became a social pariah. This infuriated her, and in her twisted mind she blamed Larry (!!!) for making her an outcast. Dorian held a bitter grudge against him for years. After Karen's breakdown on the witness stand, Dorian finally saw a chance for payback. She decided to convince the hospital's board of directors to fire Larry from his job as chief of staff, claiming that with a known hooker as a wife, Larry would not be a good moral authority to lead the hospital. She went to confront him at his office, but Larry was not there. This did not deter Dorian, who decided to go go ahead and change the locks on his door, to bar Larry from future entry. Karen was desperate to find and talk to husband, and she showed up at the hospital just as Dorian and Col. Hutchinson (a member of the board whom she brought along for authority) were in Larry's office, changing the locks. Knowing Dorian's rocky past with both Larry and Viki, two people whom she loved fiercely, Karen was instantly furious when she saw what was happening. She lambasted Dorian for using the current situation to exact revenge on Larry. A gleeful Dorian just smirked and crowed, "He has BEEN ASKING FOR IT, for a long, loooooong time!" Karen lowered her head, like a bull setting its sights on a target. She replied quietly, "Dorian," Then she charged across the room and started smacking the crap out of Dorian, giving her a VERY satisfying beatdown. I had originally sworn at Dorian when she made the comment about how Larry supposedly deserved all of this, but I started whooping with delight as Karen opened her up a fresh can of whup ass. As she was being pulverized, Dorian started mewling, "Oh....OH...OOOOOHHHHH!" I cannot begin to tell you how delicious that scene was! Leslie actually tried very hard to forgive her sister and heal the wounds between them. There's a good episode from that era available of youtube (or at least, there WAS) in which the sisters talk about the need to work on a reconciliation. Leslie seemed more determined than Lorie about the possibility, as I recall. That gets my vote as the single worst case of SORASing in soap opera history. TIIC during TGL final years were breathtakingly incompetent. And, well, stupid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Sapounopera Posted June 9, 2018 Members Share Posted June 9, 2018 It sounds amazing! Please register in order to view this content What I do mind is that soaps feel the need to give every major female character children with multiple men. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members vetsoapfan Posted June 9, 2018 Members Share Posted June 9, 2018 The third scene from daytime TV that made me lose it and yell at the characters was from AW, in 1974. It's available on youtube: Please register in order to view this content It's important to watch the entire act in order to get the full flavor, but I started to become enraged and curse around the 23:00 mark. Actually, the more I think of it, there were many times Rachel made me see red back then. She's lucky that I did not live in Bay City. She never would have lived long enough to meet Mac Cory, LOL. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members kalbir Posted June 9, 2018 Members Share Posted June 9, 2018 B&B had a baby boom from 1996-1998. Y&R was the only CBS soap that didn't have one haha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soaplovers Posted June 10, 2018 Members Share Posted June 10, 2018 That Karen/Dorian scene... that should have been a classic episode replayed. I assume it was Robin Strasser playing Dorian by this time? If so, her and Judith Light acting opposite each other... I just just get goose bumps thinking of that.. and you got to witness it for yourself back then. Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Sapounopera Posted June 10, 2018 Members Share Posted June 10, 2018 Thank you for sharing! I always love reading your posts. Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members vetsoapfan Posted June 10, 2018 Members Share Posted June 10, 2018 Yes, it was Robin Strasser who played Dorian at that time. OLTL had so many star actresses in the late 1970s: Judith Light, Robin Strasser, Erika Slezak, Jacqueline Courtney, Ellen Holly...viewers were spoiled! What a sweet thing to say! I appreciate it. When I go on posting binges and leave nine ba-zillion comments, I always wonder if other members get fed up just seeing my screen name, LOL! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members amybrickwallace Posted June 10, 2018 Members Share Posted June 10, 2018 Never!! 😊 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members vetsoapfan Posted June 10, 2018 Members Share Posted June 10, 2018 Thank you, Sweetie! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members amybrickwallace Posted June 10, 2018 Members Share Posted June 10, 2018 Sure! I never got to see a lot of the soap stuff you have, so it's nice to hear it from someone who has seen it firsthand. 😎 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members titan1978 Posted June 10, 2018 Members Share Posted June 10, 2018 I would give anything to see these scenes! And I love your posts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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