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The Young and The Restless - Bombshell

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The problem is the story will be about those vets for maybe one or two weeks. Then it will be about Dylan all over again.

What could happen is this creates a wedge between Christine and Paul, and Nikki in her attempts to bond with Dylan gets closer to Paul again as well. But that's 3 characters over 40 and not Steve Burton.

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Called this back when they revealed Nikki was going to be given a son. I knew Paul would wound up being the father. And Paul wanting a child recently solidified this. While I'm glad that Paul is gaining another child, I do hope that this creates tension for Paul/Cricket & Victor/Nikki. It would be pointless if it doesn't. And after this revelation, they might as well kill Ian off as he's pointless now. The paternity reveal should've occurred once Ian was killed or sent off to jail.

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They totally and completely wasted the character of Ian Ward, he could've been raising total hell around Genoa City, he's supposeably a cult leader with lots of followers and his past with Paul and Nikki, and this new conflict with the Abbotts and Newmans, So much potential.

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They totally wasted this character. IMO, this was a story that could've easily written itself. All they had to do is fill in the blanks. They should've had Ian come to town and under an alias, build himself up as an renowned inspirational speaker, which is very relevant as lifestyle TV and better yourself is heavily promoted. Fen/Summer, like Nikki/Paul, should've fell under Ian's spell from his inspiring words and join the cult. There, Summer could've met Austin and fell in love with him.

Through Mariah, I would've had Ian use him smarmy ways to get Sharon. He could've learned about her secret about Phyllis, which he'd later use against Sharon when she tries to leave the cult. I possibly would've had either a grief-stricken Billy or Chloe to join the cult too. Chelsea too over Adam's death. With some many characters with demons in the past year, the writers could've easily implanted a few into Ian's cult.

Then have the Abbotts, Newmans, Baldwins, and Paul learn who Ian really is (after Avery and Dylan discover he's the old cult leader that raped Nikki) and have everyone gun for him. End the story in a "whodunnit" where it could've been numerous people, who would've wanted him dead. Basically the whole freaking town.

Had I been HW, I would've narrowed it down to about five people: Sharon (over her secret about Phyllis), Esther (for Ian targeting Chloe), Chloe (as she became too unraveled), Austin (as he tried to rape again--this time Summer), or Mariah (over Sharon and wanting to keep her secret safe).

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exactly, that would've been the better storyline and it encompasses the whole canvas, but instead we got this current dreck, by these 3 HWs who obviously don't know anything Y&R related, you and so many others on here make better HWs than the current ones on either this soap, Days and GH

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Are there many viewers, barring SBu fans, who want to see Dylan as the son of Paul and Nikki? I just fail to see how this is good for the show. All I see is another Newman connected character to be thrust to the forefront and hog airtime. I was over the focus on all things Newman 5 years ago.

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...and that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is an honest to goodness Umbrella Story!

I had originally imagined Fen and Summer getting involved with the cult, but you took it further than I had even imagined it, Nothin'ButAttitude.

And yeah, a definite missed opportunity- one in a long list of them.

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If it hasn't been stated yet, this whole baby thing is a rewrite. There was a relationship between Nikki and Paul years ago, but she was never pregnant. This was just a story to work the Dylan character into the fold.

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Thank you. It it only took me a good one minute to come up with the concept and five minutes to type it. I could've gone deeper but why. Hell, I'm not getting paid thousands of dollars like these morons are to perform a simple task, which is to give a story with a good dramatic structure (exposition, rising action, falling action, and denouement). And poor Ray Wise. Such a renowned actor in such a sh*tty story. Ian should've been a character that not only impacted Nikki but shook up all of Genoa City. He should've affected each and every character, and his death should be equally as impactful--so much that it affects the canvas for years to come. Instead, RW/Ian was implanted in a crap story with no real consequences, no affect for the characters. I feel like this could've been THAT story which set Y&R back on track and brought the show back to its psychological roots.

But with floppy ass Jean Passanantate at helm, what else should we expect. This is the same woman that has penned atrocious stories baby in a tree and the crappy Lumina saga on AW along with even crappier stories on ATWT (e.g. the Ameera saga, Gwen's doppelgänger, Craig becoming a bomber, the Z Twins, Sam Hutchins and his puppet, the Ciccone saga, etc). As long as she's at Y&R, we'll continue to get half-assed, plot driven drivel we're watching now.

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