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From SID: A GH Hookup

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I do remember Brad trying to blackmail Michael into sex. My problem with Michael is that he agreed to dupe Brad because Felix asked him to. That bothered me more than anything. Michael already had the goods on Brad, so Brad had no leverage. There was nothing in it for a victim of sexual assault to pretend to be prey for a slimeball.

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eh, he's an acquired taste for sure... but judging him as hook-up material... I don't get it. Seems forced.

even guys that sleep around have standards, tho. I mean I know Port Charles is pretty slim on gay guys... but can't they hire day-players like DAYS does to make it seem like the gay scene is bustling @ GH? lol


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We're not supposed to remember Brad's more repulsive behavior. We're also supposed to accept that Brad and Felix are suddenly dating and in a relationship. I don't remember when that happened, but okay, if you say so, GH. From the folks who brought you the riveting, continuous Britt/Nikolas/Liz and Taylor/T.J./Molly/Rafe romantic storylines.

I have liked Parry Shen going well back to before GH and prefer Brad to Felix at this point, but Brad is still barely a character at all. He's all the actor's best efforts and maybe a day or two of forced pathos. I doubt Lucas will be "lusting after" either of them - I think he'll just hook up with an available guy, or one he perceives as available, and that's fine. But the long story is going to Lucas and Felix or some [!@#$%^&*], and I resent that a viable young character with a long history is going to be stuck with just these two glorified dayplayers who the show has never truly invested in to make them rise above the level of barely tolerable, recovering caricatures - and Felix isn't even that at the moment. Kish these folks are not.

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I would have rather we seen a Dante/Lucas hookup where we find out Dante is bisexual, Lucas doesn't realize who he is and then when Lulu finds out all kinds of Spencer drama breaks out.

I could give a !@#$%^&*] about Brad and Felix and I certainly don't want to see Lucas be a third wheel to their non-romance.

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HA! This is shaping up to be better than I thought. As long as Lucas is seen as the interloper then I'm good. On another interesting note, I've read spoilers/rumors that Lucas WILL be joining the "family business." Don't know how true that is but it opens up lots of possibilities for Mr. Lucas. I can see Lucas getting involved in Julian's world as a form of rebellion, now that he knows Bobbie has been keeping information from him about Julian being alive.

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Parry shen is an amazing actor and brad has his flaws but at least hes no squeaky clean as wilson 1.0 were. I found the gay story on DAYS extremely bad and i stopped watching becuz i didnt have the impression i was watching two characters who happent to be gay slowly moving towards getting together but two gay guys who had to come across as perfect so not to ruffle any feather.

I am looking forward to the brad/lucas pairing. I was afraid the set up was for a dulll Lullix crapfest with brad being left out.

And michaels mother is boinking the guy who orchestrated her sons rape behind barres. Brad blackmailed michael into a date and didnt even try very hard to get in his pants when they got together. He was actually better behaved than felix who forced michaels hand to go on a date to save poor wittle dumb and useless sabrina.

Felix is still an horrible human being after over a year on canvas. Brad has had his dumb moment and started off pervy like hell but to me he developped in a much more multi dimensional character.

I am a huge parry shen/brad fan so i am admittedly biased

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Simple, brad is the gay equivalent of what britta was like when she was painted as a cartoon baddie to make dullina seem like a better choice.

Brad was meant to be a propper to rc's horrible character.

But parry shen being a more skilled and accomplished actor than the dude playing fay-lix so he managed to show layers within his minimal airtime while marc samuel is still just over exagerating and going hey gawlfriend.

Felix has no depth and rc would rather have a random character make him look better than to re work his initial concept.

So brad is the bad guy so felix can hold on to his halo.

Sheesh where have.i seen before?

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