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Y&R January 2017 Discussion Thread

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I'm perfectly rational, I'm just honest about not finding her terribly inspiring. It's not like this is some new read. My critique of her being boring is pretty muted compared to the personal commentary I've seen about her everyday for years.


Unlike a lot of this board over the last decade, I don't think Christel Khalil should be sent to the Hague. I think she's a beautiful woman of serviceable acting ability who's probably a nice enough person, who has a boring character and a boring pairing, all of which she seems to at least somewhat advocate for or play into. Would I prefer a recast, absolutely - but if they wanted to shake the character up with Khalil in the role I'd be all for it. She could probably handle it if she was willing to play it. That being said, given that she is well-ensconced in the role, and it's been difficult at best to change the character in any way or remove her husband for reasons which may have corporate oversight involved, it's natural that my attention and others has gone elsewhere.


I don't see why my saying any of these things is suddenly so shocking or outrageous considering you can search her name in this board's engine and find far more vituperative condemnations of the character and actress. Pretending this board is suddenly ready to stand up for Lily is laughable to me because it's never, ever been the case while Khalil has been in the role, and in fact it's been the vehement opposite.

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I'm not trying to talk around anything, I'm focusing in on one thing. But I think you don't fully understand what points you're making. You seem entirely focused on why the show is, I guess, failing? the Winters seemingly in favor of Hilary, but you don't seem to want to acknowledge that a lot of things have made the Winters this damaged, systemically, for years - the fact is that the new team inherited a confused and ineffectual Devon who only maybe half of the audience takes seriously as a lead, a Neil who was totally destroyed by various storylines, a Lily who a lot of people gave up on years ago.


If you want to talk about how it's such a problem that the show is focusing in on Hilary's POV and humanizing her while the Winters orbit her - because it seems to me like that's a lot of what you talk about - maybe you should ask why the audience seems so keen to engage with her versus them, and recognize that it is going to take a lot of work to make them fully functional again. It is not as simple as shouting "These are the Winters!" and demanding audience obeisance to the family name.


For what it's worth, I find Neil a lot more tolerable in recent days, and I don't mind Lily in these scenes. I see nothing ruinous to them there. I think you're hypersensitive about it because you have an issue with how the show has focused on Hilary vs. the Winters. But that's not something that started last week, last month or last year. That family's been fücked up for a long time.

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As for CK Lily I think she's one of the characters most hurt by Coleen's death.  I wonder if they could fill the gap with Abby.  She needs another circle of people to be around now that she's divorced. I really wish they would let her and Devon be friends again.  She could have been someone he confided to about Hillary.  That way Lily wouldn't have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to pushing Devon to stand up for himself.  I think Abby, Lily, Hillary, Devon and Mariah could all be helped by adding Abby to that group.


No matter how they do it they need to get the Winter's out of the bubble they are in right now. 

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Will Lauren ever get her claws back? I hate her being so polite to insufferable Gloria. I desperately want her to snap and tell Gloria to F*** OFF. It's not like Michael would feel hurt by his wife disrespecting his mother. It's ridiculous. 

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I also thought Lily & Tyler had actual chemistry. Would it have lasted? I don't know, I only know that I was far more interested in them than in Lily and Cane, for whom they seem to have run out of interesting things to do and I found to be quite dull. I remember how I used to visit another board (which I won't name) that used to skewer Tyler, attacking the acting ability of the actor who played Tyler, even calling Tyler names like "thug", which I felt to be borderline racist dog-whistle language, solely because he presented an obstacle to Lily and Cane. It got really nasty. In the end Y&R bowed to the crazy fanbase and have been towing the line ever since, which has diminished Lily (and Cane's) possibilities to break through the stagnation.



I don't find Abby nearly as interesting as Colleen was, especially when Colleen was portrayed by Lyndsy Fonseca and Adrianne León.  I can't imagine Abby and Lily as being anything other than superficial and vapid. Lily and Abby do have something in common- both characters became severely underdeveloped in their adult versions. Both need serious development as individual characters.

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Me either, I'm just searching for any way to make Abby more interesting and the Winter's less isolated. I remember some people thought Abby and Devon had chemistry back when they were hanging out, so I figured it couldn't hurt to revisit that friendship.  I think Devon would look less like Hillary's doormat if he had a friend to talk to.

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I don't understand my own points? You know what they are better than I do? The condescension is very thick. Lol. 


Again, I made the same point with this particular writing for Lily to redeem Hilary as I did for the writing for Vikki to push Billy. But somehow, you let the comment about Billy slide while leaping onto the other to defend points that I didn't even make. I think you're the hypersensitive one. 


And I fail to see how you concluded that I have an issue with the focus on Hilary (and Devon) over other Winters when the entire debate for which I was called out for was about the show further destroying Hilary to push Mariah and the larger historical context that fell into for BW on this show. 


Complaining about the lack of writing in this story is not an attack on Hilary. Nor is it a battle cry for the Winters family to be pushed above/over Hilary. It's just what it is. A complaint for lack of writing and wanting the show to tell better and deeper stories. It's like you have an issue with me expecting that for these particular characters because....you don't think they're worthy? 


You seem to be trying to force some discussion about how Devon, Lily, and Neil aren't worthy.  But that's you're discussion, not mine. I won't engage in it cause it has nothing at all do with the points I made. It's not relative to A) Hilary being bussed for Mariah. B ) Lily now being bussed to get Hilary out of the hole they put her in to push Mariah C) Or why the writing for this particular story is intentionally written the way that it is. 








I agree that MiM is the better actress and Hilary is more engaging, but that has very little to do with the writing we are seeing.  Lol

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