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The Young and The Restless - Bombshell

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Actually in time line, when they said it was Ian's child people complained how the only person that Nikki could have slept with was Paul. So actually this switch makes sense to me as they were intimate on screen.

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Yeah but how did she sleep with Paul onscreen and have a baby? Was she pregnant onscreen? I didn't watch the reveal but based on what I know, it would seem like Dylan being born would only work if it happened before she joined the show
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Well, nobody so that one coming, right?

LMAO! The promo is just sooo bad. I hope the on-screen results are better. That said; I'm very happy that Paul has a new kid on this show even though the execution of this story was nothing but subpar.

Well, nobody so that one coming, right?

LMAO! The promo is just sooo bad. I hope the on-screen results are better. That said; I'm very happy that Paul has a new kid on this show even though the execution of this story was nothing but subpar.

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So much effort on trying to make a useless character like Dylan viable. What exactly will this reveal bring to the screen? Dylan will still be a boring and useless character, only he'll be tied to two veterans; both veterans deserve much better than having made such a boring creature.

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It's funny, people whine constantly about soaps not using their "vets" and here's a story that incorporates four vets (Nikki, Paul, Victor & Christine), touches on history (the cult) - yes, it's takes liberties - and people are complaining. While SB leaves a lot to be desired and I'm not certain of the actual executiion of the story, the fact that these four players are given a new twist to long-standing relationship is a good thing. The slowly building, but unexpected conflict between Nikki/Christine has been a nice surprise.

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Well, story execution means a whole heck of a lot, IMO. And it's been awful in this case.

This is only a 'bombshell' to the twits, er, characters involved in this storyline and the twits writing this story.

It might have made more sense to quit playing the audience for fools and stop pretending that no one could figure out what people not even watching the show regularly could figure out months ago. They should have had other characters figure it out one by one and perhaps keep Paul and Dylan in the dark until the final reveal, revealing details of Dylan's conception, piece by piece but the way TPTB have chosen to construct this story is sloppy, poorly executed and makes little sense.

I actually believe it does a disservice to its veteran actors who deserved a reasonably well thought out and planned storyline, rather then this fly-by-the-seat-of one's pants writing.

Why do today's soaps expect viewers to leave their brains and logic at the doorstep when it comes to soaps? And then they have the never to wonder why ratings go in the dumper.huh.png

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