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Y&R January 2017 Discussion Thread

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I was so enthused by Victoria's declaration that she was through with men. I thought they meant it. I didn't think they were having her say it as just an obstacle to another Billy and Victoria reunion.


I wanted a Victoria recharged and refocused on work. I saw bringing in Reed as a familial and emotional distraction, not as a living prop to give Billy and Victoria more reason to interact.


It's honestly incredibly disappointing.

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I'm happy enough with JT as Billy.  I agree his scenes with Traci were good. I hope they'll bring her back more often.  Overall, I'm happy with the show. I'm not expecting the writers to be perfect. I think they could rehab Billy without making Victoria look like she went years without bothering to keep up with Reed's life or like she isn't thrilled to have him here now. It just rubs me the wrong way, but there are a lot more character issues that they are fixing. Sharon being the most critical, imo.

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As others have said it would be very easy to have the Newmans (especially Victoria) keep in touch with Reed (considering all the money & resources at their disposal) while still having Reed open up to Billy.


It's not as if Billy was some random guy in Reed's life (he was Reed's stepfather off/on for a number of years) & frankly this story would work much better if Y&R had emphasized the Newman family closeness but acknowledged Billy has a special place in an alienated Reed's life as his confidant instead of inventing lame reasons for Billy to randomly insert himself into Victoria's life.

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I don't think they're going to jump into a relationship but this is clearly a way to keep them in each other's orbit and Victoria reliant on Billy because he "gets" Reed. It's simply not what I was looking forward to.


Billy dismissing Victoria's concerns that her son wasn't responding to her text messages was just so...argh. Typical garbage soap writing. And Reed being rude and dismissive to his mom after all that praise I gave him the other day. It's just such teen television writing. 


And I don't understand why Victoria keeps talking to her son as though he is a houseguest. She keeps talking about "agreeing" to let him stay there like it's such a burden. Aren't we to assume that she saw him on a regular basis off-camera?  Why is she being so weird? I can understand how it would be an inconvenience but the dialogue is really strange here.


The problem with Lily is that they're writing her like she is Stephanie Forrester except she is not Devon's mother or Susan Flannery. She comes across like a single-minded bully. Your brother is in the ICU, check your priorities. 


If they want her to be this aggressive with Hillary they need to balance out her scenes with her discussing Devohn's condition and how that relates to her and her family.  For instance how would she feel about losing her brother when her family is already so small or her kids losing their uncle? It's lopsided lazy writing.

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Of course it's lopsided. Lily is under the bus for Hilary's redemption just as we predicted weeks ago. And you better believe it'll get worse. It'll be so bad that fans will start to root for Devon to forgive Hilary instead of dump her (for Mariah). 

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I feel like Heinle's Victoria talks to everyone who isn't her father or one of the Billys* like they're an inconvenience.


* - not David Tom though, because fück him, right, Amelia?


And fùck Lily too, btw

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Whether you like Lily or not, she's a legacy character that deserves better than to be the heavy for a character that the show allowed Pratt to ruin. 


Whether you like CK or not, she's earned her place on this show and deserves better material  and better than playing second to an actress with a small fraction of her years on the show. 


And this is the opinion of someone who prefers both MiM and Hilary but fair is fair and common sense is common sense. 

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Aside from the occasional bitchy barbs she shoots at Hilary, Lily is not interesting. She won't have a chance at being interesting until and unless they get rid of Cane, assuming a Lily recast is never going to happen.


And I'm not going to pretend she is interesting just because of who she should be or should've been ten years ago, I have to deal in the now. Right now, in 2017, Lily is not interesting and that didn't start with Hilary. That started years ago too.

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