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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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Ha! Love Dr. O! "34 minutes"!! One of the many things I love about Dr. O is that she always calls out incompetent employees!! Including her own daughter. Obrecht's scenes with her daughter were sweet. Kelly Thiebaud was actually pretty good today, and I've said many times that I just about always enjoy Kathleen Gati.

The last time I remember enjoying Kristen Alderson was when Starr punched crazy (yet very pointless) Hannah towards the end of OLTL's run on ABC. Kiki and Michael are unbearable.

Could William DeVry be any more smarmy? And he has the smirk on in every single one of his scenes. He's got Eric Martsolf and Josh Kelly beat.

No matter what character he plays, Michael Easton always has his hands in his pockets. And he plays all his scenes the same way. He can be good at snark and deadpan, but that's it. And he's always looked like an unattractive bum.

Liz looks BEAUtiful! Green is a great color on her.

"Connie's alive!" NOT funny. Lol... Connie really really really sucked. But I wouldn't mind if she was alive for two reasons: 1. Her hilariously bad accent. 2. If she kills Ava. (I'm sure Connie would NOT follow through on either of those things which means I'm so glad she's dead. Kelly Sullivan can't even keep an accent going and we're supposed to think Ava is so badass, ugh!)

I loathe Ava that much. And of course she says she's a good shot.

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Why was Kiki saying her mother could never kill anyone as she doesn't have it in her, when just last month she was accusing Ava of possibly killing Carly? WTF?!?

I really enjoyed the Obrecht and Britt scenes. It seemed quite unexpected as it seemed off of her to allow herself to show such vulnerability and in public.

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Attempting to get through Tuesday's episode. LMAO at Lucas being related to like everyone in Port Charles. He and Brad aren't terrible but Brad wonders why Lucas latches on like a pathetic sex-starved horndog? They're still stretching to form a bond between these two, when I feel like it's not going to go anywhere.

Ugh at them trying to give depth to Felix as he and Carly chat it up. Ugh. Next...

Finola looks fantastic. I'm also tired of the League of Port Charles Villains. Do they have some club they all gather at? I'd watch that. I love Anna pulling Ric's file.

Shrill Molly. Oh boy. Alexis is a mess. I like the new angle Ric has brought up for them but they're both just too hard to watch or listen to.

God Michael, shut up. I'd stay asleep if I were AJ too. That yelling. Leslie Charleson please stop the work. Please. I should have been moved by Monica's plea. Instead, I was just focused on her face. I'm sorry, but it's true.

Ugh, Olivia and Sonny too. I really hope Mo does leave. I'm so tired of Sonny's face everyday and how he mumbles and stumbles over his words.

TJ and Shawn are so refreshing.

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Yes, the criticism of 2014 plots are starting to mount. Only kiss-ass Michael Logan is still cumming at Ron's feet on all story points. But the ratings are not significantly improving this year and the stunt casting won't bring the show up much more. Yes, I want to see Donna Mills but it's for 12 episodes and of course she will be a evil or murderous. They need to weed through the actors and stories and do some major housecleaning.

My list includes: Molly, TJ, Rafe, Shawn, Brad, AJ (character needs to be retired), Luke (give him a Stephanie Forrester death scene and let's move on).

They should focus on Morgan/Ava, Britt/Nick, Liz/Rick, Felix/Lucas, Patrick and a sex therapist to learn how to choose the right woman or man! Wouldn't it be hot if Patrick turns to designer drugs and goes dancing and seduces Lucas. Hot!!

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