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From SID: A GH Hookup

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Carl, why do you continue to say this? No one knows better than Michael what he went thru, yet he decided to go thru with a charade because Felix asked him to? Brad didn't know Michael was raped and was being duped. Once he got wind of what was going on, Brad turned the tables and was going to have Michael put up since that is why Michael pretended he was there. What responsibility does Michael have in the whole fiasco? Why is Brad taking the blame for something Michael, a sexual assault victim, agreed to do? You have my confused because I've seen this from you a few times.

If anyone was a lowlife, it was Felix for asking someone to pretend to be gay to get information that was none of his business and Michael for agreeing to the whole thing.

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I think Brad would be an ok choice, but to be perfectly honest, FrankenRon has done such a poor job with Felix and Brad that you can't imagine any man coming into that mess You think Lucas is going to be written better?

Why? What do you know about FrankenRon's Lucas to make such a statement? Have we not paid attention to what these 2 hacks have done with each and every character on this show?

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Nope that is my fear. After yesterdays show and how Brad stood up to Felix Id welcome a triangle that had Brad Lucas and new Guy to be named later

Felix can go with Sabrina and Carlos & help raise the baby in PR

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pretty much this. I mean I'm all for some good old ratchet mess, but GH is really shooting themselves in the foot with this ridiculously unrealistic, lazy effort. I mean Lucas is so far out of Felix and Brad's leagues it's just not believable, especially for a hook-up. LOL

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I get the hookup cause everyone gets horny and sometimes that just takes over. As a relationship, I dunno. I mean Brad earned major points with me Wednesday but I dont see them as viable long term maybe I will be proven wrong but then again RC is the writer so probably not

If we get a 4th guy Ill be happy but stil worried given its RC.

Which surprises me how can U write Kish on OLTL and now this crap on GH?

I cant believe Days Of Our Lives one of the most conserative soaps iMO would have a progressive gay story and being doing it right. JMO

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i don't see why he would care? These are guys, not women - guys don't really hold hook-ups against each other, especially when the hook-up is as hot as Lucas. He should congratulate him, tbh. LOL

this is so sad, tho. GH could really do some INTERESTING storytelling with a character as connected (with other characters on the canvas) as Lucas, and him being gay shouldn't be something that defines him, but just another thing to him. I mean they could have him be, pretty much, a younger Luke... but GH won't bother.

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honestly? You believe a guy as good-looking as Lucas, who could probably get any guy at any gay bar with only a look... would be so desperate to get off he would be interested in Brad, at all? He better be drunk out of his mind, tbh. laugh.png

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I get where your coming from but I can see it just being sex. But a relationship, I cant see that with brad & Lucas

Maybe Lucas sleeps around & that is why Bobbie is worried. She wants him to find love and all Lucas wants to do is play

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