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GH: February 2014 Discussion

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I usually take critisism from message board with a huge GOS myself becuz each viewer has their own likes and dislikes but todays show was some of the worst crap i have seen strapped together.

And i should give up watching a show writte. By scott sickles. One of the worst dialogue writer the show has along with suzann flynn.

Someone explain how come they still have jobs?

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Forgot to say that I also like Kathleen Gati and even Kelly Sullivan. But their OTT bad acting is the ONLY reason I like Sullivan. And pretty much the main reason I like Gati's Dr. Obrecht.

If Heather was played by an actress like Gati or even Sullivan, she might actually be entertaining. The crap yesterday with Franco, Heather, and Carly was just painful. Mattson is a good actress but she can't do OTT camp (or make it UCG) and her scenes with Franco are just excruciating. Yesterday was the worst. Not only does Howarth ham it up, he can't even manage to do that right. It just sucks the life out of the scenes and the story. LW/Carly deserved better than that [!@#$%^&*] yesterday!

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I agree that LW did her best but that didnt stand too much againdt creepyFranco and dumbass heather and their crime against acting.

And to think that some weirdos on fb are claiming thatt this is the best the show has ever been.. makes me wanna vomit.

At this point i am only hanging on for Brad and Lucas and for the upcoming arrival of the greatest bitch in primetime. I also enjoy AMor very much but i know they wont last the entire year.

Even Britta who i adored has started to bore me. This is getting soooo bad.

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RC tweeted that they actually caught the mistake mid-taping and fixed it, and retaped some scenes. The wrong scenes were still edited in by mistake though. If you look at the opening scene, the spelling is actually correct. The mistake shows up after the fifteen minute mark.

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See, for me, Robin was fantastic (LW as well) in about the last 5 minutes of the show. Heather had a complete break from reality. Robin pulled it off very well, but we do have a problem here. Not once during this entire sh!t story did Heather vacillate between hurting her boy and wanting him to pay, so Heather's final scenes didn't match the kidnapping from hell. I know at this point, we should not expect anything to make sense, but we do.

And here you have another example of dragging crap out until no one really cares only to drive thru the finale. Weeks and weeks of non stop bullsh!t and then bam, the police show up and we're done :( This should have been a race against time where the police hit one challenge after the other until they find Carly. There should have been a group effort [including FrankenTodd] to find Carly and dig her out of the rubble, like Sonny, Morgan, Michael, Shawn, Lucas, Nik (his house) and especially AJ, but no, we have to use this opportunity to sell the audience on FrankenTodd yet again.

The ending to this kidnapping should have been heart pounding, but instead, the audience got another dose of just how overrated Howarth is. He had moments where, if Roger didn't raise his voice, the scenes wouldn't have been laughable. Roger needs to keep his voice at a certain decibel because getting excited makes him look foolish. Before being shot, when FrankenTodd asked Heather to move out of the way, I saw a man who'd had enough but would rather do this without violence. I had no problem with that. I had no problem with the Francly moments, and I absolutely loved the "I'm going to put you down and then pick you up". Swoon city for me. But then Roger had to do what seems to be the impossible, deliver meaty material. Fail!!!!! Matters not that it was BS coming from FrankenTodd's mouth, Roger should be able to play it and he couldn't. Roger can do dark low key material, but when its time to truly act, run for [!@#$%^&*] cover. His scenes were truly embarrassing :(

This is the first time I've been truly disappointed in Finola. Woodpile West is rubbing off on her because when Anna got to the catacombs, she appeared to be reading cue cards, it just seemed like Fin would rather be anywhere but there. I guess this crap takes its toll. It would be great to see more scenes with Ana and Alexis sparring, however.

Drunk AJ and Ava??? I don't care because its clear this has been rewritten in favor of retaining a pet. AJ is such a colossal disappointment :(

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Why does Howarth insist on using his upper register when conveying emotion. It kills any emotional investment I can ever have in his scenes. Honestly I'm jealous of the man at this point. He makes more money than I could ever dream of, to not even try. Yes, he may memorize a ton of dialogue but that is nowhere near where an actor's job ends. He has figured out that he can do whatever the hell he wants and get paid for it and praised, and honestly I can't even hate him for it. It's not like he's tanking awesome writing...

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