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GH: February 2014 Discussion

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I think Michael is torn and he's taking it out on Kaka, the person who helped the man he wants to be mad at. Of course Michael is grateful that his mother is alive and he's thankful to FrankenTodd, but he doesn't want to be thankful to the man who (depending on if you go by the original story or the retcon) orchestrated his rape. This is a tough emotional place to be. Michael's feelings are mixed as they should be, and I'm super happy Chad may get to play this out as opposed to immediately having Michael jump on the bandwagon. This is a good idea, but of course, moRon will screw it up.

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I enjoyed the Julian and Lucas scene. I hope they manage to forge a relationship. Lucas however needs to have a seat when it comes to Brad. Does he not get the concept behind a one night stand? I was ready to be mad at Brad for leading Felix on, but was proud of him when he shut Lucas down. Lucas should just accept it and move on bc its really not worth the hassle

KaKa annoyed me in her scene with Julian. Oh shut up


Why does it look as if she stiched a garbage together into the form of a jacket?

I really dont think its as deep or complexed as you are making it to be. Regardless of Franco saving Carly, KoKo LIED to Michael. She chose to not trust him when he needed her the most. She played with his mother's life with her secrets. Franco's history with Michael doesn't really matter bc those are enough reasons for him to be mad at her. That history just makes it worse. She had info that could have been used to help find Carly earlier and she chose to withhold it from Michael. He has every reason to be mad at her for her deception

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If it's not that complicated, then you have a fail already! Michael should be a bit annoyed with Kaka, but the bigger picture is that her actions led to his mother's rescue. Why in the sam hell would he be mad? Was she supposed to tell him the truth? Michael was out of his mind with worry that FrankenTodd harmed his mother, add to that the history, and this young man has absolutely no reason to listen to a word Kaka was saying. Kaka did the right thing by following her instincts. She can do that because she doesn't share his history with FrankenTodd.

Now, if Michael is aware of FrankenTodd's confession to Kaka, which I don't believe he is, I would absolutely agree with you. So the only thing Michael is operating off of is that his girlfriend lied to him to help FrankenTodd, which is absurd!

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what confession?

Bottom line is Kiki gambled with his mother's life for Franco. It paid off but still she was willing to take that chance when Carly could have died bc of her lies. She didn't trust Michael with the truth and she should have. Taking Michael out of the equation, she didn't even go to the cops with all the info she had

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The truth would have fueled Michael even more. FrankenTodd killed his mother. Give this information to the police, they check out Miscavige and Heather's gone. Well, shouldn't she be gone? How does this help anyone? Who would believe FrankenTodd that he buried his mother alive but she got up and walked away? Not one person would believe that and FrankenTodd would have been in even more trouble.

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you didn't answer my question about what confession you were talking about

Had the police known about the Heather connection, they'd have checked Ferncliff first of all and found Luke there instead. He would have corroborated the story that Heather was the kidnapper. They'd also check the "grave' and seen she wasn't there. That note also would have been found. That's vital information that they could have used weeks ago. It probably would have been apparent that she was framing Franco and hence they were looking in the wrong direction.

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Oh, sorry. FrankenTodd's confession about killing Heather.

Ok, I can't argue with that. However, this goes back to my original point. Michael does not know this, so he has no reason to be anything but a bit annoyed with Kaka. moRon has a chance to take this deeper and explore Michael's mixed feelings instead of having this bullsh!t fight with Kaka.

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