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Y&R: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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Esmeralda showed up last month. There was no sharing of pills for months. We've only seen Summer takes those pills once or twice. Nor has Summer been taking pills for months. And its her job to make sure they aren't taken advantage of by photographers or anyone else at the shoots. Not strip search them for drugs at the beginning of shoots.

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I have to go here, but has anyone dared to "nicely" ask EB on twitter if he really likes playing the foul mouthed grumpy old man "I have to always be right and degrad others" one- note villain Victor vs The Victor that Bill Bell actually created......I mean someone once tweeted him that they long for the day that they restore the Victor and Sharon relationship to Victor being a father-figure/ mentor to Sharon and he actually replied "I agree with you my friend" or something like that, but he agreed and that's the point.....

I have to wonder if the writers are just afraid to deal with Braeden's tantrums or they are just afraid that whatever he considers to be "crappy writing" (which would probably be wonderful stories about Victor losing) will cause him to quit and never come back......would it really be so terrible for the show to lose Victor at this point? It would be so much nicer to sit through a Y&R where you watch villains come on and actually pay for their mistakes unlike Victor......

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It ain't that serious, IMO she sucks at the job she admitted she was suppose to be doin

Good gawk, u would've thought I stated she killed someone that 4 posters need to defend a fictional character , it's my opinion and it won't change!

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Sharon's lie has nothing to do with this job. And just because she said she was responsible does not make it so. Soap characters engage in all kinds if self flagellation. But that doesn't make it so.

What's the difference between Sharon failing at her job and Sharon being responsible. These things go hand in hand. If one is true then so is the other.

No one is making excuses for time frames. Just pointing out that your statement of "months" is inaccurate.

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Do that.........

Victor will always be JR to Jacks Cliff.

davery is mad boring, JC doesn't have the sexual chemistry with SB or JM like she did with the Loving men IMO!

Do that.........?..please!

Victor will always be JR to Jacks Cliff.

davery is mad boring, JC doesn't have the sexual chemistry with SB or JM like she did with the Loving men IMO!

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Looks like they are filming some event that involves the entire cast. I am guessing it is either Delia's Foundation Fundraiser or Neil and Leslie's wedding. They started filming last Friday and seems like it will continue all this week.

I have to say that I am glad they are doing more umbrella events. We need more times where everyone is together and I think it is especially needed now with such drastic changing in the cast. Show them as a true ensemble once in awhile. I look forward to these scenes.

Spoiler tagging just in case...

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