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DAYS promo: Jordan/Rafe, Eric/Nicole, and a return

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Nicole is such a self-centered, dumb, self-destructive biotch. That's pretty much why I can't stan her in the same way I do Sami - Sami isn't a complete, self-centered moron in the same way Nicole is. I mean screw over (in probably the worst way, all things considered) the guy you love in order to hold on to him? Good luck w/ that. sleep.png

aside: I hope Sami gets it on w/ Jordan's bro (Justin Gaston). From what I've seen he's a terrible actor (worse than Guy Wilson), but he's cute. And I want her to have first crack @ dat ass... ph34r.png

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If it brings Mads Mikkelsen onto Days, I am all for it. The thought of that fine Dane licking his chops at Marlena makes me feel strangely flushed.

Way to go, Days, sticking your most boring couple, Jorf, in a promo. *slow clap* And then there's the fart whisperer. Who was so badly shown up in the acting stakes last time he appeared on the show.

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