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Hollywood Sexual Harrasment/Assault Thread


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"Hey, man, that's just the process!"


The process?  Of being what?  An asshat, who abuses his colleagues on and off the set?


I'm sorry, but nothing that I've read about Method acting or any other style of acting suggests mistreating your fellow actors.  Excusing that type of misbehavior as just some kind of process is complete b.s.  You, as an actor, can struggle with bringing material to life and still be a gentleman and still ensure a safe working environment.

Edited by Khan
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I'm glad he did. Once you say something so completely out of touch people will not forget, but he needed to take it back, if for no other reason than to support the person who was actually harmed.


Also, it may be mostly white men who get away with being assh*les on set, but no, it is not their exclusive province. Just read the Bronson Pinchot interview in the Perfect Strangers thread to see that if you didn't already know. They may be the worst offenders because they've generally had the most power. Still, I think we can all name a few women who have made sets hell too.


Also, I can't help but note that women are so often accused of being "overly emotional" in the work place.  Somehow anger doesn't seem to be counted as an emotion by the people who make that accusation.

Edited by Juliajms
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I feel like he was hiding in plain sight given all the weird news stories about him over the years, but it’s still surprising. There are few stars with more respect than Morgan Freeman.


I’m sure Jason Bateman is breathing a sigh of relief that the news cycle has so quickly moved on from his plight.

Edited by Faulkner
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Yeah, I remember I did hear about his affair with a step granddaughter (lordy) years ago, but then I forgot about it as time passed.  That's the power of Hollywood, making us forget reality in favor of illusion. There are a lot of bad things about the internet, but holding people to account has been a good thing.

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Yeah, some of the things I'd heard about Morgan Freeman (like @Juliajms, I had forgotten many details) plus some of his statements (about race ironically), never sat right with me. I guess not knowing the full story, it got pushed to the back of my mind.


His fans must be deeply disappointed (I mean, the man once played God!) but my sentiment still stands that this predatory behavior has to be called out, examined and excised and room must be made for people who don't practice this behavior, truly progressive people who promote true equality and the flourishing of talented people who respect their fellow human, in kind. 

The old exploitative system of 'casting couch' dynamics needs to be flushed down and out.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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One of the things about the MF case, where does an 80 year old man get the energy,  I ask you?  I just can't imagine rolling out of bed at 80 years old and thinking "today is the day I inspect the interns"! I'm not trying to be funny either, I honestly find it strange that some people don't quit even when they are decrepit.

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